Worms - how dangerous they are? - Pills

June 23 2013

  • Worms - how dangerous they are?
  • Helminthiasis
  • Symptoms and signs
  • The man
  • Children
  • When pregnancy
  • Ascaris during pregnancy
  • Assays
  • Treatment
  • Ridding
  • Folk remedies
  • Withdrawal
  • Pills
  • Herbs
  • Prevention
  • Prevention in Children
  • Medications for prevention

 tablets from worms

Tablets for worms


Mebendazole - anthelmintic drug is a broad-spectrum, is available in tablet form and is used for treatment of most diseases caused by intestinal parasites. Mebendazole is designed to combat various types of worms, including - roundworm (nematode), hookworm, trihotsefal, pinworm. Worms mebendazole prevents absorption of sugars necessary for the existence and reproduction of intestinal parasites. As a result of the drug worms die and are eliminated from the body with a chair. Side effects of mebendazole - fever, fatigue, itchy rash on the skin, sore gorole.

 Tablets | Worms - how dangerous they are?


As mebendazole, pyrantel is used to kill most types of intestinal parasites. In most cases only one dose of the drug in the form of tablets or liquid can get rid of worms. When enterobioze (a disease caused by pinworms) requires, as a rule, repeat a single dose of pyrantel two weeks after the first dose of the drug. In the treatment of hookworm (a disease caused by tiny roundworms - hookworm), you must take one tablet daily pyrantel for three days. The most common side effects of pyrantel - upset stomach, diarrhea Diarrhea (diarrhea) - a familiar nuisance  Diarrhea (diarrhea) - a familiar nuisance
 Nausea Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
 , Abdominal pain, loss of appetite.

 Tablets | Worms - how dangerous they are?


Albendazole - anthelmintic drug in tablet form, which is used to treat tapeworm Treatment of tapeworm  Treatment of tapeworm
   particularly effective in the treatment of helminth disease caused by damage to the nervous system. Albendazole from worms recommended to take with food, to accelerate the process of assimilation of the drug and reduce the risk of side effects. Albendazole is extremely effective in the treatment of helminth diseases, but it can cause a number of quite serious side effects. Among the most common side-effects include fever, pain in gorole, rash, abdominal pain, nausea, headache, diarrhea, dizziness, Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet

Worms - how dangerous they are? - Symptoms and signs

June 23 2013

  • Worms - how dangerous they are?
  • Helminthiasis
  • Symptoms and signs
  • The man
  • Children
  • When pregnancy
  • Ascaris during pregnancy
  • Assays
  • Treatment
  • Ridding
  • Folk remedies
  • Withdrawal
  • Pills
  • Herbs
  • Prevention
  • Prevention in Children
  • Medications for prevention

 Symptoms of worms


Intestinal parasites - tape worms, roundworm, pinworm - the phenomenon is much more common than it seems. As such unpleasant phenomenon of helminthiasis (diseases caused by intestinal parasites) may face each person, regardless of age or gender, it is important to recognize the first symptoms of worms and seek medical advice.

 Symptoms and signs | Worms - how dangerous they are?

Weight loss

The weight of the human body can vary for many reasons, so most people do not tend to pay attention to sudden and causeless weight loss. Meanwhile, the sharp decline in body weight - the first symptom of worms.

 Symptoms and signs | Worms - how dangerous they are?


Unpleasant sensation of itching in the anus or vagina can be a sign of the activity of intestinal parasites that cause local skin irritation. One of the symptoms of worms - the emergence in some areas of the skin rash, skin rash similar to eczema Eczema - is difficult to treat  Eczema - is difficult to treat

 Symptoms and signs | Worms - how dangerous they are?

Abdominal pain

Abdominal pain - one of the characteristic symptoms of worms, though diskoforta sensation and pain in the abdomen and can cause other health problems, from ulcers to irritable bowel syndrome. When Helminthiases pain can be felt in every area of ​​the abdomen.

 Symptoms and signs | Worms - how dangerous they are?

Diarrhea or constipation

Intestinal parasites in most cases cause disruption of the intestine and, as a consequence, intermittent attacks of diarrhea or constipation. Constipation or diarrhea may occur in many other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, so it is often diagnose a disease caused by worms, is quite difficult.

 Symptoms and signs | Worms - how dangerous they are?

Worms or eggs in the stool

The most obvious symptom of worms - dead worms or parasite eggs in feces.

 Symptoms and signs | Worms - how dangerous they are?

Signs of worms

Depending on the kind of helminth symptoms caused by infestation (infection by intestinal parasites) can be different. Some types of worms Types of worms and the consequences of their occurrence  Types of worms and the consequences of their occurrence
   can develop in humans for several months without obvious symptoms, while others cause severe disease.

The three most common types of intestinal parasites that can infect the person - is roundworm, tapeworm and pork tapeworm bull. For each of these types of worms characterized by different signs and symptoms that occur through different time periods.

 Symptoms and signs | Worms - how dangerous they are?

Signs of roundworm

The main cause of infection Ascaris - eating raw or neprozharennoe (undercooked) meat of a pig. The first signs of infestation is usually seen within one to two days after eating the meat. The most common symptoms of worms - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever. At this stage of infection with worms are often confused with the flu Influenza - expect the unexpected but always  Influenza - expect the unexpected but always
 But after a certain period of time (from two to eight weeks) are new, more distinct symptoms.

Among them - the headaches, swelling of the skin around the eyes, aching pain in the joints Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?  Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?
   and muscle pain, fatigue, itching.

In the most serious cases of infection with worms can cause disruption of the heart and breathing problems, loss of coordination. Inadequate treatment can potentially be fatal.

 Symptoms and signs | Worms - how dangerous they are?

Signs of the pork tapeworm

As in the case of Ascaris larvae or pork tapeworm eggs into human beings or raw neprozharennoe (undercooked) pig meat. In many cases, the infestation causes no symptoms, although signs of worms may be abdominal pain, indigestion, weight loss, bowel obstruction. These symptoms usually occur within eight to twelve weeks after infection. In the case of the larvae of worms migrating to other organs there are other signs: for example, the defeat of respiratory parasites can cause symptoms similar to the symptoms of asthma, blood expectoration.

 Symptoms and signs | Worms - how dangerous they are?

Symptoms of bovine tapeworm

Pork tapeworm and bovine tapeworm belong to the same class of parasites - tapeworms, so the symptoms of worms in most cases the same. The main difference - the period of onset of symptoms: symptoms of worms in the case of bovine chain of infection usually appear ten to fourteen weeks after infestation.
