Lamisil - a modern drug to help cope with fungal infection

January 13th, 2013

 Lamisil - a drug for the treatment of fungal infections, which is available in different dosage forms. Lamisil is used for treatment of fungal infections of the skin, scalp and nails. Including this drug is used to treat diseases such as trichophytosis and microsporia which used to be called ringworm.

 Lamisil - a modern drug to help cope with fungal infection

How does Lamisil

Lamisil (active substance - terbinafine) - a modern, effective and non-toxic antifungal broad spectrum of action, which is produced by the pharmaceutical company Novartis (Switzerland) in the following dosage forms: tablets terbinafine 250 mg, 1% cream, 1% gel (Lamisil dermgel ) 1% topical spray in bottles of 15 and 30 mL of 1% of the viscous film-forming solution for topical use Lamisil Uno.

Lamizila action related to the inhibition of the enzyme squalene epoxidase activity in the cell membrane of fungi. In turn, this results in inhibition of the formation of sterols in cells at the earliest stages of this process and to the lack of ergosterol. The lack of ergosterol contributes to the fact that the fungal cells accumulate squalene, causing cell death of the fungus.

Lamisil has a very high activity against pathogens that cause the majority of fungal diseases of smooth skin, scalp and nails. Especially effective this drug for the treatment of fungal infections of nails, as its effective concentration in the skin and nails is stored for nine months after the end of treatment, thereby greatly increasing the efficiency of the drug.

Lamisil is actively suppress vital functions of fungi that cause fungal infections, including trichophytosis and microsporia, formerly known as ringworm. Sensitivity to show him as agents of tinea, candidiasis and tinea versicolor.

This terbinafine is well tolerated, does not interact with other medications (eg, antihistamines, antidiabetic agents, hormonal contraceptives). This allows the use of terbinafine in the treatment of the elderly, who often suffer from various chronic diseases and are treated on this occasion.

 Lamisil - a modern drug to help cope with fungal infection

Which diseases prescribed

Lamisil is prescribed:

  • at athlete's foot;
  • inguinal athlete Jock itch: fungal infection  Jock itch: fungal infection
  • when trihofitii microsporia and smooth skin and scalp;
  • fungal nail infections;
  • candidiasis of the skin;
  • at a colorful (pityriasis) versicolor - only formulations for external use (reception lamizila inside is not effective).

 Lamisil - a modern drug to help cope with fungal infection

When you can not take Lamisil

Lamisil tablets should not be taken if you are hypersensitive to the components of the drug by the body of the patient, feeding baby Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   feeding (it is highlighted with mother's milk), severe liver disease. Lamisil for external use can not be applied to children under 12 years of age, tablets - up to two years.

With caution and only on prescription Lamisil during pregnancy - the action of the drug on the body of the woman and the fetus has not been studied. If the kidney function is recommended to appoint half dose lamizila.

Lamisil can be used in conjunction with a variety of drugs, because it does not enter into interaction with them. The exceptions are some drugs from the group of antidepressants and beta-blockers (drugs for treating diseases of the cardiovascular system) - when using these drugs together with lamizilom possible from an overdose.

 Lamisil - a modern drug to help cope with fungal infection

Side effects

Side effects lamizila usually not severe, the drug was well tolerated, however, can develop the following side effects:

  • from the gastrointestinal tract - the discomfort and pain in the stomach, violation of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, taste disturbances;
  • of the liver - stagnation of bile;
  • with the skin - hair loss; when applied topically lamizila may cause redness, burning and itching;
  • allergic reactions - rashes (including urticaria), angioedema, very rarely - allergic reactions such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis (severe skin lesions requiring resuscitation);
  • on the part of the musculoskeletal system - joint pain Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?  Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?
   and muscles.

Overdose lamizila possible when receiving very high doses (20 tablets). At the same time there is a headache, dizziness, nausea, pain in the stomach area. If you suspect an overdose need to wash out the stomach, to take a few tablets of activated charcoal Activated carbon - old but indispensable  Activated carbon - old but indispensable
   and if you do not feel better. Call the ambulance.

Lamisil - a modern, effective and non-toxic anti-fungal drug that has only one drawback - the price (14 tablets lamizila cost more than 1, 5 thousand).

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Lamisil

Nystatin - candles: help with candidiasis of genitals and rectum

January 1, 2012

 Nystatin candles
 Nystatin is available as vaginal and rectal suppositories, which act locally on the mucosa of the external female genitals or rectum. And as to this antifungal drugs are sensitive mainly yeast fungi genus Candida, then used it to treat candidiasis.


The use of vaginal suppositories with nystatin

Nystatin vaginal suppositories are used mainly for the treatment of candidiasis lesions of the external genitalia in women. Manifested candidiasis of external genitals in women (thrush) in the form of redness and swelling of the mucous membranes, which are accompanied by severe burning and itching. Thus on the genital mucosa appear curdled attacks that are easily separated from the first surface of the mucosa, and then expand, turn into dense films and has separated with difficulty, and the mucosa after their separation bleeds.

Appoint nystatin Nystatin - help with candidiasis  Nystatin - help with candidiasis
   in vaginal suppositories should the doctor after the preliminary crop discharge from the genitals to the identification of the causative agent and determination of its sensitivity to various antifungal drugs. If you do not, then insensitive to nystatin candidiasis pathogens will continue to multiply and spread to other organs and systems.


The dosage and treatment

Vaginal candidiasis Nystatin prescribed in vaginal suppositories. Before introduction nystatin necessary to hygiene as genital washing with soap water just outside and the inside, where the mucous membranes are located. After the hygiene candle with nystatin (250,000 or 500,000 units - the dosage is determined by the physician) is inserted deep into the vagina morning and evening.

The course of treatment typically lasts for at least two weeks. After this re-seeding is carried out from the vagina to control treatment. If a woman has a regular sexual partner, the treatment is carried out and it, this applies nistatinovaya ointment. Sex life during treatment Nystatin should be suspended.

Vaginal suppositories are also prescribed in the antimicrobial therapy of inflammatory processes of female genital mutilation, when given antibiotics contributes to the destruction of normal vaginal flora. This causes a rapid growth of pathogenic microflora, including fungi genus Candida. To avoid this, together with antibacterial therapy and vaginal suppositories Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation  Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation

In order to avoid recurrence of yeast in the treatment of vaginal suppositories with nystatin to the skin of the perineum and inner thighs recommended twice per day applied nystatin ointment.

Sometimes develop resistance (immunity) of fungi of the genus Candida to nystatin, in which case it is spread to other polyene antibiotics, for example, one of the strongest of the series antibiotics amphotericin B. If used candles nystatin concurrently with another anti-fungal drug - clotrimazole, then the effectiveness of clotrimazole reduced.


The use of rectal suppositories with nystatin

Rectal suppositories are used in nystatin defeat fungi of the genus Candida lower intestine, mainly the rectum. In this case, the main symptoms are intense itching and burning in the anus. It can also affect the skin around the anus, which appears in the form of its redness and swelling. Chair, there may be decorated, but with mucus and sometimes - blood.

The most common reason for the defeat of the rectum is to spread candidiasis of genitals. This complication should immediately begin to heal, or candidiasis can spread upward through the entire gastrointestinal tract. After urethral outlet fungi of the genus Candida may also penetrate into the urinary tract and kidneys.

Rectal suppositories appoint one candle (250,000 or 500,000 units - on doctor's orders) twice a day. They are administered into the rectum at night before bedtime and after sleeping Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 In the morning for at least two weeks. Since candles are only locally, almost soaked in blood sometimes combine their function with the appointment of the tablets inside. In the case of treatment failure Nystatin appointed other antifungal medicines.


Side effects

Treatment Nystatin suppositories (such as vaginal and rectal) is contraindicated if you are hypersensitive this drug, pregnancy and nursing Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice

Adverse effects with candles with Nystatin is not seen, except for allergic reactions.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Nystatin
