How to increase the chances of getting pregnant - a science

September 2, 2011

 increase the chances of getting pregnant
 Some women believe that getting pregnant is easy. Unfortunately, it's not as easy as it seems, and some of us have to make great efforts to conceive a child. It is necessary to take into account many factors that initially disconcerting, especially if you are planning to become pregnant for the first time. But, nevertheless, the best you can physically and mentally prepared for such an important event - the conception and birth of a child.

 How to increase the chances of getting pregnant - a science

Increase your intake of folic acid

Folic acid is essential for the health of potential mothers as it helps reduce the chance of neural tube defects in the newborn, such as congenital spinal hernia. Increase your intake of folic acid, you are helping your unborn baby to be born healthy, without serious diseases and disorders.

 How to increase the chances of getting pregnant - a science

Stop taking the pill

A few months before planned conception should stop taking birth control How to take the pill: carefully read the instructions  How to take the pill: carefully read the instructions
   money and move on to other methods of contraception Contraceptive Methods: Ten myths about contraception in the mirror of facts  Contraceptive Methods: Ten myths about contraception in the mirror of facts
 . The body needs time to completely, without reserve, to withdraw from the system, and this chemistry to prepare for conception.

 How to increase the chances of getting pregnant - a science

Go to Healthy Eating

Diet plays an important role prior to conception, during pregnancy and breastfeeding the baby, so the expectant mother should eat well to provide for themselves and the child with the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

 How to increase the chances of getting pregnant - a science

Take a full medical examination

When planning a pregnancy, you need to protect yourself from unpleasant surprises, so a full medical examination in good clinic will help detect existing problems, and you can remove them in time.

 How to increase the chances of getting pregnant - a science

Avoid stress

The absence of stress - a prerequisite of successful conception and gestation of pregnancy. Unfortunately, most women are in themselves, they do not talk about their problems and worry in silence, which negatively affect their emotional state and makes it difficult to conceive.

 How to increase the chances of getting pregnant - a science

Relax and enjoy

Some women are suitable for planning pregnancy as a serious work, and committing yourself harassed daily by measuring the temperature of the vagina, checking ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   etc. This is a sure way to nervous exhaustion, but not to conceive Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child  Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child
 . Relax and enjoy lovemaking, do not turn them into a routine and do not dwell on failures - if you are destined to get pregnant, it will happen!

Before you conceive, think about the responsibility you bear for his life and health, and try to make sure that pregnancy, childbirth and your future life with a toddler passed easily and without problems.

Article Tags:
  • how to get pregnant

Chronic fatigue during pregnancy: a rule or a disease?

January 13, 2011

 chronic fatigue during pregnancy
 Pregnancy - one of the most exciting periods in the life of every woman, accompanied, however, quite a number of unpleasant health problems. One of the most common problems - chronic fatigue faced by the majority of women at different stages of pregnancy, especially during the first and third trimesters.


What causes the feeling of fatigue during pregnancy?

The feeling of fatigue and exhaustion during the first trimester of pregnancy is absolutely normal: as a woman's body is getting used to the physical and emotional changes, seizures, fatigue will be quite regular. During pregnancy, the female body gets an extra burden - in fact inside the female body is gradually developing a new life. Hormonal changes and the increase in levels of the hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   causes additional exhaustion and fatigue increases due to morning sickness and ailments that during the first trimester is experiencing an absolute majority of women.

Usually, these symptoms begin to disappear by the end of the third month of pregnancy, and for a short period of a woman is experiencing emotional and physical growth. However, there is a surplus of energy for long - the beginning of the third trimester, the feeling of fatigue appears again, this time for different reasons. Throughout the third trimester fetal weight increases gradually, the body is forced to cope with the increasing load, and a pregnant woman suffering from sleep disorders Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , Frequent urination and other consequences of the increase in size of the abdomen, which causes a feeling of tiredness.

It is important to note that in some cases, when the sensation of chronic fatigue Chronic fatigue - if life is not a pleasant experience  Chronic fatigue - if life is not a pleasant experience
   persists throughout the second trimester of pregnancy, you should consult your doctor. It is possible that fatigue - signal health problems: for example, depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
   or anemia.


How to get rid of fatigue during pregnancy

  • Healthy Sleep: During pregnancy, a woman needs a healthy and adequate sleep. Try to go to bed early and sleep at least nine hours. Happy arrange your body regular respite: After dozing in just 10 minutes, you can make up for the lost energy by the body.
  • Proper nutrition. A balanced diet with normal content of vegetables, fruits, dairy products provide the female body extra calories and allow to cope with fatigue. In no case can not fight the feeling of tiredness beverages containing caffeine and fatty foods - they are, on the contrary, cause a feeling of lethargy. It is important to drink enough fluids to the body does not suffer from moisture loss, and share three main meals into several small meals during the day - this will help make up for lost energy.
  • Exercise: even minor physical activity - such as simple exercises or swimming - improve blood circulation, metabolism and allow you to cope with fatigue.

In the life of every woman Pregnancy is related with certain discomfort, but most of the problems can be solved very simply. Rest, sleep, healthy food and physical activity allow the woman to control her body and prepare the body for childbirth.

Article Tags:
  • pregnancy problems
