Interstitial cystitis - a rare disease which largely depends on the individual structure of the bladder wall and metabolic processes in this area. It occurs a disease in both women and men, but women experience them, yet more often.

What is interstitial cystitis and the reasons for its development
It called cystitis bladder inflammation
Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant
. This process can take place in different ways, including in the form of interstitial nephritis involving all layers of the bladder wall, which is also called simple ulcer bladder.
The inflammatory process in this case begins in the submucosal layer, and gradually moving inland, affecting the entire bladder wall. Violation of metabolic processes in the bladder wall leads to necrosis (death of) tissue and the formation of ulcers. In those places where the inflammation is over, the tissue of the bladder wall scarring, replaced by connective tissue.
As a result of this process the bladder gradually shrinks and decreases in volume that is formed shriveled bladder in violation of its core functions - the reservoir of urine. Reasons why begins a form of cystitis is not yet completely clarified. It is believed that this is the result of disorders of the nervous trophism bladder walls.
IC sick more often women in the second half of life, after 45 years. Often it coincides with the climacteric period during which there is imbalance of the central nervous system.

How is
Proceeds interstitial cystitis long, with an increase in symptoms and irreversible changes in the bladder. Its main features are the growing violation of urination and the appearance at the end of urinating blood.
Painful urination, and are becoming more frequent. As soon as the reduced bladder capacity, their number can reach up to several tens of times a day. In addition, patients concerned about the constant aching pain in the abdomen
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. Sometimes, when the inflammatory process in the wall of the bladder, impaired general condition, fever, impaired performance.

Diagnosis of interstitial cystitis
The diagnosis of cystitis can be set on the basis of specific complaints of the patient and the urine. But in order to identify interstitial cystitis, cystoscopy is necessary - study of the state of internal surface of the bladder using a cystoscope. During cystoscopy on the surface of the bladder wall (usually on the top or side) shows a sharp painful ulcer circular diameter of 2 cm. Around the ulcer is usually not expressed inflammatory changes. Usually there is only one ulcer, which eventually scarring, and then there is a new - well formed shriveled bladder.
A diagnosis of interstitial cystitis put not so simple: the ulcer is often like a tubercular process, and for some types of cancer. Therefore, during cystoscopy is sometimes taken a piece of tissue for analysis (biopsy) in order to avoid cancer. Exclude tuberculosis
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bacteriological tests to help - in the absence of ulcer Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

The treatment of interstitial cystitis
Treatment of interstitial nephritis should be complex. Prescriber, normalizes the central nervous system, relieves spasms of smooth muscles (just such musculature is in the wall of the bladder and its spasm can disrupt blood flow in this part of the bladder), anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial (if necessary after determining the sensitivity to them pathogens infection), desensitizing (reducing allergies) funds.
The bladder is administered solutions of glucocorticoid hormones with antibiotics and analgesics - it prevents the formation of fibrous connective tissue. Appointed as physiotherapy, aimed at improving blood circulation in the bladder.
Improvement of conservative treatment can occur only in intensive care in the early stages of the disease. If the process has progressed far and wrinkling of the bladder, it will only removal of the bladder and intestinal plastic - the formation of the bladder from the intestine of the patient. For this purpose, usually taken portions of the large intestine (ileum and sigmoid colon).
Interstitial cystitis
Cystitis: urgently take action
- It's hard to progressive disease and it would be better to identify at an early stage when there is still an opportunity to do without surgery.
Galina Romanenko