The history of anorexia - hard facts
July 8th, 2013
- The history of anorexia - hard facts
- 19th century
- 20th century
In 1684 it was first described case of anorexia nervosa, but only in 1870 it was considered a separate disease, with its diagnostic criteria. The birth of a "new" disease was associated with changes not only in medicine but also in society representations of female beauty
The mystery of female beauty - mystery and femininity
. The history of anorexia is inextricably linked to the culture and social arrangement.

1556: Mary Stuart
Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, was raised to five years at the court of the French king Henry II. The story of her disease is well known, thanks to the efforts of the many ambassadors who sent reports about the health of the young queen in her homeland.
It is known, for example, that in the five years she was ill with measles
Measles in children - may cause serious complications
In seven years - rubella, fourteen - dysentery and malaria, and in fifteen years - chickenpox
Chickenpox: painful, but not dangerous
. As a teenager, she also suffered a then-nameless disease that modern researchers believe anorexia. Contemporaries wrote that the queen had the following symptoms: weight loss, poor appetite, vomiting and diarrhea
Diarrhea (diarrhea) - a familiar nuisance
, Paleness, fainting and difficulty breathing. It remained, however, physically active throughout their disease - continued riding and dancing in the evening in the same period, when she observed these symptoms.

1613: Jane Balan - "starving French girl from Konfolan"
In 1613 the recording was made about Jane Balan, "starving French girl from Konfolan", which, according to the words of a contemporary, "do not eat meat or drink for at least three years." Jane Balan ill February 15, 1599, when she was about 10 years old. She had a fever, fever, and vomiting, after which it subsided and began to refuse food. As often happened in those superstitious times, people close to the girls decided that illness cast a old woman who gave Jane an apple a few months before the onset of symptoms.

1689: Richard Morton description
Two early descriptions of syndromes, including loss of appetite and severe weight loss in the absence of any detected disease, were made by the English physician Richard Morton in 1694
. The first case - seventeen year old girl mentioned in the records as the daughter of Mr. Duke, in which there was a lack of appetite, depression, digestive disorders
. The skin became flabby, sagging and pale
. At the same time the symptoms of any other disease of the girl missing
. She went to Dr. Morton, only two years after the onset of the disease, and only because she developed frequent fainting
. Richard Morton wrote that she looks like a skeleton with skin
. It also noted its "permanent indentations in the book", even though brleznennoe state and insensitivity to cold, even in the unusually cold winter
. She refused to use a treatment that offers a doctor (among them there were patches that are supposed to stick to the stomach)
. She died three months later
His other patients with similar symptoms, Dr Richard Morton in the book calls "the son of the honorable Minister of Steel." He began to refuse food at the age of sixteen. The doctor attributed the lack of appetite "too hard learning" and "passions of the mind." With this patient, Richard Morton was able to achieve greater success. The young man, following the doctor's advice, left his studies and moved to a village where the rode and drank a lot of milk, causing his health greatly improved.

1790: Robert Willan description
Robert Willan - an English doctor, who lived and worked in London and made a significant contribution to ensuring that dermatology became a separate medical specialty. He was also one of the first doctors to describe the symptoms of extreme weight loss in men. Robert Willan described the case of a young Englishman, who died in 1786, after 78 days of fasting. The doctor wrote: "The duration of fasting this young gentleman, I believe, longer than in any of the records from the annals of medicine." The article describing this event was published in 1790.
What foods contribute to weight loss: without giving up fat and alcohol
June 20, 2010
- What foods contribute to weight loss: without giving up fat and alcohol
- Nutrition for Weight Loss
- Fat Burning
- Alcoholic drinks
- Summer Buffet
Weight loss can significantly improve both physical and mental health, but it can take quite some time. Not surprisingly, while more and more people resort to various food additives, which, according to the manufacturer, accelerate metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
Block the absorption of fat, reduce appetite and thus help to lose weight quickly. Currently, however, most experts on nutrition do not recommend taking these supplements, because their effect is not well understood. Some supplements for weight loss, for example, prepared on the basis of ephedra, can even cause a heart attack, which is why they are banned in some countries.
However, there are proven products that actually help to lose weight and do not harm health. Of course, before you make in your diet a major change, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Food and dietary supplements containing calcium
Healthy bones, teeth and hair - perhaps the first thing that comes to mind at the mention of calcium, but this mineral also helps burn fat while maintaining lean muscle tissue in the previous volume.
Scientists say that eating three servings of dairy products with low-fat daily not only promotes weight loss, but also an overall improvement in health. Moreover, it is more effective than the use of calcium supplements. This does not mean that such additives altogether ineffective. The researchers found that women who took 1,000 mg daily of calcium in the form of food supplements, on average, lose weight faster than women who were given a placebo
Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis
. The difference in the amount of weight lost in the member of two groups was not significant, however, on the basis of these data we can conclude that there is communication between calcium and weight loss.
Therefore, those who want to lose weight, it is recommended to consume more dairy products. Some scientists believe that the weight reduction facilitates not only calcium, but also special milk proteins, as well as magnesium, contained in milk.

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)
Using a variety of fat for weight loss may seem counterintuitive, but it works. CLA - a fatty acid, which in small amounts in dairy products and red meat. It is used as a dietary supplement for weight loss, but it has unpleasant side effects. CLA promote burning of fat and increase lean muscle mass, but the long-term use may cause an increase in blood cholesterol levels.

Foods rich in fiber, can contribute to weight loss like no other. They will cause a feeling of satiety, take longer to digest, normalize blood sugar
Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
. Cellulose can be taken in the form of nutritional supplements, but be careful - too large quantities it can cause digestive disorders. To avoid this, it is recommended to drink plenty of water, exercise and do not forget about the recommended rate of consumption of fiber. Men younger than 50 years should consume 38 grams of fiber a day, after 50 years - 25 grams. RDA of fiber for women younger than 50 years old is 25 grams, after 50 - 21 grams. Scientists believe that most people consume on a daily basis for half less fiber than is necessary.

Green tea
Perhaps you have heard that green tea is rich in antioxidants
Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits
But did you know that it is also an effective tool for weight loss?
It is now becoming a very popular green tea extract as a means for weight loss. So far it has been insufficient research on the people to make definitive conclusions about its efficacy and safety, but its use in small amounts is not harmful.
Those who wish to get rid of the extra kilos are not necessarily taking green tea extract; 3-4 cups of tea per day will provide the same effect. In addition, green tea lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Note that the decaffeinated tea has no such properties.