Vaginal itching and burning after sex - what they show?

May 3, 2009

 vaginal itching and burning after sex
 Vaginal itching and burning after sex can have many different causes. For example, semen can be irritating to the mucous membranes of the vagina. Reduced resistance to the immune system, douching, vaginal (and not only), birth control pills, and spermicides, can become triggers vaginal itching that occurs after sex. Some women have allergic reactions to the materials of construction for the condom, nor lubricating and / or flavoring, which are also often used in their manufacture.

Themselves friction during intercourse may cause vaginal itching, which becomes especially noticeable after sex. Sometimes this can be overcome by using special lubricants. (Do not use oil-based lubricants on if use condoms - the oil can destroy the structure of latex).


Problematic issues

Many diseases can cause vaginal itching, which becomes stronger after sex. Among these diseases - fungal infections, more commonly known as thrush. Other symptoms of thrush are abundant white discharge resembling cottage cheese consistency. Typically, itching accompanied with a yeast becomes stronger after the stand, since the sensitivity of the skin as a whole is improved. Thrush can be transmitted through sexual contact, but most of its development is associated with the weakening of the human immune system.

For treatment, you can use a variety of OTC drugs, but without treating thrush usually goes pretty quickly.

Trichomoniasis - a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Its main symptoms are greenish-yellow discharge Yellow highlight - a frequent factor disorders in the body  Yellow highlight - a frequent factor disorders in the body
   and severe itching and burning during and after sex. When such symptoms should be as soon as possible to see a doctor and undergo the recommended course of treatment.

Vaginitis, or colpitis Colpitis - take a lot of trouble  Colpitis - take a lot of trouble
   - An inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, which is a common symptom of itching and burning after sex. This disorder is caused by the uncontrolled multiplication of potentially harmful bacteria. This usually occurs when the weakening of the immune system.

Reduced estrogen levels Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   in women before menopause may cause dryness of the vaginal mucosa, which is why after sex a woman may experience severe itching and burning.

The cause of vaginal itching and burning can also be stressful How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 . For example, if a woman has any fears related to sexuality, this problem may be psychological and somatic manifestations such. In addition, the constant psychological stress, which has no direct relation to the sexual sphere, too, is capable of causing the appearance of symptoms.


What to do in case of itching and burning after sex

When vaginal itching and burning after sex should be as soon as possible to undergo a medical examination. If the cause of the problem of STDs are assigned a course of antibiotics. Fungal infection is successfully treated with antifungal agents. If the cause of itching can not be established by conventional tests, try to find a trigger problems independently. Start using spermicides, condoms, lubricants, vaginal contraceptives other manufacturers and watch the reaction of the organism. For example, if the itching and burning after sex will be when you stop using a certain brand of lubricant is likely he triggers irritation.

If the itching and burning did not stop, despite all the measures taken, it is possible that the cause of the problem lies in stress, and you should consult with a psychologist.

Article Tags:
  • thrush

Discharge after scraping: What to Expect

October 5, 2011

 release after curettage
 Despite the widespread popularity of therapeutic and diagnostic curettage, not all women who have been subjected to this procedure, know how to proceed should the postoperative period. Curettage is a natural stage presence discharge after the procedure. This is quite a natural process that takes a certain period of time. But, undoubtedly, many patients are interested in questions about the duration, intensity and sensations during discharge. In order not to miss the start of uterine pathology, every woman should be able to distinguish the normal allocation after curettage of the pathological.


What scraping?

Curettage - a gynecological procedure time which makes manipulation of the surgical kind (using special tools) in the uterus. That is, in fact, curettage is none other than the operation. And like any surgery, curettage is fraught with a number of postoperative complications.

It depends on many factors:

  • reasons caused scraping Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure  Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure
   the uterine cavity;
  • concomitant diseases, especially of the reproductive system;
  • adherence to aseptic and antiseptic during the operation, in particular sterile instruments;
  • the skills of the surgeon and the duration of scraping;
  • the quality of the procedure.

By curettage Curettage - how dangerous it is?  Curettage - how dangerous it is?
   It includes not only those manipulations that were performed for diagnostic or therapeutic (bleeding, missed abortion, the remains of the ovum or the placenta after delivery) the aim, but the medical abortion Medical abortion - be wary of the ordinary  Medical abortion - be wary of the ordinary

Technique surgical abortion and medical-diagnostic curettage is the same, the only difference in the volume of the contents of the uterus removed.


Normal discharge after curettage

During scraping of the uterine cavity, for whatever reason, it has not been made, the removed functional layer endometrium. Naturally, the uterus is a solid open wound that bleeds a certain time. Condition after scraping a little different from menstrual days, because it is a phase of desquamation (monthly) functional layer is rejected. The duration of menstruation is individual for each woman, depending on the hormonal function of the pituitary gland and the ovaries. In a way, you can draw an analogy between the discharge after curettage and monthly.

Normal discharge after scraping mild, odorless and last five - six days.

Then, the amount of bleeding is reduced, the discharge becomes spreadable and gradually taper off. The total duration of bleeding Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
   does not exceed ten days. Spotting process may be accompanied by minor pulling pain in the lower back and abdomen, indicating that the uterine contractions. When scraping was made on the eve of menstruation, the allocation for the duration of the meet monthly, that is, not more than six days.


Abnormal discharge after curettage

Failure to comply with the measures of asepsis during surgery, prolonged duration or poorly performed curettage procedure (in the uterus were pieces of the placenta or pathological endometrium), discharge after scraping become pathological:

  • Inflammation of the uterus

One of the complications of uterine curettage is its inflammation (endometritis). The infection gets into the uterus through the external tools (incorrect sterilization, aseptic non-compliance during the surgery or the presence of nutrient substrate - the remnants of fetal eggs and other things in the uterus). In this case, the selection may be a copious bloody and spreadable sukrovichnymi. A characteristic feature of abnormal discharge is their unpleasant smell and color, which resembles meat slops. In addition to selections, the patient temperature rises, there is significant pain in the abdomen.

  • Prolonged bleeding

Long-spotting (over ten days) may be the result of hormonal, incomplete removal of abnormal endometrial curettage, or in the case conducted at the beginning or middle of the menstrual cycle.

  • Hemometra

Hematometra - a cluster of blood clots in the uterine cavity. Evacuation of blood clots from the uterus is not possible as there was premature closure of the cervical canal. This pathology is characterized by the sudden cessation of discharge after surgery (after one or two days), sharp, cramping abdominal pain and fever.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • allocation
