Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema? - Causes of constipation

August 31, 2008

  • Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?
  • Causes of constipation

Causes of constipation

The causes of constipation can be many:

  • Various bowel disease, including tumors, polyps and congenital abnormalities of the structure, adhesions Adhesions - how to get rid of them?  Adhesions - how to get rid of them?
   intestine after surgery;
  • gastric and duodenal ulcer, chronic holetsestit and other gastrointestinal disease;
  • diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems, chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • irrational and disorderly wrong food;
  • taking medications that cause constipation.

 Causes of constipation | Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?

Principles of treatment of constipation

First of all, we need to be examined and ascertain the cause of constipation. The doctor will prescribe an individual course of treatment that will really help to solve all the problems. This is a serious problem that only by a specialist. During treatment a gastroenterologist can help you get rid of the infection and parasites, restore the "correct" gut flora, restores motility (movement) of the gastrointestinal tract.

This treatment is long, it requires patience and discipline of the patient. Of course, it is easier to conduct "cleansing" in accordance with the recommendations of the craftsmen. But who is responsible for the result?

 Causes of constipation | Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?

Learning how to do an enema

The doctor has appointed you to bowel cleansing using enemas. How to put an enema?

For exclusive use enema flask 1-1, 5 l (Esmarch mug) with a length extending from the rubber tube fitted with a crane or clip and connected with a tip that is introduced into the rectum.

For enema need to dial 1-2 liters of water heated to a temperature of 25-35º. The patient lies on his left side, bending your knees and bringing them to the stomach. Vaselined Vaseline: old friend  Vaseline: old friend
   the rotational movement of the tip gently injected into the rectum toward the navel (3-4 cm), sensing an obstacle, the tip is directed toward the spine and injected into the lumen of the gut to a depth of 10-12 cm. After that, open the valve and cup raised to a height to 1 m. After removing the tip patient must hold water for 5-10 minutes, and only then to empty the bowel.

A variety of enema siphon enema is when the tip is introduced more deeply (rubber tip inserted 20-30 cm) and a funnel (instead of a mug Esmarch) rises to a great height (up to 1, 5 m). Once the water is lowered to the level of the funnel, the funnel rapidly lowered down and the liquid from the bowel with faeces enters into the funnel. The liquid is poured, the funnel is filled with clean water, and so doing a 10-15 times. Siphon enema is done only by a medical professional.

 Causes of constipation | Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?

Intestinal lavage (hydro)

Intestinal lavage - is hydrotherapy, which when administered to the colon mineral water or solutions of various drugs. To carry out such procedures for the therapeutic effects on the intestine by means of mechanical, chemical and thermal stimuli, as well as for bowel cleansing it from a detainee in feces, bacteria, the products of decay and fermentation.

For intestinal lavages resorts to use various mineral low salinity water (not more than 10 g / l).

Course bowel cleansing usually consists of 6-7 procedures, the exact amount determined by the physician. Some people after the first procedure due to the withdrawal of a large number of small slag there is a feeling of weakness. Unpleasant sensations pass in a few minutes.

Enemas, and lavage of the intestine can not be done in inflammatory and ulcerative processes in the rectum, with acute appendicitis Appendicitis - when we must act immediately  Appendicitis - when we must act immediately
 , Intestinal bleeding, hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease  Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease
   and anal fissures, rectal prolapse.

Article Tags:
  • Colon

Anal itching: there is only one salvation - Diagnosis and treatment

August 9th, 2009

  • Anal itching: there is only one salvation
  • Diagnosis and treatment

How is anal itching

Itching in the anus can begin suddenly and be acute, and also end quickly after the removal of its causes (such as worms). This appears on the skin redness, swelling, scratches. The skin becomes moist folds of her swell (maceration of the skin).

Chronic anal itching starts slowly, gradually. Chronic primary characteristic of anal itching. As a result of violations of metabolic processes anal skin becomes dry, thin, sometimes loses its color, on it can be seen traces of scratching, folds around the anus are reduced in size. Itching worse at night, and often deprives patients disability.

 Diagnosis and Treatment | Anal itching: there is only one salvation


To establish a diagnosis of primary anal itching, you must first remove all of the disease, which could cause a secondary anal itching. To do this, conducted various studies, the main ones are the medical examination to eliminate hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease  Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease
 , Cracks and other diseases of the rectum and anus, with the same purpose held instrumental study of the state of the mucous membrane of the rectum (sigmoidoscopy). In addition, the appointed consulting dermatologist, gynecologist (urologist), blood sugar Sugar in the blood of pregnant women: how not to miss the right moment  Sugar in the blood of pregnant women: how not to miss the right moment
   (to avoid diabetes), fecal How to pass a stool, so as not to spoil it  How to pass a stool, so as not to spoil it
   on helminth eggs and fecal bacteria overgrowth research (sowing feces on nutrient media and the determination of the composition of its flora).

 Diagnosis and Treatment | Anal itching: there is only one salvation


In secondary anal pruritus, primarily its causes are eliminated in the form of various diseases of intestine and the anal area. Required assigned a diet with the exception of acute dishes, spices, coffee, strong tea and alcohol.

Primary anal itching is much more difficult to treat. Begin treatment usually with treatment of latent forms of inflammation of the final section of the large intestine (sigmoidita and proctitis). Appointed as a diet excluding all foods that can aggravate inflammation, restorative treatment (vitamins, trace elements and so on). Appointed microclysters Collargol (25-30 per course of treatment, at night, after cleansing enema). Particular importance is attached to the toilet skin thoroughly after a bowel movement. In stubborn cases held intradermal injecting the area around the anus solution of novocaine Novocaine - why it is so popular in medicine?  Novocaine - why it is so popular in medicine?

Anal itching is often a signal of some trouble in the body, so it definitely need to see a doctor.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Anal itching
