Autism in children: the warning signs - Help

November 16, 2013

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 Help your child with autism

Help needed child with autism

Understand child and work with him - it's hard for any parent. Children with autism require even greater attention and care, so raising a child-outs, you must follow some recommendations.

  • Get the child to believe that he - a member of the family, but not one that is given more attention than others. If you bring down too much attention to such a child, he can not understand you, and feel uncomfortable.
  • Let the little man to schedule walks, feedings, sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , Games. Imposed parent mode of the day, right from the point of view of physiology, it can have a negative impact on the psyche of the child and reinforce behavioral problems.
  • Shows his approval every time the child has successfully completed the task. Most children-outs do not remember what happened yesterday, and yesterday they praise may seem unreasonable.
  • Remember that improper behavior quickly becomes a habit, so fight him without delay and encourage any adaptation to changes, even minor. If the child will not feel the support of you, it is even more will become isolated and will avoid contact.
  • Give your child a chance to understand the new schedule and take it, otherwise the baby will simply be lost. Children outs increases self-esteem, if every new job will be first covered with them.
  • Give the child a school that specializes in teaching children with similar problems. The school should provide children with due care and psychological help Psychological help: to understand their own rubble ...  Psychological help: to understand their own rubble ...
  • In addition, the child never show their dissatisfaction, because the most important thing in a man returning to a normal life and communication - to make him believe that this world is for him and not against.

Autism in children: the warning signs - Early

November 16, 2013

  • Autism in children: the warning signs
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 early infantile autism

Infantile Autism

Infantile Autism is a spectrum of neuropsychiatric disorders, which are characterized by the inability of social interaction and communication, as well as non-standard behavior and stereotyped activities. Some people suffering from autism have abnormalities of speech skills.

Synonyms of the term: autistic disorder, childhood schizophrenia Schizophrenia - to blame civilization  Schizophrenia - to blame civilization
 Classic autism, Kanner's syndrome.

The first diagnosis of "autism" was made in 1943 by the Austrian psiziatrom Leo Kanner. Eleven children undergoing treatment at his clinic, showed unusual behavior. Kanner called the disorder "early infantile autism."

Of the funds allocated funds for the treatment of childhood diseases, about 5% percent goes to the treatment of autism. This disorder affects one in 150 children.

Typically, early infantile autism are diagnosed before the age of six years, but in some cases the diagnosis is for infants up to 12 months. The severity of the disease varies in different children, from mild symptoms to severe symptoms. Patients with severe disease impress people with learning difficulties.

Causes of autism are still unclear. But it is believed that in some cases the disease is caused by an inherited or acquired genetic defect. In addition, according to scientists, an important role in the development of the disease can play a malfunction of the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
 , Metabolic disorders Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 As well as environmental factors. The theory that the cause of autism is an emotional trauma, now disproved.

Autism, or autistic behaviors may be associated with many other neurological disorders.

Optimal treatment of autism involves the development of an educational program, appropriate to the level of child development.

Conjunctivitis in a newborn - require timely detection and treatment

June 20, 2014

 newborn conjunctivitis
 Conjunctivitis in a newborn is most infectious in nature. Infection is passed to the child during birth from the mother, or after birth - in this case, the source of infection can be any person caring for a child. Most often conjunctivitis occur in premature infants or neonates that suffer some congenital diseases.


Causes of neonatal conjunctivitis

Most often Conjunctivitis is infectious character and develops a few days after birth - this is due to the fact that the infection occurs during birth or immediately after birth. In most cases the source of infection is the mother, who suffers from infectious and pelvic inflammatory disease.

The most susceptible weakened premature, underweight babies, who in utero receives less nutrients and oxygen on the background of placental insufficiency Placental insufficiency - deviation from the norm  Placental insufficiency - deviation from the norm
 . The body of the child is unable to deal with a variety of microorganisms - potential pathogens of various infections. Conjunctivitis in newborns can be one of the manifestations of intrauterine infection. Sometimes the basis of conjunctivitis is nasolacrimal duct obstruction - this pathology is often found in newborns and is held in a few days or weeks. An inflammation of a gateway infection.

The most common cause of conjunctivitis in the newborn is Staphylococcus aureus. But conjunctivitis can be caused by other pathogens: pneumococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli, Hamid, gonococci, herpes simplex virus Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple  Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
   and so on.

At the same time we can not exclude the newborn baby, and even allergic autoimmune (allergic to its own tissues) conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis in infants (children under one year) may also have very different origins, contamination with infectious agents is usually from those around the child's relatives. Sometimes allergic conjunctivitis associated with the introduction of baby foods Introduce solid foods - how not to be mistaken with a choice of products?  Introduce solid foods - how not to be mistaken with a choice of products?
 . In order to understand why the allergic process has begun, the child is recommended to introduce solid foods gradually, as monoproduct.


Conjunctivitis in newborns - the main symptoms

Symptoms of conjunctivitis in the newborn depend on the general condition of the child and the degree of pathogenicity (virulence) of the pathogen causing the disease.

The main symptoms are watery staphylococcal conjunctivitis, photophobia, eyelid edema and conjunctival redness. At the same time there can be small mucus Mucus - what is the norm for a healthy woman  Mucus - what is the norm for a healthy woman
   eyes. Gradually, the amount of discharge increases, it becomes purulent. Upon infection during childbirth first symptoms appear within one-two days. Staphylococcal conjunctivitis occurs in infants as well as a newborn.

Heavy and can proceed rapidly chlamydial conjunctivitis in the newborn, which often develop within two weeks after delivery. Danger of chlamydial conjunctivitis is a frequent transition of acute to chronic inflammation, which is much more difficult to cure.

The greatest danger is gonorrheal conjunctivitis in the newborn. Today, fortunately, this danger is virtually eliminated, since all children immediately after birth, chemoprophylaxis ophthalmia. If you do not, then the development of ophthalmia of the newborn is quite possible, since the disease often goes unnoticed today, not always revealed in the survey, and many women are not aware of its presence. Infections danger is that the infection moves quickly on the cornea, which formed initially infiltrates and then ulcers, are prone to perforation (perforation). This infection gets into the inner eye tissues, destroying them. Ophthalmia leads to incurable blindness.

When conjunctivitis caused by herpes simplex virus, the conjunctiva appear small transparent bubbles. The disease is accompanied by severe itching, the child becomes very restless, not sleeping, bad takes chest and behind in physical development. The disease often runs a chronic, long flowing conjunctivitis in infants may also be the result of herpes infection.


Than to treat conjunctivitis in the newborn

Conjunctivitis in newborns should be treated only by a doctor, as any local infectious inflammation in newborns can always go to the generalized, it has spread to the entire body.

If the process is purulent, the treatment of conjunctivitis in the newborn start immediately, without waiting for the results of the survey. Eyes were washed with disinfectant, antibacterial drops instilled. If necessary, designate a common treatment.

The most important thing in the treatment of conjunctivitis in the newborn - is early detection and adequate treatment, appointed expert.

Galina Romanenko

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  • conjunctivitis
