Lactase deficiency in children: an intolerance of milk sugar

July 28, 2011

 lactase deficiency in children
 Lactase deficiency - a widespread disease associated with intolerance to milk sugar, which is very important for infants whose diets are the main place is occupied by dairy products. Adults, too, often suffer from this disease, but because their food is more diverse, medical care is rarely treated by adjusting its state decrease or eliminate the use of dairy products.

 Lactase deficiency in children: an intolerance of milk sugar


Clinical manifestations of lactase deficiency caused by incomplete splitting of lactose (milk sugar) in the small intestine.

Primary lactase deficiency, which is sometimes called true, due to the reduction or absence of the enzyme lactase, which, in fact, responsible for the breakdown of lactose in the small intestine.

Secondary lactase deficiency manifests itself when damaged enterocytes, which can be caused by inflammatory, infectious, immune, atrophic and some other factors.

It should be noted that the expression of lactase deficiency in response to damage to the enterocytes may develop as the first clinical sign of damage to the enterocytes as lactase is practically on the tops of the villi. If the damaging factor is insignificant, symptoms of lactase deficiency cropped without treatment within a week by updating enterocytes.

 Lactase deficiency in children: an intolerance of milk sugar

Pathogenesis and clinical picture

The clinical picture of lactase deficiency can be different. It depends on the quantity of lactose falling within the lumen of the colon, which in turn is determined by the level of reducing activity of lactase differences intestinal biocenosis, the individual sensitivity and different amounts of lactose consumed.

Getting into the lumen of the colon, the lactose becomes the substrate on which the normal microflora develops well. The bacteria are grown only on lactose, which is typical for full breastfeeding it is best utilized. Bacteria are grown on glucose and lactose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
 , Which is typical for mixed and artificial feeding, utilize lactose worse.

When a lactose in more than able to digest the bacteria develops the characteristic clinical symptoms, manifested by flatulence Flatulence - when you need to worry about?  Flatulence - when you need to worry about?
 Bloating Bloating - if you are bursting inside  Bloating - if you are bursting inside
 , Liquid foamy chair with an acidic odor without pathological impurities. Children become restless after a few minutes after a meal, throw the chest, stop sucking from a bottle, draw in his legs to his stomach, crying.

 Lactase deficiency in children: an intolerance of milk sugar


Diagnosis of lactase deficiency is simple. Noteworthy is the characteristic clinical symptoms, on the basis of which the doctor prescribes additional methods of investigation.

The main research method, confirming lactase deficiency, is to determine the amount of carbohydrates in the feces. Inexpensive and accessible method to determine the overall body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates. Children under the age of one year, normally in the stool of carbohydrates must be less than 0, 25%, and among those whose age is older, carbohydrates should be omitted entirely.

 Lactase deficiency in children: an intolerance of milk sugar


Treatment of primary lactase deficiency is to reduce the consumption of dairy products, but it can be done in older children and adults. Young children, the main power of which is milk, can not stay without it, so they used the scheme of gradual adaptation to lactose.

If the baby is bottle-fed, he selected a special lactose-free mixture or a mixture with a reduced amount of lactose. Most start with a lactose free and pass the mixture with a reduced amount of lactose after relief of the main symptoms of the disease.

If the child is breast-fed, it is possible to use special enzymes purchased from a pharmacy: Lactase-baby or Lactase-enzyme in age dosage. Before each feeding mother to express some milk (5-10 ml), pours into it the required dose of the enzyme after 10 minutes after fermentation gives a child, and then feeds the usual feeding.

Treatment of secondary lactase deficiency is relieving the underlying disease.

Svetlana Shimkovich

Article Tags:
  • lactase deficiency

Laktofiltrum for newborns: reception is possible since the four months

March 25, 2012

 laktofiltrum newborns
 Newborns - a special contingent of patients who are born sterile and immediately get into the environment, filled with micro-organisms. Check the surface of the body and communicating with the outside of the cavities (eg, gastrointestinal tract) is not always smooth, and sometimes the child needs help.

 Laktofiltrum for newborns: reception is possible since the four months

The gastrointestinal tract of the newborn

The diverse flora begins to colonize the intestine of the child immediately after birth. This process is influenced by a variety of factors: the way in which the child was born (natural and by Caesarean section), its full term, weight, type of feeding (breast, mixed, man-made) and the nature of the power of the mother.

Moving in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) microflora of the child takes place in several stages. So, during childbirth in the digestive tract of the newborn get various microorganisms (not always helpful to the body of the child) from the mother's birth canal. Immediately after the birth for a few hours the child's gut microflora populated mixed, composed, both beneficial and opportunistic pathogens.

Subsequently infant gut microflora is influenced by its power. Those children who receive only breast milk, quickly adapted to the existence of the external environment, as in their gut is dominated by bifidobacteria, helpful for digestion. If the baby is bottle-fed, it is present in his gut as bifidobacteria and conditionally pathogenic microflora.

The next stage in the development of intestinal microflora is the introduction of complementary foods Introduce solid foods - how not to be mistaken with a choice of products?  Introduce solid foods - how not to be mistaken with a choice of products?
 . It is administered at the age of five or six months of breastfeeding, and in four or five months in artificial. With the introduction of complementary foods in the gut bifidobacteria number of child sharply reduced.

Normal intestinal microflora ensures the proper development of the child, because through it the child is formed immunity, correct the process of digestion, useful microflora produces some kinds of vitamins and enzymes, regulates motor activity and persistence environment of the gastrointestinal tract, affects the condition of the gastrointestinal mucosa and its absorptive capacity.

But sometimes the relationship between beneficial and pathogenic microflora is changing and it can cause many disorders in the body of the newborn. The reasons for these changes may depend on the mother's illness, complications during pregnancy and childbirth, early rupture of membranes, cesarean section, the serious condition of the child immediately after birth, late initiation of breastfeeding, prematurity, underweight, the presence of a newborn foci of purulent infection. All this should be taken into account in the appointment of newborn care.

 Laktofiltrum for newborns: reception is possible since the four months

Features action laktofiltrum

Laktofiltrum - a drug which consists of two components. Thus, lignin - enterosorbent is made on the basis of wood treated in a special way, that is, substance which is not absorbed in the intestine, is deposited on its surface poisons and metabolic products accumulated in the intestines, and within days removes them from the body.

Another component laktofiltrum - Lactulose is a synthetic sugar consisting of galactose and fructose residues. Lactulose disintegrates in the intestine under the influence of enzymes to release Discharges in women when there is cause for concern  Discharges in women when there is cause for concern
   Large quantities of organic acids and nutrient serves for normal microflora. Comfortable for the beneficial microflora and acidic environment, whereas pathogenic microflora acidic environment quite comfortable.

Overall laktofiltrum cleanses the intestines and helps move it beneficial to the body by bacteria. This leads to a more complete and proper digestion, bacteria synthesize vitamins needed by the body of the child, cleanse and revitalize the walls of immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   and the overall improvement of the body.

 Laktofiltrum for newborns: reception is possible since the four months

Can you give laktofiltrum newborn?

The manual says nothing about children under one year, including the newborn, ie the children of the first four weeks of life. Laktofiltrum not contraindicated in these children, but the dosage of the drug for children under one year are not registered. Obviously, to use this medication or not and in what doses newborn doctor should decide. And in this case he must carefully weigh all the evidence for and against the use of this drug.

In appointing laktofiltrum Laktofiltrum - it helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxic metabolic products  Laktofiltrum - it helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxic metabolic products
   taken into account especially the baby is born, its general condition, character-feeding, maternal illness, and more. Of course, giving laktofiltrum newborn (and all children under one year) on their own, without a doctor's mother can not.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • laktofiltrum
