Intraductal papilloma - benign tumor of the breast

July 19, 2009

 Intraductal papilloma
 Vnutriprotokaya papilloma - is the formation of elongated shape are formed in the breast tissue, which consists of connective tissue and blood vessels. Often intraductal papilloma is formed in the ducts just behind the nipple. In such cases, self-examination can detect small seal of the areola, in addition, there may be transparent and / or bloody discharge from the nipple.

Intraductal papillomas can be formed in one or both breasts. They are benign and are not commonly associated with an increased risk of breast cancer Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know  Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
 . Intraductal papillomas most often found in women older than forty years - this is due to natural changes in the breast that occur with age. If, however, intraductal papilloma detect abnormal cells (abnormal but not cancerous), it makes the risk of developing breast cancer in the future a little more likely.

 Intraductal papilloma - benign tumor of the breast

Varieties of intraductal papilloma

There are two main types of intraductal papilloma, and one related to her condition:

  • A single intraductal papilloma - there is one seal, more often near the nipple, and causes discharge from the nipple;
  • Multiple intraductal papilloma - a few seals, located a little further from the nipple; usually do not cause precipitates and can not be detected by touch;
  • Intraductal papillomatosis - the formation of a very small group of cells within the ducts of the breast, a kind of hyperplasia Hyperplasia - do not be afraid  Hyperplasia - do not be afraid

For the diagnosis of intraductal papillomas often use a biopsy and / or mammogram Mammography - protection against breast cancer  Mammography - protection against breast cancer
 . If a woman has discharge from the nipple, also take a sample of secretions for analysis.

 Intraductal papilloma - benign tumor of the breast


During the biopsy, you can remove the affected part of the breast tissue - a minimally invasive alternative to conventional surgery. If you then continue discharge from the nipple and / or inflammation around them will appear, you may need surgery to remove the affected duct or ducts.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. After surgery, the patient remains in the hospital for at least a day. Pain after surgery is usually not very strong - it usually can be removed with the help of non-prescription painkillers. Near the nipple remains a small scar, which eventually will become less noticeable. After surgery, the sensitivity of the nipple may be reduced. People with multiple intraductal papillomas, as well as those who were found abnormal cells in the future may require regular medical examinations.

 Intraductal papilloma - benign tumor of the breast

How can manifest intraductal papilloma

The main manifestation of intraductal papilloma is nipple discharge of various kinds, which occur in the separation of papillary growths inside the duct because of trauma (for example, with pressure on the nipple). Discharge may be clear, bloody or greenish-brown (if the infection is now). Probe papilloma possible only when it is located in the main duct - in these cases, it is felt in the form of a small circular elastic slightly painful node, located in the areola, in the center, in large ducts that take place in areas near the areola area. When pressed on the node from the mouth of the duct on the nipple appear bloody drops, and the tumor disappears. Sometimes tumor thickened walls due to the inflammatory process, then around intraductal papilloma is a protective tissue swelling, and the swelling becomes dense.

Most papillomas are accidental discovery on preventive examinations.

 Intraductal papilloma - benign tumor of the breast


An experienced surgeon mammolog after a thorough examination can make a correct diagnosis. To confirm the diagnosis of an ultrasound and X-ray examination of the breast, as well as the laboratory study of discharge from the nipple.

Radiological research methods - a mammogram and ductography. Mammography - X-ray of the breast is, in this case pictures are clearly visible tumor. Ductography - radiography with the introduction of the milk ducts of contrast medium, it reveals that the tumor is inside the duct, breast cancer, and to identify other small benign and malignant tumors. Before ductography be completely ruled out trauma of breast (do not press, do not massage without express milk). Ductography The disadvantage is that the introduction of a contrast agent may be damaged duct. But this is a minor complication and runs independently.

 Intraductal papilloma - benign tumor of the breast


Intraductal papillomas treated promptly. Leave them usually does not make sense, since they are precancerous disease. Held sectoral resection (removal node papilloma together with the surrounding tissue) around the areola incision to expose the duct opening in the nipple ducts investigated modified are removed together with surrounding tissue removed tissue is studied in the laboratory to identify abnormal (malignant) cells. These operations can be conducted by endoscopic method (using special tools and small cuts).

 Intraductal papilloma - benign tumor of the breast


Prevention papilloma - a regular gynecological examination and treatment of inflammatory and hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
   female genitalia. Upon detection of a nodule in the breast and nipple discharge should immediately turn to a breast surgeon and conduct a survey.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • papilloma

Biopsy of breast cancer - for which it is held?

September 10, 2009

  • Biopsy of breast cancer - for which it is held?
  • Kinds

 A biopsy of the breast
 Breast biopsy - a procedure in which a sample is extracted breast tissue for laboratory analysis. Breast biopsy is considered the best way to evaluate suspicious lesions in the breast and cancer detection.

 Biopsy of breast cancer - for which it is held?

What biopsy

Your doctor may order a biopsy of the breast, if:

  • You or the doctor noticed the lump in her breast, and the doctor has reason to suspect that it might be cancer;
  • With mammography detected portions in the breast tissue, which may be cancers;
  • As a result of ultrasound there is reason to suspect that a cancer patient;
  • The patient observed nipple changes, such as severe flaking or "orange peel" on the nipple and / or isolation Discharges in women when there is cause for concern  Discharges in women when there is cause for concern

 Biopsy of breast cancer - for which it is held?


  • With the breast biopsy associated risks:
  • Bruising and swelling of the breasts;
  • Infection and / or bleeding;
  • Change the appearance of the breast, depending on how much tissue is taken for analysis.

Contact your doctor if you have a biopsy after the fever begins, and there are signs of infection and / or isolation of the place through which biopsy.

 Biopsy of breast cancer - for which it is held?

Preparing for a biopsy

Before the biopsy, tell your doctor if you have any allergies, you have taken aspirin in the last few days; and if you are taking any blood-thinning drugs and / or can not lie on his stomach for a long time.

If you will do a biopsy using the method of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), tell your doctor if you are implanted pacemaker Pacemaker: heart flaming engine  Pacemaker: heart flaming engine
   or any other electronic device, or if you are pregnant or suspect that you may be pregnant. Typically, in such cases, MRI is not recommended.

Be sure to wear a bra, going on breast biopsy. After the procedure in the breast can apply a cold compress, and bra can hold it in place.

 Biopsy of breast cancer - for which it is held?

The procedure

There are several types of breast biopsies. The doctor decides what kind of process used depending on the size, location and other characteristics of tumors in the breast.

  • Aspiration biopsy - this is the easiest type of breast biopsy; It is used in cases where the seal may be found by touch. During the procedure, the patient lies on a table, one hand and the doctor feels for the seal and the other hand introduces a needle - thinner than used for drawing blood from a vein. By the needle attached syringe, in which fluid collects. Aspiration biopsy allows you to quickly distinguish between a cyst filled with fluid from solid tumors and perhaps to avoid more invasive procedures. However, if the inside of the seal would not liquid, can be used other diagnostic procedures.
  • Stereotactic biopsy. In the course of this procedure for the detection of suspicious areas in the tissue of the breast using mammography Mammography - protection against breast cancer  Mammography - protection against breast cancer
 . The patient typically lies on a table; One of her breasts is placed in the hole. The entire procedure can last from 30 minutes to one hour. The table is raised high enough off the floor to him placed under stereotactic biopsy is used for the equipment. Chest placed between two plates, to obtain an image of internal structures. Then the breast skin incision length of about 6 mm, is introduced through the device, by which the tissue sample taken.
  • Ultrasound needle biopsy. The specialist uses for detecting tumors in breast tissue, ultrasound, and then takes a sample of tissue for further analysis.
  • A biopsy using MRI. MRI provides a detailed image of internal breast tissue and detect even very small tumors. During a biopsy usually take some samples for analysis.
  • Surgical biopsy. During a surgical biopsy removes a significant portion of the seal in the chest The seal in the chest - a reason to turn to mammologu  The seal in the chest - a reason to turn to mammologu
 Or all seal completely.

After breast biopsy, except for surgical biopsy, the patient can go home the same day and the next day you can go back to business as usual. To relieve the pain, you can take non-prescription pain relievers - such as acetaminophen (not aspirin because it can cause bleeding).
