Breathing exercises: how proper breathing affects the shape

February 3, 2008

 breathing exercises
   Today, many experts believe that by practicing appropriate breathing exercises, a person can not only feel a burst of energy, and when you need to calm down, but also to deal with very specific disorders associated with stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 Ranging from panic attacks Panic attacks - fear of nowhere  Panic attacks - fear of nowhere
 And to the problems with the digestive system. Breathing exercises, described below, to help cope with stress and its many consequences.

 Breathing exercises: how proper breathing affects the shape

Stimulates respiration

This exercise is based on a certain breathing techniques of yoga. His goal - to increase the vitality and make the mind more active.

  • Quickly inhale and exhale air through the nose, making sure that the mouth was closed and relaxed. Inhalation and exhalation should be equal in length, but as short as possible. Such breathing is noisy, it is normal.
  • Try to do three cycles of breaths and breaths per second. This should cause a rapid movement of the diaphragm. After 3-4 seconds of the respiratory breathing normally.
  • In the first cycle of fast breathing should not last more than 15 seconds. Every time practicing stimulating breathing, you can increase the duration of the performance for 5 seconds, until you get to one minute.

If the exercise is correct, you will feel that the systems of the body are activated - approximately as after a good workout. During this exercise, you should feel tension in the back of the neck, diaphragm, chest and abdomen. Try to do this exercise when the next time you want to cheer with the help of a cup of coffee.

 Breathing exercises: how proper breathing affects the shape

Relaxing Breath

This is a very simple exercise; it occupies a minimum amount of time and it can be performed anywhere. Although it can be done in any position, learn better sitting and back straight. Press the tip of the tongue to the roof of the mouth just behind the upper front teeth, and keep it all the time, until the exercises. You will breathe through your mouth, so that the air will flow around the speakers.

  • Fully exhale air from the lungs, so as to obtain a whistling sound.
  • Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose, counting to four.
  • Hold your breath and count to seven.
  • Fully exhale through your mouth for a count of eight.
  • Repeat three more times.

Inhale when the exercise is to be quiet, and exhale - noisy. The tip of the tongue should always be pressed against the upper palate. If you find it hard to hold their breath or make a long breath, you can do it faster, but keep the ratio of 4: 7: 8. Gradually, this exercise will be obtained from you without effort.

This exercise works on the nervous system as a natural tranquilizer. However, unlike the latter, the effect of breathing exercises during the first execution unobtrusive. Over time, its relaxing and calming effect becomes more noticeable. It is recommended to exercise twice a day; during the first month is not desirable to do at a time of more than four cycles of breath - holding your breath - exhale. Later, if desired, can carry up to eight cycles at a time. If after the first of this exercise, you feel dizzy, do not worry - this is normal and will pass quickly.

 Breathing exercises: how proper breathing affects the shape

Account breathing

Sit in a comfortable position, straighten your back and tilt your head slightly forward. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Then begin to breathe naturally, without trying to influence this process. Ideally, your breath will be quiet and deep, but the depth and rhythm may vary.

Start exercise, mentally saying "one" on the exhale. At the next exit says, "two", and so run up to five. Then start a new cycle, counting breaths from one to five. Observe how you breathe, but I was breathing. This technique combines breathing exercises and meditation Meditation - treats the body and the spirit  Meditation - treats the body and the spirit
 . In carrying out this exercise for ten minutes, you will improve the ability to concentrate and learn better control of emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code

Article Tags:
  • exercises

Aerobics: the use of aerobic exercise

December 14, 2006

  • Aerobics: the use of aerobic exercise
  • Occupations
  • Burden

 aerobics aerobic exercise
 Aerobic exercises are also called cardio. That any long rhythmic movements that involve large muscle groups. Aerobic exercises make the lungs work hard, because at the time of their execution increases oxygen demand.

 Aerobics: the use of aerobic exercise

What are the benefits of aerobic exercise

Regularly doing aerobics, you can extract a lot of benefits for the health and general well-being:

  • Increase energy levels
  • Reduce your stress level How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   and to improve the state of mind (thanks to the release of endorphins)
  • Improve heart and lung function
  • Lower blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
 , Heart rate, and the risk of stroke Stroke - a serious brain injury  Stroke - a serious brain injury
   or a heart attack

 Aerobics: the use of aerobic exercise

Does aerobics lose weight?

Weight is reduced when you create a calorie deficit, you have to burn more calories than consumed. Therefore, classes in which it burns more calories - a perfect complement to a diet in which is controlled by the number of calories consumed. This combination of extra weight go.

For example, half an hour of slow jogging burns about 300 calories. This can make a significant contribution to the creation of the necessary calorie deficit for weight loss, or allow you without remorse to eat a bar of chocolate.

 Aerobics: the use of aerobic exercise

Aerobics: training home

Whether you will be written to the gym or going skiing in the middle of winter. There are a number of exercises that can be performed in a familiar environment, at home.

The cheapest option - to put your favorite CD and dance around the room, or to engage in a vigorous cleaning of the apartment.

There are also many available accessories for home aerobic exercise, such as platforms for step aerobics, rope (do not forget to clean out anything that may break), trampolines, as well as CDs with exercises.

 Aerobics: the use of aerobic exercise

Aerobics: training on street

Even a few extra walks briskly can benefit if you are doing enough to increase the heart rate and breathing quickened.

Running, brisk walking or riding a bike in good weather - all kinds of good aerobic exercise.

Any exercise is better than no exercise, however, group sports are generally less effective as aerobic exercise, since they include a period of time, which spent a lot of energy, which alternate with periods in which the heart rate slows down.

The real benefits of aerobic exercise comes when the movement is constant.

 Aerobics: the use of aerobic exercise

Aerobics: training in the hall

Local fitness club will offer you a wide range of aerobic exercise, such as treadmills, elliptical trainers, exercise bikes, rowing machines, so that you warmed up before a workout. Good idea - to change trainers, as well as to change the set speed and the resistance level, because the body can get used to a particular exercise program, and after a few workouts the same program will not be able to create the previous load on the heart and lungs.

For those who prefer to engage in a group, many health clubs offer group occupations, for example, various types of dance, weight training, classic aerobics, step aerobics, and so on, where you will deal with a qualified instructor so that you can remove the greatest benefit from the training.

If you have the opportunity to engage in the pool, swimming - it is also a very effective kind of cardio. Since the intensity of swimming is very low, it is suitable for those who have injuries or problems with muscles or joints.

 Aerobics: the use of aerobic exercise

How often do you have to train

For a good aerobic exercise is usually recommended to take from three to five times a week for 30-60 minutes, not including warm-up at the beginning of class and cool down at the end.

The most important thing - to make sure that the heart and lungs are working intensively enough and long enough to benefit from aerobic exercise, but not so long that there was a risk of injury. Check the correct level of training intensity can be like this: you have to hyperventilate, but at the same time be able to speak.

It is important to start slowly. If some time you do not do, do not try to just run a marathon.

If a half-hour lesson seems too long, start with ten-minute sessions during the first week, then increase the time to 15 or 20 minutes for the next week, and so on, until you feel comfortable doing longer.

Be sure to listen to your body. If the muscles are tired, that's fine, but if the muscles or joints begin to hurt or you become hard to breathe Panting - what's wrong?  Panting - what's wrong?
 , Slow down the pace or finish training, to be sure. What can you do in the next time.
