Naphthyzinum - carefully overdose

April 5, 2009

  • Naphthyzinum - carefully overdose
  • Adrenaline and adrenostimuliruyuschee drugs

   Naphthyzinum - a nose drops that temporarily eliminate congestion caused by colds, hay fever, other allergies and sinus inflammation. The active ingredient in the composition naftizina, naphazoline, constricts blood vessels and has a soothing effect on the nasal mucosa, allowing the patient to breathe normally.

 Naphthyzinum - carefully overdose

Do not use Naphthyzinum in the following cases:

  • You have intolerance to any components of this drug
  • You have narrow-angle glaucoma Glaucoma - a perspective possible blindness  Glaucoma - a perspective possible blindness
  • You are taking furazolidone
  • You take the time being, or have taken within the last 14 days of MAO inhibitors

Before using naftizina, consult your doctor if:

  • You are pregnant, breast-feeding, planning to become pregnant or suspect that already pregnant
  • You are taking any prescription or non-prescription medicines, and dietary supplements
  • You have ever had an allergic reaction to medicines, foods, dyes, or other substances
  • Do you have heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
   or hyperthyroidism

At simultaneous reception naftizina and MAO inhibitors or tricyclic antidepressants may occur symptoms such as headache Headache: Causes and Complications  Headache: Causes and Complications
 , Fever and high blood pressure.

 Naphthyzinum - carefully overdose


Typically Naphthyzinum recommended every 6-8 hours, or twice a day. Exceed the recommended dose, even if you feel the need, it is strongly not recommended.

 Naphthyzinum - carefully overdose

Side effects naftizina

The most common and mild side effects naftizina are:

  • Redness of the skin around the nose
  • Irritation of the nasal mucosa
  • Itching
  • Swelling

Usually these symptoms disappear by themselves, but if they persist for a few days, get worse, they begin to bother you as soon as possible to talk to your doctor. If you have started a severe allergic reaction, seek medical help immediately.

Symptoms such reactions may be:

  • Severe swelling
  • Nettle-rash
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Heavy breathing

 Naphthyzinum - carefully overdose

Dependence on nasal drops

Another common side effect is the dependence of naftizina. In most cases it faced patients with allergic rhinitis Rhinitis: a runny nose - is quite serious  Rhinitis: a runny nose - is quite serious
 . The allergy season nose drops may be their only means by which they can breathe and sleep. The problem is the operating principle naftizina. Almost immediately after the application it makes blood vessels in the nose to narrow. Thus congestion is rapidly eliminated. The effect can persist for up to 12 hours. Obviously, Naphthyzinum does not treat the cause of disease, but only temporarily eliminate the symptoms. This drug should be used normally no longer than 3-5 days. When people do not respect this rule, the action naftizina weakens and they have to use more of the drug to achieve the same effect. The longer and more often a patient uses it, than useless it becomes.

Meanwhile, the patient begins to seem that no naftizina he can not sleep, exercise, work, and so on. Sometimes, to get rid of this dependence is assigned to special treatment. However, in most cases enough to gradually reduce the dose naftizina - and within a few days, the patient will be able to do without it.

 Naphthyzinum - carefully overdose


In no case do not let Naphthyzinum children under six years. Even one dose can cause lethal central nervous system depression. Children from 6 to 12 years old can use Naphthyzinum no more than once a day.

Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"? - Classification

March 19, 2014

  • Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?
  • Classification
  • Treatment

 classification of angina

Classification of angina

Angina distinguished primarily by their pathogens - viruses or bacteria.

That is manifested tonsillitis, little affected by the pathogen, and to a greater extent due to the fact a number of viruses or bacteria got into the body, and how strong a person's immune system.

Strep throat - the most common of bacterial tonsillitis. It can pass by itself, but often to treat it is necessary to use antibiotics.

  • Gonococcal tonsillitis. The causative agent of this species is gonokokk angina - the one that leads to the development of gonorrhea (hence the second name of this rare disease - angina gonorrheal). Normally this bacterium affects the genitals, but if it enters the mouth leads to inflammation of the tonsils. Infection occurs, apparently, through oral sex with an infected partner. For gonococcal tonsillitis characterized by the same symptoms as other sore throats caused by viruses or bacteria.
  • Candida angina. In a rather rare fungal pathogens of sore throats are microorganisms of the genus Candida. The disease can develop after prolonged treatment with antibiotics, or as a result of weak immunity due to some diseases and unhealthy lifestyles. Typical symptoms of this disease are weak sore throat and general malaise. Body temperature at Candida angina usually remains normal or slightly increased, but the intense heat in this disease is usually not the case. In tonsils formed nonuniform light touch, consistency vaguely resembling cottage cheese. For the treatment can be used antifungal drugs and multivitamins for immunity Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
  • Staphylococcal angina is rare and usually causes a much more severe symptoms than other types of angina - a very high temperature (up to 39C and even higher), very severe sore throat, vomiting. In addition, this kind of angina is associated with an increased chance of developing severe complications such as pneumonia and endocarditis. Fortunately, with timely treatment risks are significantly reduced.
  • Syphilitic sore throat begins to develop when the pale treponema - agent of syphilis - infects the throat and tonsils. Thus there is a sore throat, body temperature rises (usually only slightly), and the tonsils are covered with a grayish bloom.
  • Ulcerative necrotic angina develops at a significant weakening of the immune system and exhaustion. Activators of this variety are angina microorganisms which normally inhabit the oral cavity, but which reproduction is usually constrained natural defense mechanisms of the organism. Initially, necrotic angina causes only mild pain in the throat, but over time they lead to the formation of ulcers, and it can cause severe pain. To cure a sore throat, requires treatment with antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 As well as good nutrition. Under normal circumstances, the inhabitants of developed countries, the likelihood of developing this disease is extremely low.
  • Laryngeal sore throat. So it called a disease in which inflamed tissue located inside the laryngeal ventricles. The causative agent of this type is always a sore throat - bacteria of a species; it may be streptococci pnevmomokki, Staphylococcus, and so on. Usually glottal angina develops after other infectious diseases of respiratory tract, or any injury of the larynx. Apart from a sore throat symptoms of this disease are fever, cough, change of voice, sometimes - shortness of breath.

In addition to these types of angina, isolated as acute and chronic angina.

  • Acute tonsillitis - is angina, which is characterized by the classic symptoms of the disease. Such a sore throat is contagious, so the illness is recommended to stay at home and take steps to avoid infecting the household.
  • Chronic angina. Usually, the cause of chronic angina Chronic tonsillitis - especially diseases  Chronic tonsillitis - especially diseases
   nedolechennaya a bacterial sore throat. This violation of the patients suffer from angina often - at least five times a year, and to the extent that their immune system weakens, they become more vulnerable to other infections and. If you or your child is sick with angina more than five times a year, as soon as possible to see a doctor.


How many suffer angina

A person with a strong immune symptoms of angina Symptoms of angina - obvious and recognizable  Symptoms of angina - obvious and recognizable
   usually stored up to ten days, and they are most pronounced in the first 4-5 days. The acute phase of bacterial tonsillitis sometimes lasts longer, and in such cases, doctors usually prescribe antibiotics.
