Retinoic ointment acne - a modern method of treatment of acne

January 7, 2014

 retinoic ointment acne
 Retinoic ointment acne appointed as a self-treatment (monotherapy), and as part of comprehensive treatment. But the doctor must take into account the fact that retinoic ointment can not always be combined with other drugs. For example, do not combine it with the use of antibiotics of the tetracycline group and corticosteroid hormones.


Why there are spots on the skin

Acne (acne and pustular rash) on the face, upper chest and back most often occur in adolescence on the background of hormonal disorders. The main cause of acne is the increased secretion of male sex hormones androgens. Such violations can occur both in men and in women's body.

Under the influence of androgens varies sebaceous glands located in the mouths of hair follicles of the skin. The sebaceous glands begin to produce large amounts of sebum increased viscosity. At the same time increases the process of proliferation (proliferation) and exfoliation of epithelial cells of the sebaceous glands. Desquamated epithelial cells mixed with sebum viscous, forming a plug - comedones. The corked sebaceous glands develop infection and produced infectious-inflammatory process. Since forming pimples or acne.

The formation of acne is also enhanced due to the rapid growth of the body of a teenager and a lag in the development of the immune system - the required number of immune cells just do not have time to develop.

The cause of acne on the skin can be reduced immunity against various other diseases (eg diabetes), pregnancy and so on.

The infectious-inflammatory process in the skin is most often caused by Staphylococcus aureus. This initially appears redness and swelling of the tissue, and then the abscess, which goes from the middle of the hair. Maturation of purulent process leads to the appearance of the skin - painful red nodules with yellow head - pimples or acne.

In severe forms of acne Acne: facial trouble  Acne: facial trouble
   multiple abscesses may coalesce to form subcutaneous abscesses to extensive softening of tissue and necrosis, which is a field of healing scars are formed.


Treatment of acne using retinoic ointment

Treatment of acne - a difficult task. Assign treatment usually individually on the basis of inspection and, if necessary, an additional examination of the patient. Treatment is usually given the complex, it consists of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory agents, nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
 , Healthy lifestyle, and so on.

Today, the complex treatment of acne Acne treatment: how to get rid of blackheads  Acne treatment: how to get rid of blackheads
   often administered retinoids. Sometimes, with milder forms of the disease, they are administered as a single agent, using the dosage form for external application (eg retinoic ointment). When moderate to severe forms of retinoids administered systemic effects (in the form of drugs for oral and rectal suppositories) as part of a treatment.

Retinoic ointment applied to the affected skin twice a day for four to six weeks. During this time, part of the ointment retinoid isotretinoin (biologically active vitamin A) has a significant effect on skin. It inhibits the proliferation of epithelial cells of the sebaceous glands, and promotes active maturation and differentiation of skin cells. Simultaneously, it regulates the secretion of sebum and its composition, and has a stimulating effect on the immune system.

Retinoic ointment has a good therapeutic effect, but not immediately, but after a week or two of use.


What obstacles may arise during the treatment?

Very often, there are not any obstacles. But sometimes it may cause side effects such as the spread of acne after one or two weeks of treatment. In this case, it is recommended to interrupt treatment, wait for the process subsided, and only then to continue the course of treatment.

But sometimes exacerbation of the underlying disease can be confused with an allergic reaction. This appears on the skin of a diverse nature itchy allergic rash. But this rash appears most often in the first days of application of ointment (usually the second or third day) and then amplified. Any allergic reaction requires immediate discontinuation of the drug.


This is contraindicated use of retinoic ointment

It is very dangerous to use retinoic ointment Retinoic ointment - help with acne and wrinkles  Retinoic ointment - help with acne and wrinkles
   during pregnancy - even a small amount of retinoids getting into the blood can cause abnormal development and fetal toxicity. Therefore, do not prescribe retinoids, even in the period of preparation for pregnancy. Retinoic ointment should not also be used if you are hypersensitive components ointment, children and adolescents, and at the same time with the antibiotic tetracycline

With care ointment prescribed for kidney, liver, pancreas and cardiovascular decompensation (with impaired function).

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • retinoic ointment

Erysipelas - an unpleasant disease with a bad name

June 7, 2009

  • Erysipelas - an unpleasant disease with a bad name
  • What is erysipelas

 Erysipelas - an acute infection of the skin and fatty tissue, which is called streptococcus. Most often this disease affects elderly people. In some cases, it develops at a young age and patients with suppressed immune system (for example, HIV-infected patients with AIDS or cancer of the blood).

Usually, the infection enters the body through wounds in the skin. Therefore, eczema, or even a small scratch can lead to the development of erysipelas. Patients with ulcers on the feet or fungal infections Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat  Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat
   especially vulnerable to this disease, as their condition weakens the natural defenses and facilitates the penetration of bacteria into the organism.

Attention! Rózsa is a dangerous disease and treat it any folk remedies inadmissible. The result can be a significant deterioration in the patient's condition, severe complications and, in extreme cases, death.

 Erysipelas - an unpleasant disease with a bad name


Symptoms faces can appear suddenly and worsen quickly.

First, there is a little redness on the skin. Within a few hours it increases significantly. The infection spreads in the subcutaneous layers of the wave - between the affected healthy skin is formed clearly visible convex border. Most infections susceptible to fatty tissue, so on the face of the symptoms of erysipelas are usually most noticeable on the cheeks.

The development of infections accompanied by chills, fever and headaches. Without adequate treatment, the patient may feel a very strong discomfort.

If you suspect that you need to face as the most fashionable address to the doctor because early treatment will quickly deal with the infection and prevent dangerous complications.

 Erysipelas - an unpleasant disease with a bad name


Most of streptococcal bacteria sensitive to penicillin and penicillin antibiotics, and the face is usually treated with them. They are taken orally or, if the patient feels very badly administered intravenously. If the patient is allergic to penicillin, alternatively possible to use erythromycin Erythromycin - if you are allergic to penicillin  Erythromycin - if you are allergic to penicillin
 . Generally, treatment continues 10-14 days. Malaise passes through one or two days after the start of drug treatment, and skin changes disappear entirely a few weeks. Scars after faces remains. Approximately one third of patients relapse. This is due to the fact that risk factors in patients saved, as well as the fact that erysipelas itself can degrade toxins in the affected areas of the skin disease, which is why people become more vulnerable to infection.

With recurrent attacks of erysipelas may need prolonged treatment with penicillin warning.

 Erysipelas - an unpleasant disease with a bad name


Erysipelas may have the following complications:

  • Infection of the areas of the body that are not in close proximity to the areas of skin affected with erysipelas, including infective endocarditis (infection of the heart valves) and septic arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
   (infection of the joints).
  • Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis Glomerulonephritis - a severe infection of the kidneys  Glomerulonephritis - a severe infection of the kidneys
   (kidney disease that affects children)
  • Cavernous sinus thrombosis (dangerous condition characterized by the formation of a blood clot in the cavernous, or cavernous sinus, which can penetrate into the brain)
  • Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (a very rare complication)

 Erysipelas - an unpleasant disease with a bad name


Subject to the timely start of treatment and the correct choice of treatments for the likelihood of a full recovery are very high. Relapsing forms of faces worse treatable, but for them, in most cases can be successfully controlled with medication. Undergoing a face people usually fully retain the ability to work. Recurrent erysipelas associated with the probability of occurrence of different psychological complications. It may reduce the quality of life of the patient, if the symptoms are difficult to control.
