Vitamin Complexes: to drink or not to drink? - How to choose

September 12th, 2010

  • Vitamin Complexes: to drink or not to drink?
  • How to choose

Why the body vitamins

Vitamins - a minor (contained in very small quantities) food components capable of regulating the metabolism. Without their participation does not pass a biochemical reaction in the body (they are part of enzymes - substances that speed up many times all chemical reactions), so called vitamins regulatory substances. The daily requirement of certain vitamins varies from thousandths of a mg to several tens of milligrams.

Vitamins increase the body's resistance to various environmental factors (infectious agent, chemical and physical influences), stimulate the work of many organ systems (for example, a system that ensures the disintegration and elimination from the body toxins, neutralizing the effects of radiation).

Lack of vitamins always leads to a weakening of the body and stimulates the emergence of many diseases. Regular intake of vitamins significantly reduces the incidence of colds and other diseases. The vitamins are especially in need elderly people, patients with chronic diseases, teenagers, people with higher physical and mental load.

Total body requires 20 vitamins and their precursors, four of which (vitamins A, E, K, D) are fat-soluble, other water soluble.

 What to choose | Vitamin Complexes: to drink or not to drink?

Minerals and their involvement in metabolism

Minerals are part of the human body tissues, enzymes, and hormones. They play an important role in the construction of tissue cells, particularly the skeleton, maintaining acid-base and water-mineral balance. Minerals found in the intracellular fluid, adjusting its composition to be involved in the formation of blood cells, in the processes of the nervous system, regulation of muscle tone, including the tone of the cardiovascular system. They are involved in metabolic processes as coenzyme (components of enzymes), thereby expediting all biochemical processes.

Chemical substances enter the body through food and water. The concentration of certain minerals in the human body reaches several grams (the so-called macronutrients - calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, magnesium), while others are in very low concentrations and are called trace elements (iron, zinc, selenium, iodine, cobalt, manganese, chlorine, etc.). There is the required amount of each trace element for the normal functioning of the body.

 What to choose | Vitamin Complexes: to drink or not to drink?

What vitamins and minerals to choose

It is best to consult a doctor, especially if the person suffers from some chronic disease. You can not take all the vitamins consecutive pregnant women, nursing mothers and children - for them produced a special vitamin-mineral complexes.

Today made a huge amount of multivitamins. With their selection should pay attention:

  • for vitamins and minerals - too many components often "not coexist with each other" in a single tablet, despite the fact that during their preparation are used special technology (each vitamin placed in a separate kapsulki and then - in the tablet), after gastric capsules break and vitamins mixed;
  • at dosages of vitamins and minerals; Some complexes have a high dosages exceeding the daily requirement for vitamins - it is therapeutic doses that are prescribed; overdose of some fat-soluble vitamins may face unpleasant consequences;
  • natural vitamins - it is certainly better than synthetic, since they contain more biologically active substances that contribute to the absorption of vitamins; but most of it is artificial complexes contain vitamins that are great, "woven" in the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   and do not have any negative qualities.

 What to choose | Vitamin Complexes: to drink or not to drink?

The daily requirement of essential vitamins and minerals

The daily requirement for vitamins: Vitamin A - 1 mg or 3,300 IU of vitamin E - 20-30 mg or IU, Vitamin D - 2, 5 mcg or 100 IU for adults and 10 mcg or 400 IU for children, Vitamin B1 - 1, 5 - 2 mg, vitamin B2 - 2 mg, vitamin B6 - 2 mg of folic acid Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate  Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate
   - 0, 2 mg, vitamin B12 - 2 mg (for pregnant women - 3 mg), vitamin C - 70-100 mg.

The daily requirement for minerals zinc - 3 - 15 mg of iron - 10-18 mg silicon - 20-30 mg of phosphorus - 1000-2000 mg of selenium - 50-200 mg calcium - 800 - 1500 mg (most of it It requires nursing mothers and children 6-7 years), magnesium - 400 mg, manganese - 1-2 mg.

 What to choose | Vitamin Complexes: to drink or not to drink?

An overdose of vitamins What is dangerous

Danger of overdosing mainly fat-soluble vitamins A and D.

  • Symptoms of vitamin A overdose include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, disturbance of visual acuity, diplopia, headache, insomnia, irritability, Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Hair loss, dryness and peeling of the skin, skin rash.
  • An overdose of Vitamin D: high blood pressure, heart function spasmodic, nausea, weight loss, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , Loss of appetite, children's - developmental delay.

Vitamins and minerals needed in the spring, but they must be taken strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations or prescription.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • vitamins

Viral mononucleosis - glandular fever - Diagnosis and treatment

June 14, 2014

  • Viral mononucleosis - glandular fever
  • Diagnosis and treatment

 treatment of viral mononucleosis

Diagnosis of viral mononucleosis

To diagnose the disease, it is generally carried out a blood test for antibodies to Epstein - Barr virus, or monospot test and complete blood count. In the first week after infection analysis may give a negative result, and the concentration of antibody is usually reaches a peak 2-6 weeks after the virus has entered the body.

Although the accuracy of monospot test, if it is done too early, up to 100% in some very rare cases, the disease can lead to false positive results of this analysis. Among these diseases - toxoplasmosis, rubella, and some malignant disorders, especially leukemia and lymphoma.

With blood count is determined, inter alia, the level of lymphocytes and leukocytes. For viral mononucleosis is characterized by elevated levels of white blood cells and lymphocytes; normal or low concentration of these cells usually indicates any other diseases.

Generally, the level of lymphocytes in the blood when mononucleosis Mononucleosis - forecast favorable  Mononucleosis - forecast favorable
   It becomes the maximum in the first or second week of the disease, and then gradually returns to normal; about as normal and increases the concentration of white blood cells.

Since the virus mononucleosis is almost always to some extent affects the liver, blood count in this disease usually shows a slight increase in the level of bilirubin.


Treatment of viral mononucleosis

Until now, it has not been established sufficiently effective antiviral drug for the treatment of mononucleosis Treatment for mononucleosis - medicines and folk ways  Treatment for mononucleosis - medicines and folk ways
 . Acyclovir and ganciclovir may reduce viral shedding, but do not affect the course of the disease.

Typically, patients are recommended for a few weeks a lot of rest, drink lots of fluids, and to the extent necessary, to take OTC drugs to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Sticking to a special diet is not necessary - just a full and varied nutrition, providing the body with all the necessary vitamins. However, patients are urged to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages. Since mononucleosis affects the functioning of the liver, alcohol abuse at the same time often causes nausea, vomiting, and other unpleasant consequences.

On a stretch of at least three weeks, you need to refrain from any major physical exertion (severe in this case, you need to include all conditions that require tangible muscle tension, and especially - the abdominal muscles). This measure is necessary to reduce the likelihood of rupture of the spleen.


Complications viral mononucleosis

In rare cases, mononucleosis leads to a strong increase of the tonsils, resulting in airway obstruction. For the treatment of this complication is usually used corticosteroids.

Sometimes a complication of viral mononucleosis becomes ruptured spleen - a potentially fatal disorder, but with timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

Other rare complications of mononucleosis - myocarditis, encephalitis and lymphoma.

According to a recently concluded study, which lasted seven years, viral mononucleosis may also lead to the development of chronic fatigue syndrome Chronic fatigue syndrome - a new disease of the century  Chronic fatigue syndrome - a new disease of the century

Scientists have long noted that, while most people have symptoms of the disease disappear in just a few weeks, one of the ten cases for a long time preserved symptoms such as weakness and fatigue. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Chronic fatigue - if life is not a pleasant experience  Chronic fatigue - if life is not a pleasant experience
   It can be diagnosed if such symptoms are observed for six months or more, and lead to a significant reduction in quality of life.

The researchers observed a group of 39 patients who had been diagnosed with acute viral mononucleosis .  Eight people have developed "post-infectious fatigue syndrome", while the others took disease without any consequences .  During 12 months in patients regularly taking blood for testing to assess the activity of Epstein - Barr virus and determine how it reacts to the immune system .  It turned out that no virus or abnormal immune response does not explain the fact that after the disease in some patients develop chronic fatigue syndrome .  Scientists came to the conclusion that during the acute phase of viral mononucleosis is damage to parts of the brain that control perception of fatigue and pain signals .  Thus, if after a few weeks of recovery the patient complains of constant fatigue, drowsiness and lethargy, it is due not to the activity of the virus, and with the processes in the brain .

Article Tags:
  • mononucleosis
