What a child should be able to 2 months - the first stages of development

November 12, 2014

 that the child should be able to in 2 months
 The first two difficult months of a child's life have passed, the parents, to the extent possible, accustomed to the routine of a new member of the family, and have already begun to notice the personality traits of kid: what they like, dislike, because of what he begins to cry, how long calms, and etc. What a child should be able to in 2 months?

By the time the child is two months, your efforts to care for them can be rewarded with the first toothless smile, you certainly will never forget. However, it could happen later in the third month of life - in most cases that the child has not begun to smile in two months, is not a cause for concern.



By the end of the second month of life, the child can clearly see, on average, 45 cm forward (infants see only about twenty centimeters), and get to know the people he sees most often, as well as beginning to show interest in the relatively distant objects. Moreover, if before his attention is best kept simple, one- and two-color items, he now pays attention to objects, more complex shapes and colors. It can also keep an eye out for moving subjects, if they are bright and are close enough to him.

Give your child the opportunity to examine and touch all sorts of things: now entering the most important phase of his study of the world.



In total, the two-month babies sleep between fifteen and sixteen hours a day. If your child is two months at least sometimes I sleep the whole night, you - one of the few lucky women. Most children at this age are still wake up several times at night to eat. This is especially true of children who are breastfed - they wake up, on average, once every three hours. But gradually the periods of wakefulness and sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   extended, and soon you will probably work out at least occasionally sleep more than three or four hours.

In two months you can begin to teach a child to fall asleep on their own, not in the hands of the parent.

To do this, put him to bed as soon as he became sleepy, and not when he fell into a deep sleep. At first it might displease the child, but he gradually gets used to sleep in his bed.

Do not forget that the child should be put to sleep on his back - it reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - the cause has not yet been found  Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - the cause has not yet been found


Motor skills

The two-month baby is much better than before, keep your head when lying on his stomach, or if one of the adults supports his back. It can actively waving his arms and legs, to study their own hands, trying to snap your fingers parents. As before, the baby lacks everything that falls into his hands, but it is only a manifestation of grasping reflex - until the age of 3-5 months, the child will begin to miss the subjects at random.

At this age, already costs as much as possible to put the child on the stomach, resting next to him a few toys, and give him the opportunity to move freely. Coordination of movements of the child is not yet developed enough that he could really play with toys, but he was trying to reach out to all the bright objects that notice.



The two months are usually the parents already know where the child is in any other way says, "Yes, I like it", "I'm tired," "I'm hungry", and so on. Usually, children of this age are signs of interest straight look in the face of the parents (or for which the child is studying), slow, flowing movements with his hands and feet, a smile, trying to reach out to the parents hands. If a child, for whatever reason, feels uncomfortable, he turns away and / or looks away, cries, arches his back or pushes away toys or other items that it shows, his breathing quickens, he yawns and frowns. Besides, he already knows how to react in a certain way on the behavior of adults - respond to a smile a smile, and begin to act up if parents have a bad mood, or they are doing something that he does not like.

Two-month children actively listen when talking to them, and watch the movements of the lips adult.

They also begin to pronounce some sounds, most often - the vowels. This stage of pre-speech development in children called Gulen; it continues until 5-7 months after that stage begins babbling. When a child says so, pay attention to where he was looking - perhaps it tells you about some object or person. When adults simulate sounds spoken by the child, it is usually enthusiastically they correspond.



Child two months of close people recognized the voice and other sounds that are heard often enough. He also turns to loud noises, and shows due to unexpected new sounds curiosity or fear.


Thumb sucking

Children around the age of two months may be arbitrarily sucking her thumb when for any reason under stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   - So they soothe themselves, at least for a while. Instead own fingers child can use for this purpose a pacifier, fingers parents Area blankets, and so on.

Article Tags:
  • child development

Birthmarks: what do they say?

October 26, 2013

  • Birthmarks: what do they say?
  • Danger

 People no moles probably do not exist: birthmarks of various sizes adorn the body of almost all adults of the human race. Drinking birthmarks usually ambiguous: someone finds them charming, one - ugly. Some see signs of the fate of moles, while others relate to the nevus with caution, fearing their rebirth.


Where are the moles

Birthmarks or as they are called scientists nevi are benign skin lesions. Moles formed from skin cells, which structure contains an increased amount of pigments. The cells that make up moles are called nevotsity. They contain large amounts of melanin pigment. Nevotsity - a pathologically altered melanocytes - that is, cells that normally synthesize melanin and give skin a certain color.

Melanin is "responsible" not only for the skin tone. This pigment increases the body's ability to handle stress; It is a powerful antioxidant Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits  Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits
   and protect cells from damage by toxic substances; It affects the emotional background; regulates the sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   and wakefulness. It is known that at least the albino resistant to various diseases because of the lack of melanin in their bodies.

Newborn birthmarks usually does not happen. However, many researchers attribute nevi birth defects of the skin. According to scientists, a mole on the bodies of young children is still just too small to be noticed. With age, the nevi are visible to the naked eye. Over time, their number varies: most moles in adolescents, and to eighty years, many nevi disappear. This is due to hormonal fluctuations throughout life.

Mechanisms of appearance of birthmarks are not known until the end. Researchers believe that a major role in the appearance of birth defects play heredity, hormonal changes during pregnancy, exposure to toxins, and the body of a pregnant various negative factors. As a result of these actions instead of melanocytes in certain areas of the skin accumulate nevotsity. From melanocytes nevotsity distinguished by two characteristics. Firstly, they have processes in which pigments can spread to other cells of the skin. Secondly, nevotsity worse subject regulatory systems of the organism, although not completely lost this ability, such as cancer cells.


The variety of nevi

Nevi can occur not only on the skin, and mucous membranes. These moles are usually found by chance. Contrary to popular belief, black people have birthmarks occur as often as in fair-skinned, but they are practically invisible.

Birthmarks come in different sizes: small diameter of one and a half centimeters; medium - up to ten centimeters. Large nevi are larger than ten centimeters, and birthmarks, occupying more than half of any part of the body, called the giant.

Nevi a great variety of shapes, colors and sizes. Surprisingly, sometimes referred to as nevi, even benign, do not contain melanin pigment, such as hemangioma - vascular nevi. This formation of red found in newborns and is usually held in the first year of life. Just to carry anemic nevus nevus - with underdeveloped areas of the skin blood vessels.

For true nevi are the following varieties:

  • Intradermal nevi. These birthmarks are common particularly well, they are characterized by melanocytes located in the thickness of the middle layer of the skin - the dermis;
  • Border nevus. Cells with pigment positioned between the epidermis and dermis. These nevi usually dark in color, with a dry and smooth surface, which never grow hair;
  • Pigment nevus complex rises above the surface of the skin and has a smooth surface. Often a mole grows coarse hair;
  • Intradermal nevi also raised above the surrounding skin, but its surface is uneven. Over time, such a mole becomes thin legs, and then can turn into papillomatoznyh (warty) nevi. These nevi are almost always placed on the head and neck;
  • Basal nevus - a light birthmark, the color of which is virtually identical to the color of the skin;
  • Blue nevus. Such a small mole with a characteristic bluish tint popping the representatives of Asian nations. The surface of the blue nevus is smooth, her hair will never grow;
  • Nevus of Ota and nevus Ita. Such moles have the form of "dirty" stain blue-black. Nevus of Ota are located on the face, and nevi Ita - in the neck and upper torso. Nevus of Ota are melanomoopasnym;
  • Papillomatoznyh (warty) nevi. Such moles have uneven warty surface are often covered with hair. As a rule, they are placed on the head or around the neck from behind. Often these nevi grow large;
  • Nevus of Becker's most often occurs in young boys. Doctors attribute the appearance of this pathology with the release into the blood of a large number of male hormones. First on the body it appears a few brown spots, which may merge into one mole to twenty centimeters in diameter. Later, nevus becomes warty surface and covered with hair;
  • Nevus eyes may be disposed on the iris in the form of a highly visible spot or on the retina. In the latter case nevus is found only during ophthalmological examination;
  • Linear nevus. Congenital neoplasm is a chain of knots, which sometimes grow hair;
  • Sutton nevus (halo nevus). Around nevus located land, devoid of pigment. The origin of these nevi is not known. Sometimes they disappear on their own, and sometimes - degenerate into melanoma;
  • Dysplastic nevi usually looks like unevenly colored spot with some towering above the skin elements. The size of the nevus is usually greater than one and a half centimeters in diameter. For dysplastic nevus characterized by asymmetry and fuzzy edges. This applies to education melanomoopasnym and often degenerates into cancer.


Moles aesthetically

Small flat moles up to five millimeters in diameter, usually does not cause trouble to their owners. Many believe such nevi even attractive: no coincidence that many of the women decorate their faces with artificial moles - flies.

Convex moles and birthmarks covered with hair, looks far less cute. The same can be said of the large, and especially the giant birthmarks Birthmarks and hemangiomas - the face aggressive treatment?  Birthmarks and hemangiomas - the face aggressive treatment?
   on the face or body. Some resign themselves to such decorations, while others go to the doctor to get rid of unsightly moles. In most cases, it is quite possible, but remember that you can only remove moles at the graduate and only after consultation with the oncologist, dermatologist.
