Breastfeeding - a personal choice

November 18, 2013

 Breastfeeding is a very personal moment for women. For some, the solution seems obvious, but someone a long time weighing all the pros and cons, as well as listening to the opinions of friends and relatives. Currently, doctors strongly recommend to prefer breastfeeding to all who have no contraindications to it. However, you and your baby are unique and the decision in any case, to take you.


The benefits of breastfeeding for the child

Breast milk is the ideal food for a baby - so the way nature intended, and so has developed over many thousands of years of evolution. It contains vitamins, proteins and fats - all you need to newborn What should be the newborn for the first time - for the hospital and for home  What should be the newborn for the first time - for the hospital and for home
   for growth. All this is part of the product which is much easier to digest than any infant formula Dairy mixture - selection of useful power  Dairy mixture - selection of useful power
 . The composition of breast milk also includes antibodies that help the child to deal with viruses and bacteria. Through breastfeeding decreases the likelihood of developing a child's asthma and allergies. Children who are fed up to six months are exclusively breastfed, less likely to suffer from respiratory and ear infections, and diarrhea. In addition, they rarely require hospitalization, and generally they are smaller than the others attending physicians.

Breastfeeding is also associated with a higher IQ in children of preschool age and schoolchildren. A physical and eye contact during breastfeeding help to create a child a sense of security, comfort and confidence, which are especially important in the early stages of life.

Children who are breastfed are less common problem with excess weight than those who were given infant formula. Some experts believe that breastfeeding plays an important role in the prevention of sudden infant death syndrome. Finally, it is suggested that breast-feeding reduces the likelihood of diabetes, obesity, and certain types of cancer in the future, although to confirm these assumptions, further investigations are needed.


It is useful to whether breastfeeding for the mother?

Breastfeeding helps to burn calories, so she quickly gets rid of kilograms accumulated during the period of gestation of the child. During feeding produces the hormone oxytocin, which helps the uterus go back to the size that was before her pregnancy, as well as reduces the likelihood of uterine bleeding Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach  Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach
   after childbirth. It is believed that breast-feeding reduces the risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer, as well as osteoporosis Osteoporosis - he threatens you?  Osteoporosis - he threatens you?

As a breastfeeding woman does not have to buy infant formula, bottles and teats, as well as to warm up the mixture before feeding, breast milk helps to save time and money, which is usually after the birth is not enough.

Because of a woman breastfeeding establishes a close bond with the child, which is important for psychological well-being of both.


Breastfeeding - the beginning

In the first days after delivery the breast produce colostrum - a thick yellowish liquid that perfectly meets the needs of a man who had just been born. Colostrum helps the child to develop the digestive tract, and prepares it to breast milk.

Most newborns lose a little weight during the first three to five days after birth. It is not related to breastfeeding, including a shortage of milk, and they fear many young mothers. Within a week after the birth weight of the baby begins to grow rapidly. Between the output of breast milk and the child's needs there but other feedback: the more he needs milk, the more milk glands start working. Experts recommend that in the first six months of life to feed him only breast milk. If you add in the diet infant formula, milk production begins to decline. However, even if you are breast-feeding less than the recommended six months, it's better than not feed him breast milk at all.


Basic Rules

  • Be attentive to the needs of the child. You will quickly remember exactly how the child you will know that he is hungry. Feeding should be on demand. In the first few weeks of life, infants are fed their mother from eight to twelve times per day. Usually hungry babies perform hand movements toward his mouth, sucking emit sounds or just move your mouth. Try not to wait until the child is crying - it is a signal that he was too hungry.
  • Be patient. Feed your baby as long as he wants to. Do not try to rush it - it does not help. Typically, each feeding a newborn takes ten to twenty minutes.
  • Make yourself comfortable. When you are comfortable, easier to move on milk ducts. Therefore, take the most comfortable position, if necessary obkladyvayut pillows, and then begin feeding. Try to treat this as a respite in busy everyday life mother of a young child.


Who should not breastfeed

In these cases, a woman can not breastfeed:

  • She is infected with HIV;
  • She has an active form of tuberculosis;
  • She is undergoing chemotherapy;
  • It takes illegal drugs, such as cocaine or marijuana;
  • The child has a rare disease - galactosemia, in which his body can not process contained in the breast milk of galactose;
  • Woman taking certain medications, such as drugs for migraine, arthritis or Parkinson's disease.

Article Tags:
  • lactation

Fish Oil for children - will grow up healthy

January 22, 2012

 fish oil for children
 Fish oil is good for children of all ages. It promotes calcium absorption in the gastrointestinal tract (the strengthening of bones and teeth), normalizes the calcium-phosphorus metabolism (prevention of rickets), improves metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   brain and enhances immunity.

 Fish Oil for children - will grow up healthy

As fish oil affects the child's body

Today, children produced specially refined fish oil that contains no toxic impurities (it is known that the ocean is in our time very dirty). Produces the fish oil is not out of the liver, as has been done before (in the liver collects all the toxic substances), and cold-pressed fish muscle, so it does not contain toxic substances.

The fish oil contains large amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, which are actively involved in metabolism. In particular, omega-3 dilates blood vessels, promote the improvement of cerebral blood flow and metabolic processes in its tissues. This leads to improved cognitive development, concentration, ability to understand and assimilate information, the development of fine motor skills of hands and so on. Too active children are more perseverance.

Effect of Omega-3 fatty acids reduces inflammation, allergic reactions and strengthen immunity Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
 . Fish oil has on children obscheozdoravlivayuschee impact, increases resistance to viral and bacterial infections, strengthens the view.

In addition to the composition of its omega-3 with vitamins A, E and D. Vitamin A promotes the growth of the child, the proper development of the body, cleanses the skin. Vitamin E - is primarily an antioxidant, which means it destroys toxic free radicals that are produced by redox reactions, such as metabolism, inflammatory and allergic processes, and so on. It reduces the risk of cancer. Especially useful vitamin E in adolescence, when there is a formation of sexual function. Lack of vitamin E at this age can lead girls to menstrual disorders and infertility.

Vitamin D regulates calcium and phosphorus, contributes to the normal intestinal absorption of calcium and is responsible for mineralization of bones and teeth. With a lack of this vitamin is broken bone growth, bones become soft - developing rickets.

Fish oil for children in general, strengthens the nervous system of the child improves his ability to assimilate new information and learning, memory, concentration, reduces the hyperactivity of the child. We frequently and chronically ill children, it boosts immunity and has a bracing effect. It increases the absorption of calcium, which contributes to normal growth and skeletal development, strengthening teeth and bones.

 Fish Oil for children - will grow up healthy

Who can take fish oil, and contraindications for its reception

Fish oil can be given to children of any age. However, children under one year of his pediatrician may prescribe only - it is connected with the peculiarities of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in infants and normally closed fontanelle on the head. If you give fish oil alone and unchecked, the anterior fontanelle on the head of the child may be closed too early - it will prevent the development of the brain.

Generally fish oil Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?  Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?
   It intended for children after three to four years. But it is better to give a child by a doctor, and after exclusion of contraindications for its reception. In addition, fish oil for children of different firms is available in different dosage forms, so you must also coordinate with your doctor the dose of the drug.

Fish oil shows:

  • children with disorders of the nervous and mental development;
  • children with hyperactivity, attention and violation of ability to concentrate;
  • children frequently and chronically ill as colds and chronic inflammatory and allergic diseases;
  • Children with visual impairments;
  • impaired children, in violation of the physical development, including impaired growth.

Contraindications for receiving fish oil are abnormal liver function, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the biliary tract and pancreas, idiosyncrasy of fish oil a child, increased bleeding (hemorrhagic syndrome), severe trauma and surgery (fish oil lowers the rolling capacity of the blood and can contribute to bleeding).

With an overdose of fish oil may cause symptoms such as abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , Nausea, diarrhea, exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis, or pancreatitis. Such events are rare and their elimination is usually sufficient drug withdrawal.

Children should not receive any dietary supplements or medications without a prescription. This is true even of such a useful and time-tested product, such as fish oil.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • fish fat

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