Scarlet fever - threatening complications

September 28th, 2008

  • Scarlet fever - threatening complications
  • How do you get scarlet fever

 scarlet fever
   Scarlet fever - a bacterial infection, the main symptom of which is the vast red-pink skin rash. Nowadays, this disease is relatively rare and occurs in a mild form.

 Scarlet fever - threatening complications

Signs and symptoms of scarlet fever

The first symptoms of scarlet fever usually appear within 4 days after infection.

Covered with scarlet fever rash skin of the patient to the touch may resemble sandpaper. The rash appears, usually in one place and then distributed to other parts or even the entire body. Often the rash is accompanied by itching.

The patient's face in most cases not covered by rash, but it becomes a scarlet, wherein the skin around the mouth remains white. Hardest rash of scarlet fever affects the skin on the ears, neck, chest, elbows, inner thighs and groin.

Usually the rash persists for six days, and then gradually begins to decline, since the upper torso. At the mildest forms of the disease rash is the only symptom of scarlet fever. In other cases, observed symptoms such as headache, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck, lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting, stomach pain; damage to delicate blood vessels in the skin folds, for example, armpits, because of which the skin appear red band - the so-called line paste; White patches on the tongue (a few days later he will come down, leaving the language even more red than usual, and swollen); malaise.

If in addition to these symptoms you experience severe muscle pain, you were diarrhea and vomiting, see your doctor to rule out or as soon as possible to identify streptococcal infections such as toxic shock syndrome. In the early stages of these diseases are treated fairly easily.

The upper layers of the skin, usually on the hands, peel away within six weeks after the eruption took place.

 Scarlet fever - threatening complications

How is scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is highly contagious. It is transmitted by airborne droplets when physical contact with an infected person, and also at the joint with the patient using towels, toilets, bathtubs, clothes and bed linen.

Some people are carriers of scarlet fever - that is, they do not have symptoms of the disease, but it can infect other.

Ill with scarlet fever can any man, but it occurs most often in children aged four to eight years. Symptoms of scarlet fever appears only those who are susceptible to the toxins formed streptococcus. Most children over ten years of developing immunity to streptococci, and children up to two years still protected by antibodies they received from their mother.

 Scarlet fever - threatening complications

The complications of scarlet fever

Complications from scarlet fever are rare. Sometimes patients who have had a disease that develops an ear infection, abscess Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?  Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?
   throat, sinusitis, inflammation of the kidneys, pneumonia, acute rheumatic fever, accompanied by severe pain in the joints. In extremely rare cases, scarlet fever gives complications such as meningitis Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges  Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
 , Acute renal failure Acute renal failure - causes and consequences  Acute renal failure - causes and consequences
 , Sepsis, necrotizing fasciitis, toxic shock syndrome (a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection), osteomyelitis Osteomyelitis: severe inflammatory disease  Osteomyelitis: severe inflammatory disease
   (infection of the bone).

 Scarlet fever - threatening complications

Treatment for scarlet fever

In most cases, scarlet fever passes untreated for approximately one week. However, when symptoms of scarlet fever are advised to contact a doctor. He prescribe treatment that will not only speed up recovery, but also reduce the risk of side effects.

The most common treatment for scarlet fever is prescribed ten-day course of antibiotics, such as penicillin. If the patient is allergic to penicillin, may be used instead of erythromycin.

The patient need to stay at home for at least a day after treatment. When properly receiving medication symptoms disappear after a few days, but the treatment should be brought to the end in order to avoid recurrence and complications.

During treatment, try to drink plenty of fluids to maintain in the room where you are, the temperature below 20C, eat right. For headaches and high temperatures can take paracetamol. Calamine lotion can help relieve itching and relieve inflammation of the skin. Before the end of a course of antibiotics should refrain from drinking alcohol.

Flemoksin - effective in fighting infections

February 18, 2010

  • Flemoksin - effective in fighting infections
  • Indications and side effects

 Flekmoksin - an antibiotic active ingredient is amoxicillin. The drug should be taken with caution for those who have a history of kidney disease, allergies, asthma, hives, hay fever and / or phenylketonuria. Diabetes patients while receiving flemoksin should regularly check blood sugar Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health

Indications: pneumonia, bronchitis, gonorrhea Gonorrhea - self-ruled  Gonorrhea - self-ruled
 , Infections of the ears, nose, throat, skin and urinary tract, septicemia. In combination with other drugs flemoksin used to treat infections caused by the bacterium H. pyloriu.

Contraindications: allergy to components flemoksin, including amoxicillin and other antibiotics penicillin group; infectious mononucleosis, renal failure, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (both active and history), pregnancy and breastfeeding.

 Flemoksin - effective in fighting infections

How to take flemoksin

Flemoksin produced in the form of capsules, tablets, chewable tablets and suspensions. Usually it is recommended to be taken every twelve hours (twice daily), or every eight hours (three times a day), with meals or between meals. Flemoksin best taken in the same time of the day - this is important both to maintain a certain level of the drug in the blood, and in order not to forget to take it.

Fairly common mistake patients is that they end up taking antibiotics soon after will feel the improvement.

However, relief of symptoms does not mean a full recovery. Premature end of treatment can cause bacterial resistance to certain antibiotics.

 Flemoksin - effective in fighting infections

Side effects

The most common side effects are upset stomach, vomiting and diarrhea. Typically, they are stored only for a short time. However, if they have not been tested or become more severe, consult a physician.

In rare cases flemoksin gives more severe side effects. Consult your doctor if after taking the drug you show such signs:

  • Extensive skin rash;
  • Hives;
  • Cramps;
  • Yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes;
  • Bleeding;
  • Pallor;
  • Excessive fatigue;
  • Prostration.

 Flemoksin - effective in fighting infections

Drug Interactions

Flemoksin not recommended in conjunction with an aminoglycoside.

The following drugs can change the action flemoksin and simultaneous reception of specially negotiated in each individual case: Glucosamine Glucosamine - a building material of an organism  Glucosamine - a building material of an organism
 , Antacids, laxatives, chloramphenicol, rifampin, vancomycin, macrolides, tetracyclines, lincosamides, sulfonamides, anticoagulants, oral contraceptives containing estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
