Teraflex - regulates the metabolism of the cartilage

December 23, 2012

 Teraflex is a drug that protects joints from damage. It is produced in the form of two kinds of preparations for oral administration (capsules - terafleks and terafleks Advance), and in the form of a cream for external use - terafleks M. For treatment sometimes used simultaneously both formulations.

 Teraflex - regulates the metabolism of the cartilage

The composition and action Teraflex

The composition of capsules Teraflex includes natural substances that are constantly present in human tissues - glucosamine and chondroitin. Each of these active substances affects the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   in cartilage, and they enhance the action of each other.

Glucosamine contributes to the matrix (base) of cartilage and protects it from the damaging effect of different substances. This is the main substance that strengthens the cartilage from destruction. When the cartilage is destroyed, the bone joint surfaces also be degraded by various reasons, mainly the friction against each other.

Chondroitin complements Glucosamine. He keeps in cartilage hyaluronic acid, protecting it from destruction by the enzyme hyaluronidase. Chondroitin also supports normal viscosity of synovial fluid. Since hyaluronic acid attracts water, allowing it to maintain the elasticity of cartilage, and carry out its function of amortization.

Each capsule contains 500 mg terafleks glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate 400 mg. This allows you to slowly but surely restoring the condition of the joints and spine osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis. Assign terafleks for a long time, up to six months, if necessary, repeat the treatment. The drug was well tolerated, but sometimes gives the minor side effects such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, dizziness and insomnia, which does not require its cancellation. But if there are allergic reactions (they are rare), then terafleks overturned.

Teraflex particularly effective in the early stages of the disease, it is not accompanied by significant pain. But when long-term treatment of the disease terafleks help suspend the process of destruction of cartilage, particularly when used to treat disease and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs glucocorticoid hormones - terafleks protects joints from the adverse effects of these substances.

 Teraflex - regulates the metabolism of the cartilage

The composition and action Teraflex Advance

Teraflex Advanced is also available in capsules. It is usually prescribed for severe pain in the joints or the spine. Often such pain, combined with the destruction of cartilage occur immediately after injury or disease. which leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the joints. At these stages of the disease often develops an inflammatory process which is accompanied by severe pain.

Since the destruction of cartilage in this case is not so pronounced in the case of more appropriate assignment terafleks Advanced, which included less than glucosamine and chondroitin, but there also ibuprofen, belonging to the group of NSAIDs.

Ibuprofen reduces inflammation and pain by inhibiting the action of prostaglandins - biologically active substances involved in inflammation. At the same time the drug inhibits the action of prostaglandins which protect the gastric mucosa against destruction, moreover, it has a number of side effects, and contraindications for receiving at terafleks Advanced significantly greater than terafleks.

In addition, all NSAIDs may have an adverse effect on the cartilage of the joint. However, glucosamine and chondroitin smooth negative impact of ibuprofen on the cartilage, so terafleks Advanced generally has a beneficial effect on the joints. It relieves inflammation and pain, and at the same time protects cartilage from destruction, preventing the development of osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis - take care of the joints healthy longer  Osteoarthritis - take care of the joints healthy longer
   and osteoarthritis.

The composition includes capsules terafleks Advanced glucosamine - 250 mg Chondroitin - ibuprofen and 200 mg - 100 mg.

 Teraflex - regulates the metabolism of the cartilage

The composition and action Teraflex M

Teraflex M - a formulation in the form of a cream for topical use in osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis. It can be used, either alone or together with capsules for oral administration.

In addition to the drug glucosamine Glucosamine - a building material of an organism  Glucosamine - a building material of an organism
   and chondroitin include drugs that would increase the superficial blood vessels located in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, - camphor and mint oil Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness  Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
   peppermint. Through dilated blood vessels in the joints penetrate glucosamine and chondroitin, gradually exerting its effect.

This preparation has almost no side effects, and contraindications (except allergic reactions). Cream should not be applied only if in the joint compromised skin integrity.

All dosage forms Teraflex contribute to improving the state of the joints and spine osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • terafleks

Systemic vasculitis: the disease may be different

October 16, 2012

 systemic vasculitis
 Systemic vasculitis - a disease that occur at times severe and prolonged, posing a significant threat to health and life of the patient. The group of systemic vasculitis includes a variety of sometimes totally unlike each other diseases. They are united by one thing - the defeat of the walls of blood vessels.

 Systemic vasculitis: the disease may be different

What is a systemic vasculitis, their types and causes

Systemic vasculitis - a group of diseases which are based on a generalized loss of vessels (arteries and veins of various calibres), followed by involvement in the pathological process of various organs and tissues. Vasculitis develop against many diseases as vascular walls, and especially their inner membrane (endothelium), damaged by a variety of influences.

By origin vasculitis are divided into primary (systemic vascular damage in this case is a separate disease) and secondary arising at the background of some other diseases (infectious, exchange, tumor and so on).

Causes of secondary vasculitis is closely related to the underlying disease - infection (scarlet fever, meningitis), systemic connective tissue diseases (rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
 , Systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic scleroderma), toxic and allergic effects on the body of various substances (for example, drug or food allergies), diabetes mellitus Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   and so on.

Causes of primary vasculitis are still not fully understood. It is believed that in their development "guilty" heredity (often systemic vasculitis develop their relatives), as well as features of the immune system, as most of these diseases are autoimmune in nature. That is, the changes in blood vessel walls occur due to the fact that the immune system ceases to take these for their tissue and produces antibodies that destroy them.

Starting torque, contributing to the development of such changes in the immune system may be an infection (especially strep, such as angina Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?  Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?
   and chronic tonsillitis), drugs (e.g., antibiotics, synthetic analogues of vitamins, hormones, enzymes, and so forth), the physical impact (burns, frostbite, trauma, ionizing radiation), endocrine-metabolic disorders, and others.

All systemic vasculitis can be divided into the following types: vasculitis affecting the large, medium and small blood vessels.

 Systemic vasculitis: the disease may be different

Systemic vasculitis affecting the large blood vessels

To this group belong vasculitis temporal arteritis and Takayasu's arteritis. Temporal giant cell granulomatous vasculitis Vasculitis - when blood vessels refuse to work  Vasculitis - when blood vessels refuse to work
   or Horton's disease - the disease mostly extra- and intracranial arteries occurs in people after 50 years. This affects all layers of the artery walls - temporal, vertebrate eye, and others.). The disease may be complicated by blindness, lesions of cranial nerves, lesions of the aorta and large arteries with aneurysm formation (area extension) of the aorta, bundle its walls and tear.

Takayasu's arteritis (nonspecific aortoarteriit, pulseless disease) - a chronic inflammatory disease of the large arteries, predominantly the aorta and its branches, rarely pulmonary artery branches. Suffer from this disease are mostly young women and girls. The disease can be complicated by aneurysm of the thoracic and abdominal aorta and coronary vessels of the heart to slow its progressive occlusion (decrease in lumen) that gives rise to attacks of angina and myocardial infarction.

 Systemic vasculitis: the disease may be different

Systemic vasculitis affecting medium-sized blood vessels

By vasculitis, affecting medium-sized blood vessels are knotted polyarteritis and Kawasaki syndrome. Knotty polyarteritis (periarteritis nodosa, panarteriit) affects renal artery (developing hypertension), heart, respiratory tract and digestive organs.

Kawasaki syndrome or mucous-kozhnozhelezisty syndrome often develops in children and manifested fever, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, ocular, oral mucosa, cracks on the tongue, swelling of the extremities.

 Systemic vasculitis: the disease may be different

Systemic vasculitis affecting small blood vessels

These include systemic vasculitis Wegener's granulomatosis - the defeat of the walls of the blood vessels of the upper airways, lungs and kidneys. Suffer the same disease that often men and women an average of about forty years. Particularly severe vascular processes develop in the walls of the bronchial tubes and tissue surrounding the bronchi. Often also affects the kidneys.

Diagnosis and treatment of systemic vasculitis is very difficult and sometimes get sick for a long time totally inadequate treatment, which contributes to the further development of the disease.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • vasculitis
