Chiromassage - full control over the senses - Goals

June 29, 2013

  • Chiromassage - full control over the senses
  • Goals

 hiromassazh purpose of the procedure

The objectives of the procedure

One kind of direct therapeutic effect on the surface of the human body is a common technique of so-called hiromassage. It is believed that this method of massage technique was first used over a century ago in Spain, because of what is also called the Spanish hiromassazh massage. However, there are a sufficient number of historical documents strongly suggest that the technique hiromassage actively used by the ancient healers of China, Greece, India and other countries.

Of course, the main massage techniques in these countries are somewhat different from each other, nevertheless, they were pooled same principles - subjecting the surface of the body not only masseur palms, but also various portions of the hands.

In fact, hiromassazh involves the active use of the fingers, wrist (and how the back and palmar surface), edge of his hand, forearm and elbow. An experienced and qualified therapist is able to so skillfully and cleverly combined methods hiromassage that gives you complete control over the feelings of the patient. Indeed, due to the fact that the human body feels different in intensity, character and impact area massage techniques, it does not "get used" to the movements of the masseur and the entire session is in a state of high tactile sensitivity, responding to every touch expert just so as to be for produce a therapeutic effect.

Watch the work of professional hiromassazhista side - a very fascinating sight. Sometimes his movements are similar to those which are made by the sculptor when implementing his next creation, and sometimes the thought creeps in that in front of you a powerful wizard who performs on the patient some magical rite. To some extent, both these comparisons are entitled to life, as the changes that occur with the patient, do it "reincarnate."


Objectives hiromassage

Sessions hiromassage may pursue different objectives, ranging from beneficial impact on some specific areas of the body (local massage) and ending with an increase in energy tone of the whole organism (total exposure). Thus, when the result of a local massage therapy sessions is to normalize metabolic processes in the pathological site. This is achieved by improving the blood supply to the tissues, a better removal of metabolic products from the cells, normalization of capillary blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Everything contributes actively saturate the tissues with oxygen and nutrients, and timely removal of intracellular toxins, and hence the rapid restoration of the functional activity of an organ.

In addition, hiromassazh allows you to quickly remove the muscle spasm and eliminate the associated pain or stagnation. In turn, removing spasms enables more efficient use of other methods of treatment, for example, the same infusion therapy, or apply more intensive massage effect. That's why hiromassazh often used to improve the elasticity of muscles and ligaments. All of the above can be used hiromassazh at very different pathology of the musculoskeletal system, varicose veins, inflammatory and degenerative changes and other non-infectious origin.

Very beneficial impact hiromassage skin. However, it not only gets rid of dermatological problems, but also converted from an aesthetic point of view: smooth fine lines, fade spider veins, aligned with an oval face, increased skin elasticity. In those places where the skin was flabby, there is a distinct lifting effect. As a result, the skin looks much younger than his actual age, with the first moves towards rejuvenation are already noticeable after the first one or two sessions.

Everyone knows how our skin is riddled with specialized nerve endings - receptors. At the same time different groups of receptors respond only to certain types of effects, with react differently. This feature is used by specialists to assist hiromassage overall impact on the fine nerve-psychic structure of the patient. Depending on the equipment and tasks, you can have both tonic and relaxing effect. Accordingly, hiromassazh effective for depression, neurosis, chronic fatigue Chronic fatigue - if life is not a pleasant experience  Chronic fatigue - if life is not a pleasant experience
 As well as the prevention and elimination of the effects of stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis

However, before using a method such as hiromassazh, you must consult your doctor, because in some cases (eg, in tumors), its use is contraindicated.

Zhiguli Andrew

Article Tags:
  • massages

Physical therapy - an effective recovery of the body - Sections

October 24, 2010

  • Physical therapy - an effective recovery of the body
  • Sections

What is physiotherapy, its sections and the connection with the exact sciences

Physiotherapy - a branch of medicine that studies the effects on the human body natural and artificial physical factors and using these factors for the treatment and prevention of various diseases

The therapeutic use of the converted forms of natural energy (preformed physical factors) began in the mid 18th century. This was facilitated by the discovery of physics and other natural sciences. So, based on the work Guericke, who discovered a way to produce static electricity, was established treatment method franklinization, which uses the action of a constant electric field of high tension. Research Volta and Galvani gave rise to the application of a constant (galvanic) current and formed the basis for the creation of a therapeutic method of electroplating. Opening Faraday laws of electrolysis led to the creation of the method iontophoresis, and his discovery of the law of electromagnetic induction led to the emergence of methods of electrical and electric sleep. There were many other discoveries that form the basis of new physiotherapy techniques.

 Categories | Physical therapy - an effective recovery of the body

Categories Physiotherapy

Currently, physical therapy isolated sections of electrotherapy, phototherapy, mehanolecheniya, fizikofarmakolecheniya, hydrotherapy and heat treatments. Each of these sections includes a group of treatments based on the action of certain physical factors.

  • The greatest number of methods combines electrotherapy. It includes methods based on the use of various types of electrical current: galvanization, ampripulsterapiya, diadynamic, interferential electronarcosis, electric, elektropodavlenie pain, electrostimulation, flyuktuorizatsiya, darsonvalization and others. In electrotherapy also includes methods based on the application of a constant electric field of high tension (franklinization), alternating magnetic field of low frequency (low-frequency magnetic therapy), high electromagnetic fields (inductothermy), ultra-high (UHF-therapy) and ultrahigh (microwave therapy) frequency.
  • Phototherapy combines methods utilizing electromagnetic waves of the light energy and its related wavelengths, particularly ultraviolet, infrared, visible light.
  • Hydrotherapy - a method of treatment with fresh water in a variety of showers, douches, wiping wraps, partial and general baths, whirlpools, underwater shower-massage. Balneotherapy is based on the use of baths of various gases and chemical composition.
  • Thermal treatment involves techniques that use heat hot wax, mineral wax, sand, various muds and Russian baths Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures  Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures
   and saunas.
  • Mehanolechenie combines methods based on the effects of mechanical energy: various types of massage, manual therapy Chiropractic: the main thing - to choose the competent expert  Chiropractic: the main thing - to choose the competent expert
 , Vibrotherapy, ultrasonication and mechanic therapy using various apparatuses.
  • Fizikofarmakolechenie - a complex effect on the human body physical factors and pharmacological agents. It includes iontophoresis, phonophoresis, elektroaerozolterapiya.

 Categories | Physical therapy - an effective recovery of the body

The impact of physical therapy on the human body

According to modern concepts of physiotherapy impact on the organism is determined by changing the properties of the cell and place in their metabolic processes, as well as the general physiological reactions that occur in the body under the influence of these factors.

The energy of the physical factors, absorb various body tissues, causing them a variety of physical, chemical and biochemical reactions, whose products (biologically active substances) through the blood affect various organs and human tissue. A common physiological response to physical therapy action is increased blood flow, which helps to reduce inflammation and metabolic changes in this area.

Physiotherapy has a means of pain relief, improved circulation, improve metabolism, reduce inflammation, regulate immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
 That determines its wide application in a variety of diseases in patients of different age groups.

The prospect of further development of physiotherapy is wide study of the impact of various physical factors on the human body and expand the number of physiotherapy treatments.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • types of cosmetology
