Hofitol - description of the drug for the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract

January 20th, 2013

 hofitol description
 Hofitol - hepatoprotector it (the drug has a positive effect on the liver cells) and cholagogue. Furthermore, it positively affects the kidney and improves the overall metabolism of the organism. Hofitol applied for the treatment of digestive disorders, bile flow, reducing motor activity of the gallbladder and chronic kidney disease.

 Hofitol - description of the drug for the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract

Hofitol how hepatoprotector

Active ingredient Chophytol is an extract of fresh leaves of an artichoke field. It has a beneficial effect on the liver cells, which leads to improvement in function of that organ.

Mechanism Chophytol hepatoprotective action associated with the action it contains biologically active substances polyphenols. These substances have a positive effect on metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   in hepatocytes and inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol - this effect can lead to a significant improvement in disease course, against the background of developing atherosclerosis. Polyphenols also inhibit consumption of glycogen (glucose source) that save for a "rainy day."

One of the properties of polyphenols is the ability to inhibit the formation of pathogenic fungi toxins.

In addition to polyphenols in the extract of artichoke Artichoke extract - for the treatment and prevention of various diseases  Artichoke extract - for the treatment and prevention of various diseases
   field contains a lot of minerals, provitamin A, vitamin C and Group B. These substances are also biologically active and involved in metabolic processes.

Chophytol The treatment leads to an improvement of liver function, it is possible to trace not only feel, and to improve on laboratory analyzes. Do not use hofitol only in acute liver disease.

 Hofitol - description of the drug for the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract

Hofitol as cholagogue

Present in Hofitol polyphenols activate as the amount allocated to the secretion of bile and bile salts (choleretic action) .  It helps restore normal digestion, prevents the development of cholecystitis and cholangitis, reduces flatulence, and normalizes the activity of the intestine .  In addition, hofitol slightly increases motor activity of smooth muscles of the biliary tract, which allows to use this drug for the treatment of biliary dyskinesia on the hypokinetic type (that is, with the stagnation of bile in the biliary tract due to the decrease in their motility) .  This can lead on the one hand to digestive disorders, as involved in the process of bile into the intestine irregular and insufficient .  On the other hand stagnation of bile in the biliary tract creates the risk of inflammation in the area, that is, cholecystitis and cholangitis .

Hofitol in this case helps stabiliztsii of the patients, as the stagnation in the biliary tract runs, restored the normal process of digestion, reduces the risk of cholangitis and cholecystitis.

You can not assign hofitol only in acute inflammatory processes in the biliary tract, the presence of obstacles to the outflow of blood (stones, tumors, etc.) and increase motor activity of biliary tract (dyskinesia of hypertensive type).

 Hofitol - description of the drug for the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract

Hofitol in diseases of other organs

Biologically active substances contained in Hofitol Hofitol - has beneficial effects on liver function  Hofitol - has beneficial effects on liver function
 Help to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, which leads to improvement of patients suffering from various diseases in the background of atherosclerosis. Hofitol used in the complex treatment of diseases such as coronary heart disease, cerebral atherosclerosis, atherosclerosis, peripheral vascular limb violation of their permeability and so on.

With obesity hofitol helps to normalize digestion and metabolism, increased appetite goes, accelerates metabolism and the patient loses weight.

Hofitol is used in the treatment of chronic kidney disease for the prevention and treatment of chronic renal failure. It helps to increase the glomerular filtration of urine, which manifests itself as a diuretic effect, but it does not appear from the body of potassium, which is essential for the normal state of the cardiovascular system.

Hofitol often used as part of an integrated treatment of various chronic poisoning and intoxication - alcohol, various chemicals, food, medicines and other things. At the same time, along with bile from the body toxins.

 Hofitol - description of the drug for the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract

General contraindications

Hofitol can not be used in case of hypersensitivity to its components of the patient, gallstones, biliary tract obstruction from any source. Tablets are contraindicated hofitol under the age of six years. During pregnancy and nursing Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast hofitol appoint a doctor for health reasons.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • hofitol

Fosfalyugel constipation - helps, but not always

March 31, 2013

 Aluminium phosphate gel with constipation
 Fosfalyugel - a drug which reduces the acidity of gastric juice. And since increased acidity will almost always cause loose stools and diarrhea, diarrhea Aluminium phosphate gel eliminates such origin. In addition, Aluminium phosphate gel helps to eliminate fluid from the intestine, so to eliminate constipation this drug will not always.

 Fosfalyugel constipation - helps, but not always

The main causes of constipation

Constipation - a long delay of feces in the intestine. Fecal accumulate in the lower intestine, causing them to stretch. This in turn leads to compression and disruption of other internal organs. Thus there is also re-absorption of various toxic substances from the blood in feces, that leads to the development of chronic toxicity and is accompanied by weakness, malaise, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
   and so on.

Causes of constipation may be different. This arrhythmia food, bad food, cold food nutrition, sedentary lifestyle (this leads to a decrease in the motor activity of the intestine), various hormonal disorders, prolonged exposure to toxic substances, growing tumor of the intestine, severe diseases of the central nervous system (for example, conditions after stroke Stroke - a serious brain injury  Stroke - a serious brain injury
   or traumatic brain injury), chronic stress and high nervous and mental load and so on.

The mechanism of constipation is often associated with increased or decreased motor activity of smooth muscles of the intestine. Reduced motor activity leads to atonic constipation due to the fact that the stool is not moving through the intestines. Bowel muscles sometimes has a tendency to convulsive spastic contractions. This promotes spastic constipation - faeces retained in the intestine. But most developing dyskinetic constipation, when some parts of the intestine develop simultaneously spasms and relaxation.

 Fosfalyugel constipation - helps, but not always

What Aluminium phosphate gel and how it works

Fosfalyugal (active substance - aluminum phosphate) - a drug that belongs to a group of nonabsorbable antacids that reduce the acidity of gastric juice. Its action is essentially local, it is absorbed into the blood in small quantities, has no negative effect when properly taking in the recommended dosages. The aluminum phosphate is in Fosfalyugel Fosfalyugel - a cure for heartburn, belching and stomach pains  Fosfalyugel - a cure for heartburn, belching and stomach pains
   in the form of a colloidal solution. It neutralizes stomach contents before acidification and maintains this rate for several hours without suppressing acidity completely.

Fosfolyugelya The composition also includes excipients which give it additional properties. This sorbitol, agar-agar, pectin, calcium sulfate dihydrate, potassium sorbate, orange flavoring, and purified water. The combination of a colloidal solution of aluminum phosphate gel with agar and pectin strengthens the antacid effect of the drug, it gives the enveloping and adsorptive properties. Fosfalyugal covers the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract with a protective film that protects the cells from damage and facilitates their recovery.

 Fosfalyugel constipation - helps, but not always

How Aluminium phosphate gel acts with diarrhea and constipation

Fosfalyugel prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which occur on the background of the increased acidity of gastric juice. Increased acidity promotes digestive disorders, is often accompanied by diarrhea. Such diarrhea usually occur long and terminated with the normalization of gastric acidity. This mechanism underlies the action antidiarrheal (antidiarrheal) Fosfalyugel action.

With prolonged use of large doses Fosfalyugel enteric much aluminum is formed which inhibits peristalsis and therefore, will cause a delay of stool, i.e. constipation.

Constipation will also contribute to the adsorption effect of Fosfalyugel: with different particles it will absorb and remove liquid.

At the same time, some gastrointestinal disease (including the acidity of gastric juice) is sometimes accompanied by constipation Constipation - Watch out for food  Constipation - Watch out for food
 . In these cases, Aluminium phosphate gel, thanks to its member adjuvants promotes stool through the intestines. Therefore, in the complex treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in some cases, the drug may help to reduce constipation.

 Fosfalyugel constipation - helps, but not always

In some cases, Aluminium phosphate gel is contraindicated

Contraindications for use Fosfalyugel are idiosyncrasy of components of the drug to patients, pronounced renal dysfunction, Alzheimer's disease (aluminum may have a negative effect on the brain tissue). Be wary appoint Aluminium phosphate gel in the human liver and severe cardiovascular disease.

Fosfalyugel - a drug, which can be used for constipation in some cases only a part of complex treatment.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Aluminium phosphate gel
