The herb St. John's wort and its use in medicine

January 1, 2014

  • The herb St. John's wort and its use in medicine
  • Application

 The herb St. John's wort
 Medicinal properties of herb St. John's wort have been known for a long time, but by representatives of official medicine have begun to actively discuss it in 1996, when one of the reputable scientific journal published a report on a meta-analysis, according to which the herb St. John's wort is effective against mild to moderate depression. In the same issue of the magazine was a material which was emphasized - to ensure the effectiveness of St. John's wort, more research is needed, but in spite of this, the use of talking about it, many experts and selling drugs from this plant began to grow rapidly.

Herb St. John's wort contains a lot of biologically active chemical compounds, but its healing properties are attributed mainly components such as hypericin, pseudohypericin, gipersorin and flavonoids. Doses of St. John's wort is usually assigned on the basis of the content of hypericin, which can vary significantly depending on the part of the plant used for the production of the drug, growing conditions and time of year.



According to earlier studies, during which studied the standardized extract of St. John's wort, which is the main ingredient hypericin, herb St. John's wort in about twice as effective as placebo. In several studies, reports even said that St. John's wort is much more effective than standard antidepressants. However, none of these studies lasted more than six weeks, and this is not enough to determine whether the agent effectively in the long term, and to identify all the side effects that it may cause. Furthermore, during the majority of these studies, there were problems with the diagnosis; to placebo it was significantly lower than usual doses of standard antidepressants - too small a dose of St. John's wort, which was administered to patients were so different that one subject could receive six times more hypericin than another.

In general, carried out to date research on the effectiveness of St. John's wort, is quite complex and contradictory. The most authentic looking analysis of 26 studies in which St. John's wort compared to placebo Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis  Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis
 . According to this analysis, the study, which showed low efficacy in the treatment of depression, St. John's wort Treatment of depression - pills needed  Treatment of depression - pills needed
 We were better organized and carried out, in general, more responsible. In one such study involved 200 people with severe depression - as expected against the disease St. John's wort has been powerless. In another study, involving 340 patients, it was found that hypericum fails and mild depression. Moreover, these two studies were the only ones of the 26 who were randomized, placebo-controlled, and also carried out in several different places - it corresponds to the gold standard of clinical trials.



The first studies have not shown any major side effects of hypericum, although it was found that it can cause lethargy, dry mouth, slight dizziness, skin rash, and increased sensitivity of the skin to sunlight. However, several years ago, there were obtained data indicating that the St. John's wort may reduce the effectiveness of indinavir (a drug used to slow the development of HIV and AIDS), cyclosporine (used after organ transplantation), and warfarin (blood thinners).

St. John's wort acts on an important pathway - cytochrome P-450. Since the processing of many prescription medications that are used to treat disorders such as depression, heart disease and some types of cancer, it goes on this way, physicians should warn patients that the use of St. John's wort St. John's Wort: application - medicine for 99 diseases  St. John's Wort: application - medicine for 99 diseases
   simultaneously with certain medications are potentially dangerous. Later, they have been identified and some of the other problems associated with St. John's wort, because of which it can not be taken by pregnant or lactating women, as well as those who take prescription antidepressants.


The quality

Even if future studies show that St. John's wort is useful, there are other problems that may prevent the effective use of this plant. One such problem is the preparations of St. John's wort Preparations from St. John's wort - recipes of traditional medicine  Preparations from St. John's wort - recipes of traditional medicine
 , Which are now on the market a lot. Despite the fact that the claimed amount of hypericin and pseudohypericin in them approximately equal, in practice, the concentration of the active substances may vary. For example, in one study, it was found that capsules based on one brand of Hypericum hypericin concentration can be seventeen times higher than in others. Pseudohypericin concentration difference reaches thirteen times. Another study found that in seven out of ten products based on the amount of St. John's wort hypericin is 75-135% of the amount indicated on the package. In other products the contents of this matter does not exceed half of the stated concentration. In 2003, a study was conducted, the results of which revealed that only two of the 54 drugs based on St. John's wort hypericin concentration of no more than 10% differ materially.

In addition, the packages of such drugs often do not specify which part of the plant used in production, and also lists the possible side effects. In some preparations, containing St. John's wort, heavy metals were found.

Doctors say that despite the fact that St. John's wort helps some people who suffer from mild or moderate depression, psychotherapy for these disorders is usually more effective. Severe depression treated by means of alternative medicine is useless and potentially dangerous as relying on them, some people postpone visit to the doctor, and it can have very serious consequences.

Tincture motherwort - mild sedative

April 22, 2010

  • Tincture motherwort - mild sedative
  • Common Motherwort or heart
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 motherwort tincture
 Motherwort - a perennial herb of the family yasnotkovyh, reaching a height of one and a half or two meters. Motherwort grows in the Middle East, Central Asia and Europe, mainly on the banks of rivers, meadows, wasteland and derelict areas close to residential buildings.

 Tincture motherwort - mild sedative

Ingredients motherwort and its effect on the human body

The composition includes Leonurus glycosides (e.g., hyperoside), alkaloids (choline), bioflavonoids (rutin), essential oil, beta-carotene (provitamin A), ascorbic acid, mineral salts, bitterness and some other substances.

The main effect of Leonurus - a sedative (soothing). He has a positive effect on the central nervous system (CNS), reducing her anxiety, enhances (potentiates) the effect of sedatives, hypnotics, and anticonvulsants.

Sedation pustyrnika extends to the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which innervate the internal organs and blood vessels.

In addition, it lowers the blood pressure and makes the heart contract more strongly and rarely (cardiotonic action due to the presence Motherwort glycosides).

 Tincture motherwort - mild sedative

What part of the plant used

For therapeutic purposes, use the flowering tops of the plants - shoots that contain a lot of different nutrients, including alkaloids (leonurin, leopuridin), essential oil Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?  Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?
 , Stahidrin, falavonoidy (quercetin, rutin, kvinkvelozid), saponins, tannins, bitter and sweeteners, organic acids (p-coumaric, tartaric, malic, ursolic, vanillin, citric acid), vitamins A, E and C.

Stahidrin helps stimulate muscle contractions of the uterus, particularly in the later stages of pregnancy, when the uterine muscle tone changes. In addition to stimulating muscle contractions of the uterus, motherwort has also provided considerable sedative and calming effect. This property is due to the content of Leonurus bitter glycosides - substances that are useful in the treatment of anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
   and neuroses associated with the forthcoming birth of a child. The combination of soothing and uterotonic properties motherwort helps him to fulfill two functions: to prepare a woman's body for the upcoming birth and to facilitate their flow. By the way, motherwort also helps prevent miscarriage and to facilitate false contractions.

 Tincture motherwort - mild sedative

Useful properties of plants

Motherwort known to many useful properties, but is most popular as a remedy for disorders and diseases of the reproductive system in women. So, Motherwort helps with painful menstruation and irregular during labor. In traditional Chinese medicine motherwort is used to treat a number of diseases and disorders of the reproductive system function, including irregular menstruation, menstrual pain and PMS and infertility.

Without a doubt, motherwort - the perfect remedy for disorders of the female reproductive system.

Furthermore, motherwort widely used for the treatment and strengthening the cardiovascular system. It was established that motherwort stimulates the heart muscle, especially during pregnancy and childbirth, when increasing the load on the heart. Naturopaths recommend the use of motherwort for the treatment of arrhythmias and palpitations caused by the increased nervousness and stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 . A bitter glycosides contained in the motherwort, possess the property at the time of lowering blood pressure.

 Tincture motherwort - mild sedative

The use of tincture of Leonurus

Tincture motherwort helpful for women of any age, because it helps to regulate the menstrual cycle, eases childbirth, normalizes mood swings Mood swings in women - bad character or a disease?  Mood swings in women - bad character or a disease?
 It reduces anxiety and depression, and also solves many other women's issues. But motherwort tincture can make men, because it is an effective remedy for diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart neurosis, hypertension, angina pectoris, cardiosclerosis, myocarditis, valvular heart disease, myocardial dystrophy). Motherwort tincture is used to strengthen the muscles of the uterus, to ease the symptoms of menopause, when menstruation delay and severe menstrual pain.

In addition, it normalizes blood pressure, is an excellent tonic for the heart and reduces the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, without affecting hormones.

Motherwort tincture is made from the dried leaves and flowering tops of the plant and has a bitter taste. To prepare an alcohol tincture of Leonurus take one piece of dried herbs, pour 70% alcohol or alcohol (vodka, gin, brandy) in a ratio of 1 to 5 and leave to infuse for one month in a dark place, and then decant. Before use 5 - 8 drops of tincture topped up with water to a tablespoon and taken before meals 3-4 times a day (in Chinese medicine recommended daily dose is 9-60 grams of motherwort). To be treated in this way can for three consecutive months, followed by a break. Tincture Motherwort has a sedative effect, several times larger than the effect of valerian. Do not take motherwort tincture during heavy menstrual bleeding, because it can only make the problem worse.
