Violation of the menstrual cycle: what to do when the body has failed - Causes

September 15, 2012

  • Violation of the menstrual cycle: what to do when the body has failed
  • Causes
  • Treatment folk methods

 irregular menstruation causes


One of the most frequent causes of treatment an appointment with a gynecologist is a violation of the menstrual cycle. Menstrual irregularities are found in virtually every woman and can occur at any age, since adolescence and ending with menopause. Any deviation from the normal menstrual cycle is considered a violation. This may be a lengthening or shortening of the menstrual cycle, the emergence of painful menstruation, uterine bleeding, and more. Causes of menstrual disorders are varied and may be the result of exposure to both external and internal factors.

 Causes | menstrual disorders: what to do when the body has failed

The normal menstrual cycle

The normal menstrual cycle - is a complex physiological process, which is characterized by cyclic changes in the body. The normal length of the menstrual cycle should be less than 21 days and more than 35 days of menstruation (periodic uterine bleeding) lasts from three to seven days, and total blood loss should be from 50 to 100 ml.

 Causes | menstrual disorders: what to do when the body has failed

Menstrual irregularities

Violation of the menstrual cycle is nothing else as ovarian dysfunction, hormonal disorder that is characterized by gonadal function. Menstrual disorders may manifest its elongation (over 35 days) or irregular menstrual periods and frequent - dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Also to menstrual disorders are painful menstruation - algomenorrhea.

 Causes | menstrual disorders: what to do when the body has failed

Physiological causes of menstrual disorders

For physiological reasons, menstrual disorders include:

  • Gestation

The normal menstrual period may be delayed for a period of not more than ten days. When there is no longer need to be checked monthly pregnancy. Menstruation during pregnancy are absent due to hormonal changes in the body (progesterone production Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   and prolactin).

  • Lactation

During the month of breastfeeding in most cases missing due to the massive production of prolactin - the hormone responsible for milk production. The absence of menstruation during breastfeeding Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
   called lactation amenorrhea.

  • Adolescence

After the appearance of the first menstruation (menarche) monthly, usually irregular and are installed within one and a half years. This is due to the immaturity of the neuroendocrine system, which leads to hormonal disruption.

  • Pre-menopausal (climacteric)

In premenopausal Premenopausal women - one step in a woman's life  Premenopausal women - one step in a woman's life
   there are also a variety of menstrual disorders as a consequence of ovarian failure, reducing the production of sex hormones, as well as violation of cyclical processes involved in the neuroendocrine system.

 Causes | menstrual disorders: what to do when the body has failed

Abnormal menstrual irregularities

By abnormal menstrual disorders include:

  • Food

Malnutrition and malnutrition is often one of the causes of violations of the cycle. Sudden weight loss (diet, disease) is characterized as a violation of cycle, as a rule, amenorrhea (absence of menstruation). This is due to the absence of adipose tissue, which are synthesized estrogen - the female sex hormones.

  • Emotional state

Chronic stress, emotions (exams, psychological trauma), climate change is also one of the causes of menstrual disorders. A typical example - amenorrhea wartime.

  • Endocrine diseases

In the menstrual cycle and reflect a variety of diseases of the endocrine system (thyroid disease, adrenal disease, diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 , Pituitary tumor and trauma, disease of the brain).

  • Diseases of the reproductive system

Various inflammatory processes of the uterus and appendages lead to violations of the cycle. In addition, various tumor formation (hysteromyoma, ovarian cyst) will also affect the menstrual cycle.

  • Adverse working conditions

Call cycle disorders can and various occupational hazards (radiation, vibration, heavy exercise).

  • Bad habits

Alcoholism, drug addiction, and even smoking can affect the menstrual cycle and cause its violation.

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  • Puberty and menstruation: features of the female body
  • Duration

 duration of puberty menstruation

The duration of menstruation

The duration of menstruation can also vary - some periods are only two or three days, in others, this period may be up to seven days. Just as an individual factor - and the intensity of menstrual bleeding.

Although the amount of blood (especially the first few times) is as important, in fact, for all menstruating women lose an average of only about thirty milliliters of blood. However, upon detection of any deviation from the normal course of a menstrual period, it is best to consult a doctor. Among these variations:

  • The length of the menstrual period is more than a week
  • The need to frequently change pads Feminine pads - talk about wings  Feminine pads - talk about wings
   (every hour or two)
  • The delay of more than three months between periods
  • Bleeding between menstrual periods
  • Intense pain before menstruation or during menstruation
  • Violation of the periodicity of menstruation


Painful menstruation

The period of menstruation is associated with a number of symptoms - both physical and emotional plan. Painful cramps during menstruation - this is quite a common phenomenon: according to statistics, in the first few days after the onset of menstruation their experiences more than half of all women. It is believed that these spasms provoked prostaglandin - a chemical that causes the muscles of the uterus to contract.

Depending on the body the pain experienced during menstruation, can be dull, dull or, conversely, a sharp, spicy, stomach or back. With age, pain during menstruation may diminish or even disappear altogether.

Relieve pain during menstruation can be a variety of ways - from painkillers such as ibuprofen, which can be purchased over the counter without a prescription, to a warm bath or compress. Regular exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
   may help prevent the occurrence of cramps during menstruation, as normalize blood circulation and increase muscle tone.


PMS and acne

A few days before the next menstrual period may notice some changes: it can be increased irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
   or aggression, hypersensitivity, sudden passion for a certain product. All of these changes - the result of premenstrual syndrome, the so-called ICP.

PMS - is the result of changes in hormone levels. Fluctuations in hormone levels during the menstrual cycle affects the well-being of women - physical and emotional. In addition to emotional changes caused by PMSom could experience some physical symptoms - such as bloating, breast size and its high sensitivity, headaches. And at a young age is associated with premenstrual syndrome, and the sudden appearance of acne, the result of sharp fluctuations in hormone levels. Fortunately, with age, this relationship becomes less and PMS does not cause acne.

Symptoms of premenstrual syndrome usually disappear after the onset of menstruation, but can return to the next month. The correct, balanced diet, normal sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   and regular exercise help to relieve some symptoms of PMS.

Article Tags:
  • menstruation in girls
