Burdock oil - helps damaged hair - with propolis

November 6, 2008

  • Burdock oil - helps damaged hair
  • Benefit
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  • With red pepper
  • With propolis
  • With nettles
  • Application

 Burdock Oil with propolis

C propolis

Burdock Oil with propolis because of its chemical composition is particularly useful in damaged, thin, dry hair and split ends. It perfectly restores the hair shaft, making them more elastic and protected from external influences.


The chemical composition of burdock oil with propolis - is it really good for the scalp?

Burdock oil is a mild natural cleanser, because it contains natural adsorbent - inulin. Therefore, it is ideal for a gentle, non-aggressive cleansing the scalp. And as the burdock still contains useful biologically active substances that nourish the cells of the scalp (vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids) and restoring normal hair shafts (fatty acids), it can not but have a positive effect on the condition of the hair.

Today in the pharmacy you can buy burdock oil with additives that enhance its effect. Thus, produced burdock propolis designed specifically for damaged dry and brittle hair.

Propolis - a sticky resinous substance, which is also called bee glue. His produce honey bees for their 'technical' needs: glossing over cracks in the hive. Finally, the origin of propolis not clear so far, it is believed that it may be a resinous residues from the digestion of bee pollen or bee can collect propolis from the resinous buds of trees (poplar, birch, alder).

Propolis is a viscous syrupy material yellow-green in color, bitter taste with a distinctive resinous odor. It consists of a resin (or a mixture of organic acids), balms, tanning agents, essential oils of different plants, wax, bioflavonoids, vitamins (E, C, B group) organic acids (caffeic, benzoic) and some other biologically active substances.


How does burdock propolis on the scalp

The composition of burdock oil with propolis allows the therapeutic and prophylactic means to restore the normal condition of the hair and protect them from any external influences.

When applied burdock oil with propolis on the scalp initially takes its purification from accumulated on the surface of toxic substances and dead cells. Part of the burdock oil inulin precipitates on its surface all unwanted substances and removes them.

The treated skin begins to actively absorb the useful biologically active substances contained in burdock and propolis and skin cells necessary for normal metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things

Simultaneously, the fatty acids contained in burdock and propolis, glue all the damage the hair shaft, and resin and wax propolis cover the hair shaft with a protective film that protects from any external (including the sun, wind and dust) influences. Burdock Oil with propolis also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action, promotes healing of micro traumas caused by scratching.

Hair after treatment with propolis Burdock oil becomes more strong, elastic, silky and strong throughout their length. They cease to be dry and brittle, not flogged at the tips.


Indications and contraindications for use

Burdock Oil with propolis is recommended for dry brittle damaged hair. You can apply it and as a prophylactic measure to improve the appearance of hair, preventing their fragility and inclination to the section ends.

As with any product of beekeeping, burdock propolis contraindicated in individuals who are allergic to bee stings. An allergic reaction to bee products can occur in the form of urticaria, edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   Angioedema, allergic dermatitis Dermatitis - what to do with the inflamed skin?  Dermatitis - what to do with the inflamed skin?
   and even as anaphylactic shock Anaphylaxis: a gun on sparrows  Anaphylaxis: a gun on sparrows
 . Therefore, before the first procedure is slightly better rub a small amount of oil on the inner surface of the forearm. If the skin appears redness and swelling, it is possible to carry out the procedure. Do not use this burdock oil with propolis and are hypersensitive to its components.


How to apply

Before applying burdock oil with propolis head wash with shampoo, slightly dried and then applied to the roots of warm oil, gently rubbing it into the roots of the hair. Such massaging head massage should last at least 15 minutes, after which the oil should be spread with a comb through the hair and leave it for an hour. After the procedure, the oil is washed off with shampoo and balm-conditioner. Dried hair, without the hair dryer.

Burnt sugar cough - a folk remedy

October 3, 2014

 caramel cough
 Burnt sugar cough - a traditional remedy that is often used in folk medicine, especially for treating children. Action caramel is soft, so it is mainly used as an aid in the treatment of infections of the upper respiratory tract.


Cough and its species

Cough - a protective reaction of the body to get rid of inhaled foreign bodies, pathogens and products of inflammation. The cough may be dry and wet. If a dry cough Dry cough - whether to worry about it?  Dry cough - whether to worry about it?
   It is a consequence of infectious inflammation of the respiratory tract, then try to translate it into the wet - released at the same time cleanses the mucus of the respiratory tract and rapid recovery.

Sometimes compulsive dry cough associated with irritation of the upper respiratory tract. This attempt to alleviate cough, assigning drugs, relieves irritation (eg, funds from the shielding effect). Too intrusive suppress dry cough, trying to simultaneously translate it in the wet.


How does the burnt sugar for coughs

Caramel - a mild cough medicine, which can be nice to shoot irritation of the upper respiratory tract, so it is often prescribed for pharyngitis, both acute and chronic.

In addition, the caramel has some phlegm properties, so it is prescribed for respiratory diseases, accompanied by the release of a viscous, hardly expectorated sputum.

But before you begin to apply yourself even such a seemingly simple remedy like burnt sugar, should still consult a doctor.

Dry cough may be a sign of how easily a cold and start serious illnesses such as pneumonia or tuberculosis Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed  Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed

It is especially dangerous to treat yourself without a prescription cough in children under two years of age. At this age, all the inflammatory processes in the body of the child prone to rapid generalization - the spread to other organs and tissues. In addition, a small child can not yet how to cough up phlegm, and any funds that increase the amount of mucus can lead to respiratory failure.

Burnt sugar can be used to treat cough in children Treatment of cough in children - is to look for the cause  Treatment of cough in children - is to look for the cause
 But this should be done strictly on the evidence, taking into account the child's age and characteristics of the disease. Therefore caramel children should appoint a doctor.


Recipe for caramel cough

Children older preschool and school age caramel cough can be prepared in the form of candy. To do this, you need a small enamel pot to pour a few tablespoons of sugar over low heat, stirring constantly, melt it until a homogeneous viscous brown liquid and pour into small molds (molds if not, then we can take a few teaspoons). After hardening turn out candies that you can give your child suck on 3-4 times a day.

You can cook and milk candies. To this end, molten sugar with the help of a teaspoon is poured into a glass of cold milk - produced small candies specific dairy flavor. These candies may contain any air bubbles at the surface of damaged resorption and sharp edges may injure the mucosa of the mouth. Therefore, milk caramel candies from better to give children of school age.

If the doctor believes that the child needs an expectorant, the caramel can be prepared on the basis of infusions and decoctions expectorant herbs.

For example, based on the infusion of thyme, which is prepared on the basis of a tablespoon of herbs per cup of boiling water. For the preparation of candy thyme need to take a glass of the finished tincture of thyme, add the 2 cups of sugar and two tablespoons of honey. All thoroughly mixed, put into an enamel bowl, bring to a boil and cook over low heat stirring constantly. As the thickening solution can drip a drop of cold water: if a drop after that easy to crack, ka candy, then the syrup is ready and can be poured into molds.

For children can prepare cough syrup Cough syrup - how to choose the best?  Cough syrup - how to choose the best?
   based caramel. To do this, melt in the heat 2 tablespoons of sugar and then gradually add the intensive stirring, caramel 0, 5 liters of boiling water. The resulting syrup was re-boil, cool and pour into a glass dish. The syrup is stored in the refrigerator and take 1-3 teaspoons (depending on the age of the child) three times a day, adding to the tea.

Recipe for caramel cough for adults: Take 7 tablespoons of sugar, melt them until the liquid caramel brown, gently, stirring constantly, add a cup of boiling water, boil again, cool and add 3 tablespoons of vodka. Take the syrup with tea and lemon on a tablespoon 5-6 times a day.

Burnt sugar cough is often used for colds. And yet, before embarking on the treatment of cough, it is better to consult a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • cough
