Medicinal properties celandine - facts and doubts

May 1, 2014

 healing properties celandine
 Celandine - is a common perennial plant, stem, flowers, and roots are used as medicine. Medicinal properties of celandine is not well understood, and raise many questions among experts.

It is assumed that celandine Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries  Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries
   effective for disorders such as indigestion, gastroenteritis, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, loss of appetite, intestinal polyps, diseases of the liver and gall bladder. It is also used for detoxification, treatment of gynecological disorders, cough, atherosclerosis, asthma.


Useful if celandine?

Currently, there is no compelling evidence that greater celandine may be useful in the following diseases:

  • Cancer .  The drug is based on an extract of celandine under the name Ukraine was developed in Austria in 1978, a scientist of Ukrainian origin .  The data held in this time of studies suggest that intravenous administration of the drug prolongs survival in patients with cancer of the colon, bladder, pancreas, and breast cancer .  Later, however, these results have been criticized as a study in which they were received, did not meet accepted standards .  Currently, many experts believe that in doses sufficient to influence the growth of cancerous tumors, Ukraine is too toxic to be usable for therapeutic purposes .  Due to the toxicity and doubtful efficiency, it has been banned in several countries, such as Germany .  In general, rely on the healing properties celandine in all types of cancer should not be - is neither a means of alternative medicine was not effective enough in the fight against cancer;
  • Scabies;
  • Intestinal flu;
  • Toothache;
  • Hypertension;
  • Asthma;
  • Gout;
  • Osteoarthritis.


Medicinal properties of celandine in gynecology

Celandine has long been used to treat various gynecological disorders - vaginal bleeding, painful menstruation, oligomenorrhea, fibroids, and others. Here are some popular recipes celandine to treat women's diseases:

  • This tool helps in a very painful and irregular menstruation. To make it, you will need: 20 g of celandine, 20 g of alder buckthorn (bark), 20 g of blackberry leaves, 20 g of birch leaves, 20 g of leaves of peppermint Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness  Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
 20 g of yarrow, 20 g of valerian root (root). Pour boiling water over the ingredients (you can use a different number of ingredients proportioning), let it brew, strain and drink one cup - 200 ml - on the day of infusion.
  • Buckthorn bark 25 g, 25 g of celandine, 25 g of bark Viburnum ordinary (red), 25 g of couch grass cover with boiling water, and after 10-15 minutes, strain. Drink one cup a day with oligomenorrhea and painful menstruation.
  • Pour boiling water over 20 g of celandine, 20 g of St. John's wort, stinging nettle 20 g, 20 g of fruits of wild rose in May, the same amount of yarrow and shepherd's purse. Ready infusion drink four times a day during heavy menstruation or uterine bleeding. However, in the case of heavy uterine bleeding Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach  Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach
   In no case can not rely solely on the celandine, or other people's money - to avoid serious complications, it is necessary as soon as possible to seek professional medical help.
  • This tool is also taking a heavy menstrual period, 3-4 cups a day. To prepare it, take 20 grams knotweed, the same amount of celandine, 40 grams goose cinquefoil, yarrow 20, 20 g of fruits of wild rose in May and 20 g of oak bark.
  • Pour boiling water over 20 g of fresh or 10 g of dried celandine, let it brew for five minutes, strain. Ready and cooled decoction is used for douching with thrush, twice a day. Daily prepare a new infusion. Do douche for one week - usually during this time symptoms of thrush are disappearing. If this does not happen a week later, repeat the treatment.
  • Means for douching with the erosion of the uterus. To cook it you need one tablespoon of finely chopped celandine, one tablespoon of pharmacy chamomile, one tablespoon of oak bark, two tablespoons of marigold, three tablespoons of Eucalyptus globulus, two tablespoons of plantain Psyllium - helps the kidneys and stomach  Psyllium - helps the kidneys and stomach
 One tablespoon tarragon. Pour boiling water over the grass, leave on for 5-10 minutes, then strain. The infusion can be used after it has cooled. Remember that this tool can not replace the means of official medicine for the treatment of uterine erosion, but only a complement to them.

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  • celandine

Tincture of Peony - instruction should not be overlooked

September 8, 2012

 tincture of peony guide
 Currently sharply increased public interest in herbal medicines. This is due to the fact that modern pharmaceuticals often have significant side effects. As a sedative is quite popular tincture of peony Tincture of Peony - calm and regulate sleep  Tincture of Peony - calm and regulate sleep

 Tincture of Peony - instruction should not be overlooked

The mechanism of action of tincture of peony

Tincture of Peony is a 10% extract of the roots, rhizomes and herb peony 40% ethanol, which is produced in bottles of 200 ml. Externally, it is a clear liquid beige color with a characteristic odor. Sometimes tincture of peony a precipitate that does not violate its properties.

The structure consists of tinctures peony essential oil Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?  Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?
 Organic acids (salicylic acid and benzoic acid), esters, glycoside salicin, small amounts of alkaloids, tannin, starch, free amino acids, vegetable protein, simple carbohydrates, and other biologically active substances.

Herb peony has a sedative (calming) effect on the central nervous system. She possesses anticonvulsant action and potentiates (increases efficiency) effects of anticonvulsants, sedatives and sleeping pills. Under conditions of laboratory investigations the low toxicity of the drug.

In addition, the tincture of peony increases the body's resistance to lack of oxygen (hypoxia), has antispasmodic and antibacterial properties, increases the acidity of gastric juice.

 Tincture of Peony - instruction should not be overlooked

Indications for use

Tincture of Peony is applied in neuroses - functional disorders of the nervous system. Especially effective tincture of a peony in the neuroses, which are accompanied by anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 , Fears, including the fear of serious and incurable ill. The beneficial effects on the central nervous system and restoring sleep leads to a significant improvement of such patients.

Often peony tincture is prescribed for vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD) - disorders of the autonomic nervous system innervation of the blood vessels. Especially characteristic for these changes during menopause and some types of menstrual disorders. The main manifestations of the IRR are sharp differences in blood pressure due to spasms and extensions of smooth muscles of blood vessel walls. Peony tincture restores the normal activity of the autonomic nervous system, and blood pressure returns to normal.

In epilepsy peony infusion administered with anticonvulsant drugs, the effect of which tincture of peony potentiates (increases). This allows you to reduce the dose of anticonvulsants, which has a positive effect on patients as anticonvulsant drugs have significant side effects.

In old age, frequent sleep disturbances Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 Including disturbance of sleep. Peony tincture has a positive impact on the process of falling asleep and increases the depth and duration of sleep.

Will tincture of peony in the early stages of hypertension, where sedatives can still restore normal blood pressure. In the later stages of the disease tincture of peony is a part of complex treatment that improves the condition of patients.

Sometimes tincture of peony used in the complex treatment of chronic gastritis with low acidity.

The usual course of treatment - is 30-40 drops of tincture three times a day for a month. After a two-week break course of treatment can be repeated.

 Tincture of Peony - instruction should not be overlooked

Contraindications for use and side effects

Peony infusion should not be used if you are hypersensitive components of the drug by the body of the patient. In addition, the tincture of peony does not apply in the human kidney and liver, as well as a tendency to low blood pressure. No experience of using this drug in children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Side effects are mainly known allergic reactions. But perhaps the emergence of lethargy, drowsiness, lower blood pressure and overall health. In this regard, during the course of treatment with tincture of peony is not recommended to perform work requiring high precision, proper coordination and concentration (for example, you can not drive a car). Individual intolerance of the drug is in the form of nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. With prolonged use of tincture of peony should check the acidity of gastric juice.

Tincture of Peony - soothing herbal drug.

Galina Romanenko

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  • tincture of peony
