Discharge from the breast - rule out breast cancer

July 3, 2012

 allocating breast
 Often the reason for seeking medical attention is a discharge from the breast. It should be noted that the allocation of the chest can be observed not only women but also men. Reasons for discharge from the breast are very numerous, and not the least among them is breast cancer Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know  Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
 . However, there are also so-called physiological release of the chest, firstly, during a lactation, and secondly, during pregnancy. Yet, the appearance of the nipple or discharge from the nipple should alert a woman, and to be a reason to see a doctor. Only after a full examination can confidently refute or confirm the worst diagnosis - breast cancer.

 Discharge from the breast - rule out breast cancer

How does this happen

Breast refers to the body's glands and performs secretory function. This gland is composed of parenchymal (glandular tissue), in which the ducts are of different caliber, the stroma (connective tissue) that separates iron and wedges into shares and adipose tissue. Secretions from the breast refers to the physiological processes (during pregnancy and breast-feeding), but is considered a pathology in other situations.

Pathological fluid is released as milk through the nipple.

Selections can be either from one teat, and of the two. The consistency of their various, it can be a liquid or a dense secret. Colour shades of discharge from the breast cancer also vary, the secret may be clear or milky, yellow or green. Often separated from the breast have an admixture of blood and in this case they become brown.

 Discharge from the breast - rule out breast cancer


When the discharge from breast cancer in the first place should be consulted mammalogy that during the meeting to find out:

  • color discharge from the nipple;
  • allocation of one or both of the breast;
  • allocation appear spontaneously or after pressure on the nipple;
  • presence of additional complaints (fever, redness, and pain in the breast Pain in the breast - when to start worrying?  Pain in the breast - when to start worrying?
 , Headache, blurred vision);
  • the presence or absence of chest trauma;
  • medication.

After touring the doctor prescribes additional breast exam, which includes:

  • mammogram (breast x-ray);
  • Breast ultrasound (mandatory for all women over forty years);
  • biopsy (in case of tumors);
  • ductography (X-ray of the breast with a preliminary introduction to its ducts contrast agent);
  • blood tests and analysis for tumor markers;
  • a study of hormonal status (primarily determine the level of prolactin).

 Discharge from the breast - rule out breast cancer

Possible causes of the mammary gland secretions

  • Galactorrhea

In this disease of the nipple is released secret that looks like milk. However, the highlight color of the breast can be yellow or brownish. The cause of galactorrhea is increased synthesis of prolactin, which is responsible for the formation of milk during lactation. In addition, galactorrhea can occur in the presence of a hormonal imbalance in the body (tumor of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, thyroid disease The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
 , Adrenal disease, liver disease and kidney disease, ovarian disease, and more). Treatment of the disease is to eliminate the causes of hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous

  • Breast breast

Breast breast - is fibrocystic disease, which is characterized by the appearance of seals in the chest, pain and discharge from the nipple. Discharge from the breast during mastitis may be clear, yellow or green. Treatment of the disease involves the appointment of hormones (progestins, androgens, anti-estrogens). In some cases, surgery is required.

  • Mammary cancer

Symptoms of breast cancer include changes in breast shape, the presence of structures in the breast that are soldered to the surrounding tissues, pain, redness of the breast, "lemon peel" in the affected area, discharge from the nipples. Spin may have a different color, but usually is bloody fluid. Treatment involves removal of the affected breast. After the operation is assigned to chemotherapy and radiation.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • allocation

Sore nipples when feeding: what to do?

November 5, 2011

 sore nipples during feeding
 Breastfeeding, especially in the beginning, after applying the first baby to the breast is often accompanied by severe pain in the nipple. Some women, especially nulliparous perceive such pain as the norm. But it is not - the pain when feeding the baby should not be.


Why can hurt the nipple during feeding baby

Immediately after birth, during the first breastfeeding sore nipples because of the fact that the skin on them too thin, and yet she is not coarse; keeps some soreness of nipples. But it passes quickly.

Sore nipples during breast more often caused by trauma to the formation of surface scratches and cracks.

This may occur when the anomalies of the nipple when they are too flat or inverted, and the child can not grasp how to mouth for a nipple, that is, can not capture the areola. As a result, he gets used to such entanglement nipples and they are constantly injured.

The cause of cracks in the nipple may be wrong care of breast cancer. If before each breastfeeding washed with soap, the skin on the nipples become dry and cracked to grip the nipple mouth of the child. The same situation occurs when handling teats alcohol solutions (alcohol, vodka, green paint).

Often leads to injury nipples wearing the "wrong" underwear: bras too compressing the chest with tight seams that fall just on the nipple. Nursing mother can not also wear synthetic bras, which can cause allergies and itching of the nipples. Scratching the skin will result in this case, abrasions nipples, in which can easily become infected.

Sore nipples during breastfeeding baby Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast may appear at lactostasis Lactostasis - stagnation of milk in the mammary gland  Lactostasis - stagnation of milk in the mammary gland
   - Stagnant milk. This results in an incorrect mode of feeding a child. Lactostasis - it's like a powder keg - is just a match and bring to explode. The role of the matches can perform microtrauma nipples, imperceptible to the mother herself - through them into the mammary gland may become infected and begin mastitis. The first sign of mastitis Mastitis - faced once again encounter  Mastitis - faced once again encounter
   a temperature rise up to high numbers amid milk stagnation.


Basic rules of breastfeeding

First of all, no need to be nervous, and just stick to the principles of proper care for breast cancer. Before each breastfeeding should be washed with warm running water without soap. Human milk contains bioactive substances with bactericidal action, so there is no need to wash your breasts several times a day with soap and water. But every day you need to take a shower and wash with soap and water or with a neutral gel entire body. Do not forget you need only thoroughly wash detergents from the surface of the body.

Child need to train properly grasp the nipple - along with the areola.

To do this, the child is given the breast as follows: keep the nipple from the nose and in the mouth served first the lower part of the areola and then the nipple. As long as the child does not learn to take the right nipple, it needs to be carefully removed from her mouth and enter again by all the rules.

If a child is on mixed feeding (ie, sucking more and infant formula Dairy mixture - selection of useful power  Dairy mixture - selection of useful power
   bottle), it can capture the first right nipple, and then go on sucking surface, keeping the nipple in his mouth. This is because sucking breasts and nipples require the child's different movements, which prevents him suck like breast and nipple. The same thing happens when non-nutritive sucking. In this case, the only way - is to give up the pacifier at all, and finish feeding the baby with a spoon - in this case a correct suckling recover quickly.

Finally, the child should be properly hold during feeding, so that he did not have all the time to be with the head turned to one side - it is tedious and does not allow the right to seize the nipple. During feeding the baby in her arms must lie sideways, facing the mother.

If the baby suckles well, it is often the nipple trauma occurs at weaning him from the breast when the mother by force, overcoming resistance, pulls him out of the baby's mouth. To pull out the nipple slightly better apart the gums with your finger - if the nipple comes out itself.


Treatment microtraumas nipples

First of all, you need to get rid of skin soak nipples. To do this, you need to breast as often as possible to be open. Before feeding her tedious wash with warm running water without soap, and after feeding milk is better not to wash off and allow it to dry on the nipple. After feeding, it is also possible to grease nipples solkoseril gel - a gel prepared on the basis of cattle blood, it restores the integrity of the fabric and does not require rinsing before feeding podsushivaya perfectly with the skin of the nipple.

With significant cracks and abrasions while better not to give chest with injured teats, but we must not forget regularly express milk, or to the time will be cracked, milk disappears.

Without any injuries nipples woman costs rarely, the most important thing in this case - good attachment of the child to her breast.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Nipples
