Infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) - is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. This infection can be long "nap" in the human body, does not prove itself. Over time, with a decrease in immunity, it can manifest itself in the form of warts on the skin, as well as genital warts on the genitals and in the mouth.
What are warts
Genital warts are outgrowths of not more than 6 mm, in which the top extends beyond the base. Warts grow very quickly, sometimes for their growth is just a few hours. Warts can grow on mucous membranes in the anus, genitals, in the mouth, pharynx.
Currently, there are more than a hundred types of HPV, genital warts caused by HPV types 6 and 11. Infection with HPV is most often through sexual contact, but can not be excluded and the way home, through personal care items - so often infected children. It is believed that more than half the adult population of all countries are carriers of HPV.
The peculiarity of this virus is that it penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and can be there for a long time, does not prove itself. But with decreasing immunity
Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
the virus begins to multiply and cause disease.
How to treat genital warts
How to get rid of HPV has not yet figured out today he will forever remain in the human body. Therefore, treatment of genital warts can be only symptomatic, that is not directed at the virus itself, but only to address the symptoms of HPV infection.
Today it is considered that the warts should be treated comprehensively. For this purpose they are first removed by means of different methods, using surgical techniques and special preparations for the destruction of cell tissue infected with HPV. To this end, methods are also used for photodynamic therapy
Photodynamic therapy - expensive but effective treatment
- Activation of the photosensitizing agent under the action of light rays, resulting in formation of reactive oxygen species, tissue degrading infected with HPV and activates the immune system. Apply anti-viral agents, and (after a preliminary examination) adjuvants - drugs, fortifying the individual links of immunity.
Methods for removing genital warts
Remove genital warts can be a scalpel excised tissue damage cryodestruction, electrocautery, laser surgery and with the help of radio wave exposure.
Surgical excision with a scalpel is rarely used today because of its trauma. Traumatic and painful as electrocoagulation - impact on genital warts shock. Both methods leave scars.
Removing genital warts laser surgery is quite painful (local anesthesia is needed) and often leaves scars. This suspension of virus into the air and on the medical staff.
Cryosurgery with liquid nitrogen - is the effect on the tissues affected by HPV low temperature. This is one of the most common methods of removing genital warts
Removing genital warts - method is to choose a doctor
It does not require anesthesia, is well tolerated and rarely leaves scars.
Prospects and removal of warts using radionozha (apparatus "Surgitron") - method requires anesthesia but does not leave scars.
Remove genital warts and can be non-surgical methods. For example, using podophyllin - a preparation containing podophyllotoxin, which is an extract from the plant of the same name. Podophyllotoxin is dying (necrosis) tissues infected with HPV when applied on warts 2 times a day for three days. After treatment do week break and again a course of treatment, and so on until the complete disappearance of warts, but not more than one and a half months in a row. Pregnant women podophyllin is contraindicated.
You can remove genital warts TCA, but it causes a chemical burn and tissue necrosis, leaving sores and scars.
Sometimes genital warts cut away antiviral drug interferon, but the effectiveness of such treatment is low.
5% imiquimod cream is effective for small warts, it is applied to the warts three times a week at night and in the morning wash off with soap and water. Treatment long, sometimes lasts up to four months.
Photodynamic therapy - effects on warts reactive oxygen species, which are released under the influence of light, not too effective.
The choice of method is to remove the warts do a doctor, who will appoint as a comprehensive treatment. Such effects may for a certain period of time to stop the spread of genital warts. Self-treatment of genital warts
Treatment of genital warts
It does not lead to good results, since they are distributed more.
Galina Romanenko