Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that occurs under the influence of different stimuli. Methods of treatment of dermatitis depends on its cause, that is the nature of the stimulus, its calling. The use of corticosteroid creams, wet compresses and exclusion of stimuli - the basis of most treatment programs dermatitis. To minimize side effects (thinning and dryness of the skin), as well as to increase the effectiveness of treatment typically corticosteroid creams are used only for a short time until fail to take control of the rash.
In the treatment of certain types of dermatitis, non-steroidal drugs are used to help ease the symptoms and signs. When any type of dermatitis necessarily used non-prescription antihistamines to reduce itching.
Treatment of contact dermatitis
Treatment consists of determining the cause of the rash, and avoid contact with an irritant.
Treatment includes:
- Drawing on the affected areas of eczema creams containing hydrocortisone;
- Application of other, stronger steroid creams;
- Overlaying wet compress over the steroid cream.
Treatment of neurodermatitis
Treatment of neurodermatitis is aimed at eliminating the itching and prevent further deterioration of the disease.
Treatment includes:
- Overlaying a bandage on the affected area, to prevent scratching of the skin and scratches;
- Application of hydrocortisone creams or similar to it;
- Overlaying wet compress over steroid cream;
- In some cases, it recommended antidepressants or sedatives.
In addition, a doctor's advice will help you learn how your emotions
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and behavior may enhance or prevent itching.
The treatment of seborrheic dermatitis
Primarily used for the treatment of medicated shampoos.
Treatment includes:
- Use shampoos containing as an active ingredient, tar, zinc pyrithione, salicylic acid or ketoconazole;
- Use hydrocortisone creams and lotions for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis on nevolosistoy of the head;
- The use of immunomodulators (nonsteroidal drugs), such as tacrolimus (Protopic) and pimecrolimus (zhlidel). Immunomodulators affect the immune system and have an anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal action.
Because of the potential complications arising from long-term use of these drugs and their effects on the immune system and is recommended elidel Protopic only in those cases where other therapies were ineffective or unacceptable.
Treatment of stasis dermatitis
Treatment consists of correction condition that causes swelling of the feet or ankles for a long period of time.
Treatment includes:
- Wearing elastic support stockings;
- Conducting surgery to remove varicose veins;
- The use of wet dressings to soften the thickened, but sensitive skin
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And fight the infection.
Treatment of atopic dermatitis
In addition to reducing the redness and itching, treatment of this disease is aimed at healing are prone to infection of cracks in the skin.
Treatment includes:
- Application of a cream or ointment containing hydrocortisone
Hydrocortisone - a drug that could save the life of the patient
- Overlaying moist dressings with astringent action;
- Admission immunomodulators such as tacrolimus (Protopic) and pimecrolimus (Elidel).
Furthermore, for the prevention of recurrence of atopic dermatitis light therapy is widely used (controlled exposure of the skin to natural or artificial light).
Perioral dermatitis
In general, doctors try to prescribe for the treatment of this type of dermatitis strong corticosteroids only when absolutely necessary. After stopping these drugs perioral dermatitis not only relapses, but also occurs with serious complications.
Treatment includes:
- Receiving oral antibiotic (tetracycline), often for several months;
- Application of a cream or ointment containing a small amount of corticosteroids.
Correction of lifestyle and home remedies for the treatment of dermatitis
The following methods help control dermatitis:
- Treat affected skin cream with a calming effect or calamine lotion. OTC cream containing at least 1% hydrocortisone, can temporarily relieve the itching. OTC oral antihistamines such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl and others) can help with a strong unbearable itching.
- Cover the affected area with a cold wet compress. Isolation of the affected area of the external stimuli will help to protect the skin and prevent scratching.
- Take a cool bath. Add the water a little baking soda, oatmeal porridge or pellets, which are produced especially for baths (Aveeno).
- If possible, refrain from touching the affected area. Hide the affected skin under the bandage, if you can not not be scratched. Cut the nails as short as possible and wear gloves at night.
- Wear clothes made of soft tissues that do not irritate the skin. This will help to avoid further inflammation of the affected area.
- Use laundry detergent unscented laundry bottom and bed linen, towels.
One of the most common forms of dermatitis is eczema, which can be identified by the presence of skin blisters filled with fluid. These blisters exude an unpleasant smell, are oozing fluid, and then they burst. Dermatitis affects the scalp and face, called seborrhea (or seborrheic dermatitis).
Dermatitis patients can improve their condition by changing the diet and increase in consumption of some vitamins and nutritional supplements
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They can help relieve symptoms and promote healing of the skin. Here are some guidelines used in the treatment of dermatitis:
Limit your intake of dairy products
If no medicines can relieve or reduce inflammation of the skin, try to limit your intake of dairy products or even exclude them from the diet. Often the exclusion from the diet of milk and other dairy products may help to cleanse the skin. Even if you are not allergic to milk, sometimes, this product can cause skin irritation.
Treat skin Canadian goldenseal and vitamin E
The mixture goldenseal Canadian, vitamin E oil and a small amount of honey - excellent folk remedy for the treatment of the affected skin. This mixture accelerates healing and moisturizes your dry irritated skin.
Drink tea made from dandelion
Dandelion tea is also used in the treatment of dermatitis. A cup of this tea will remove the unpleasant symptoms and it provides the skin with essential vitamins and minerals.
Exclude from the diet of gluten
Gluten-free diet can also be very useful in the treatment of dermatitis. Many people are sensitive to gluten, though they are not aware of this. Compliance with a gluten-free diet for 6 weeks helps reduce the appearance of skin diseases. After recovering gluten products are gradually reintroduced into the diet.
Do not eat raw eggs
Raw eggs contain avidin - binding protein biotin and prevents its absorption. Biotin is important for healthy skin and is essential for healing skin diseases and hair.