- Mycoplasma - the smallest microbe
- Sexual mycoplasmosis
- Among women
- Men
Mycoplasma - is a non-nuclear-celled organisms having unique structure by which this species of microbes, many experts call a kind of "interim solution", not related to any of the known classes of microorganisms. While that is the most simple of all existing biological organisms capable of reproduction. In addition, mycoplasma - the smallest found to date microbes.
Mycoplasma - is a microorganism that can cause pneumonia. However, a person can be a carrier of mycoplasma and do not get sick with pneumonia.
What are the symptoms of mycoplasma pneumonia
- Anyone in contact with secretions (eg, sputum) the patient may be infected with mycoplasma.
- However, the infection requires close contact, so the infection often spreads among family members, schools, and other collectives.
- Isolate the sick does not make sense because many people can be carriers of mycoplasma, but not feel any symptoms.
- Mycoplasma is usually strikes people between 5 and 20 years, but in adults and elderly people the disease can be more dangerous.
- Epidemics occur every three to five years.
From the time of infection before disease takes two to three weeks. Then there are the following symptoms:
- Headache
- Muscle aches
- A sore throat
- Dry cough, which may last several weeks
- Slightly elevated temperature (although it should be noted that when mikpolazmennoy pneumonia can be high temperature)
Approximately 10% of the patients develop pneumonia.
The most common species of mycoplasma
Mycoplasma, there are many, but the most significant human mycoplasmas are causing respiratory diseases (Micoplasma pneumoniae) and genitals (Micoplasma hominis and Micoplasma genitalium). By mycoplasma infection also include diseases of the genitourinary organs, caused by Ureaplasma urealyticum.
Infections caused by these pathogens urinary organs often occur erased, unobtrusive and in most cases are detected during a random survey or in the form of some complications. Very often, mycoplasma detected with some even one or two or three infectious agents with which it coexists perfectly. Mycoplasma good "get along" with the gonococcus, chlamydia
Chlamydia: insidious and widespread disease
, Trichomonas, gardnerellami, herpes simplex virus
Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
Type 2, and others.
Mycoplasmosis respiratory
Mycoplasmosis respiratory pathogen called Micoplasma pneumoniae. To catch this infection can be airborne droplets from an infected person. The incubation period (time from infection to the onset of the disease) is one to four weeks. The disease occurs in the form of lesions of the upper or lower respiratory tract.
The defeat of the upper respiratory tract (acute respiratory infection - ARI) starts usually occurs gradually and not heavy. The main symptoms of this infection are a runny nose and dry cough as intrusive attacks, accompanied by scratching sore throat. The disease continues for approximately two weeks, sometimes accompanied by fever. The disease manifests itself in children as bronchitis, which young children can be severe.
The defeat of the lower respiratory tract infections - pneumonia (lung inflammation) also begins gradually, can go to ARD. A sign of lung disease is a sharp rise in temperature to high numbers. Depending on the severity of the disease the temperature can stay from a few days to a week, after which the low-grade fever (with a slight rise) lasts for several weeks and is accompanied by a cough. Cough dry attack first, haunting, and then - humid.
Mycoplasmosis genital and urinary tract
These diseases often "guilty» Micoplasma hominis and Micoplasma genitalium. Of these two pathogens is considered to be the most dangerous Micoplasma genitalium. The disease is transmitted through sexual contact. Occasionally household by (by direct contact or through clothes, hygiene items, and so on) from parents of infected children. The source of the disease can be not only sick people but also carriers who do not get sick, but can transmit pathogens to sexual partners.
The incubation period ranges from three days to five weeks. Very often, the disease is almost invisible, especially in women and is the accidental discovery in the survey about the long flowing inflammation of internal genital organs, cervical erosion, and so on. In all these cases the survey is conducted on a mycoplasmosis.
Occasionally women at mycoplasmosis symptoms such as abdominal pain
Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?
In the lumbosacral area, discomfort during urination, discharge of indeterminate color.
Pregnant women mycoplasmosis can cause a variety of complications, such as pneumonia (due to lower immunity during pregnancy), premature birth, complications of the fetus. In the early stages of pregnancy mycoplasmosis can lead to miscarriage, and later - to intrauterine infection of the fetus with severe brain child.
Men are less likely to suffer symptoms. Most often they have the disease manifests itself in the form of small, periodically appearing pains in the groin and scrotum, discomfort during urination and scanty yellow-white color of the urethra in the morning. Unfortunately, these minor symptoms may disrupt spermatogenesis (formation of sperm) and sterility.
Mycoplasmosis (both respiratory and urinary organs) may be manifested in different ways, so the appearance of unexplained symptoms is better to consult a doctor.
What should be done to the patient
Consult your doctor about the symptoms, especially if the heat is kept for several days.
You can take painkillers. Drugs such as paracetamol (Panadol) or ibuprofen (Nurofen) may reduce symptoms.
If the patient had difficulties in breathing, you should call an ambulance.
As a doctor diagnoses
The doctor will listen to the lungs with a stethoscope - in the case of infections is abnormal breath sounds. However, this examination may not show signs of the disease, even if the pneumonia has developed.
To confirm the diagnosis of mycoplasma pneumonia
Mycoplasma pneumonia - respiratory pathogens
used X-rays of the lungs. You may also need a blood test to find out whether there are antibodies to the mycoplasma.
What is the prognosis
The infection takes place during the week, except when there is mycoplasma pneumonia, while the illness lasts a few weeks.
If the patient is otherwise healthy, the disease is less dangerous than ordinary pneumonia, and rarely causes serious complications.
How to treat mycoplasma
If the infection is caused pneumonia, it is treated with antibiotics. If not, it passes itself for about one week.