Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child - Fertilization

October 15, 2011

  • Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child
  • Prepare egg
  • Misconceptions
  • Fertilization
  • Genetics child
  • The chances of having a girl
  • The probability of having a boy


It is obvious that the semen comes from the body of a man with ejaculate .  For ejaculation (or ejaculation) in men needed an orgasm .  A woman to conceive orgasm is not necessary (from a physiological point of view), but it enhances smooth muscle contraction of the genital tract and thereby facilitates the promotion of sperm to the egg .  The fact that the egg allocates special substances which "draw" the spermatozoa and sperm, in turn, exhibit chemotactic - ability to purposefully move in the direction of "smelling" egg .  Once in the "scope" the egg, the sperm release special enzymes that help them take root in its protective shell .  Sperm cells are introduced into the shell of the egg and its movements are beginning to loosen it .  Egg shell consists of several layers or zones, which are dissolved under the influence of special enzymes .  In the process, she participated hundred sperm that do come to the right fallopian tube, but only one of them will succeed, others simply act as helpers - spinning an egg shell and dissolving it, they help a single sperm get inside .

Once the most successful sperm got inside and fertilize the egg, it is covered with a protective layer that prevents other sperm. After penetration of the sperm into the egg of their nuclei fuse to form the first cell of the body of the future - a zygote. At the same maternal and paternal chromosomes form a complete gene set of the future body. On average, a day later the zygote begins to divide, moving simultaneously on the fallopian tube to the uterus. First zygote divides into two cells, then four, then eight, and so on, until the formation of billions of new cells. The fertilization process may take up to 24 hours.

 Fertilization | Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child


The fertilized egg is in the fallopian tube, and only 3-4 days after fertilization transferred to the uterus .  It rarely happens that the egg is in the fallopian tube .  This is called an ectopic pregnancy or ectopic .  During the movement of the embryo on the uterine tube is a division of the embryo, resulting in the formation multicellular embryo - morula .  It takes place at the morula stage embryo from entering into the uterus, where it reaches the last stage of its development - the blastocyst .  It is at this stage, the embryo implantation in the uterine lining (endometrium) .  This process is known as implantation .  To this should happen hatching - break the shell of the embryo, the embryo is then connected to the endometrium and form the placenta, feeding of the child until the moment of birth .  Because endometrial (and, consequently, placenta) embryo receives oxygen and essential nutrients for growth: protein, glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
 Vitamins and minerals. After all this, the embryo continues to develop in the lining of the uterus. The cells continue to divide.

Three weeks after fertilization began to develop the central nervous system, brain and spinal cord of the child, the heart and other organs. The heart begins to beat in the fifth week. In the seventh week there is an umbilical cord. In the eighth week, the embryo reaches a size of about 1 to 3 cm in length, and the tenth is fully formed, acquiring the form of a tiny human. From this point on it is called "fruit." Intensive fetal growth continues.

In the development of pregnancy, the placenta synthesizes almost all known hormones of the female body, using a mother and fruit predecessors. Each of the hormones that are produced by the placenta, corresponds to the pituitary or hypothalamic hormones on the biological and immunological properties, as well as the famous sex steroids.

Unlike other endocrine organs, placenta produces both different in structure hormones - protein (human chorionic gonadotropin, placental lactogen, prolactin Prolactin - effect on the body is not fully known  Prolactin - effect on the body is not fully known
 Chorionic thyrotropin) and steroid nature. Because steroid hormones placenta synthesizes progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   and estrogens.

The most dangerous for the pregnancy period - the time between the fertilized egg and its implantation and the first ten weeks, when the fetus is formed. Along with an ectopic pregnancy is very common spontaneous abortions (miscarriages), when the fertilized egg for one reason or another are not implanted. Approximately 70% of the fertilized egg does not develop into a complete pregnancy.

Ovulation Test - the exact calculation? - Kinds

September 15, 2013

  • Ovulation Test - the exact calculation?
  • How to use
  • Kinds

 types of tests for ovulation

Types of tests for ovulation

Ovulation tests are of various kinds. There are tests that determine ovulation on urine, saliva, blood. Especially popular are the ovulation test on the urine. They are also divided into two types: strip bars and jet tests. Strip strip must be lowered into the vessel with urine, while jet tests placed under a stream of urine.

Ovulation Test: instruction - as described above, all tests have the same rules for their conduct. But before testing is desirable nevertheless read the instructions specific test to avoid errors.

Frequently used tests for ovulation:

  • Ovulation Test Insure

This test ovulation produced by Russia Clover. The package contains five strip strips, each strip after calculating the day of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
   It must be five seconds dipped in urine, and the result is assessed after ten minutes. This test is probably the most inexpensive, the cost ranges from 100-150 rubles.

  • Ovulation Test Solo

This test ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   refers to a jet, that is enough of it to put under the urine stream. The package contains five tests (about one month). Available Ovulation Test Solo Ukraine, the cost of it is 133 hryvnia or about 800 rubles. Advantages of the test of this company is that they are wide, and can be saved by cutting one strip in two.

  • Ovulation Test Eviplan

Test ovulation Eviplan also relates to jet tests. In the package there are five tests produced Russia. The price of the test varies from 400 to 700 rubles. In addition the company produces and strip tests to be lowered into the vessel with urine typed.

  • Ovulation Test Frautest

Ovulation Test Frautest: instruction is simple and does not differ from the other jet tests. Produced in Germany, the cost of the test about 350 rubles. Ovulation Test Frautest is of three kinds: for healthy women (five pieces per pack) for pregnancy planning (in multiples of five tests for ovulation and two pregnancy) and for women with irregular cycles (contains seven tests for ovulation).

  • Ovulation Test Ovuplan

Ovulation Test Ovuplan available in two types: strip bars and jet tests. The set contains five pieces of standard tests. The manufacturer is in the US. The cost of the test Ovuplan about 800-1000 rubles.

  • Ovulation Test Evitest

The manufacturer of the test is in Germany. Is in high demand among the women, quite reliable and efficient (up to 99%). There are several types of test Evitest:

EVITEST One - contains one strip strip that needs to be dipped in a container of urine for three seconds; EVITEST Plus - includes two test strips; EVITEST Proof refers to tablet tests for use with quite a pipette (supplied with the test) drop only four drops of urine on the test; EVITEST Perfect a test cassette under the spray test, the results can be evaluated within five minutes.

  • Ovulation Test Clear Plan

According to customer reviews, the ovulation test "positive" and high performance. Produced in Germany, in one package contains five strip bars.

 Species | Test ovulation - the exact calculation?

False-negative tests for ovulation

Ovulation Test is not only able to give a false positive or an incorrect result, but also to show the absence of ovulation when it is available. This may be due to differences in sensitivity of the test (it is recommended to change the manufacturers), due to the different concentrations of urine (a woman drank too much fluid and the "spread" urine) due to non-compliance testing (as discussed above, it is necessary to carry out tests Ovulation in the same time).

 Species | Test ovulation - the exact calculation?

Disadvantages of testing ovulation

As you know, ovulation tests, as well, and all drugs have their drawbacks. Firstly, they are very expensive (as compared to pregnancy tests). And secondly, women with irregular menstrual cycle is very difficult to calculate the day when you need to start testing.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • ovulation
