What to give a child for 1 year? There may be two options - to please the gift of the child or parents. And you can buy two small gift - a toy for a child, and that some of the linen or clothing. The last gift is definitely for the parents, as the child does not understand, what do you want the surrounding things.

What to give a child a year to please baby
Of course, the kid will be delighted toy. Toys better to give plastic or made of wood, bright, not too large, so that the child was comfortable to play with them. For a boy will approach a variety of machines (but not on the remote control). Especially good are the big trucks, to which you can attach a rope and carry toys. And boys and girls suit cubes, pyramids, rings from which you can build a multi-colored towers.
If you buy the girl a doll, it is not soft, but in clothes that can be removed and worn. Suitable and nesting doll - little girl will be interesting to disclose figures and dolls with musical accompaniment.
It should go in the bookstore. Today, also sold a lot of talking and singing books, books, layouts, from which we can make a real puppet theater. Suitable and simple book with fairy tales for little with beautiful bright images. If an early age to teach a child to books, in 2-3 years it will be less carried away by cartoons. The bookstore can be purchased as finger paints - they somehow just cause the baby delight.
Finally, if the location of the apartment allows, you can buy a portable swing. Available in very high quality sustainable model swing that simply can not fail to please the child. There are also special colorful musical mats, if stepped on a certain area, shouts of animals, birds, songs, poems and so on.
You can buy a child a small house, the tent where he could hide from adults and their own play - is one way to develop the capacity for independent games. And since the house roomy enough, it can play with the baby, and mom or dad.
Little plastic machine, which can be driven by moving the feet on the floor - also a great option. Such machines may take the form of animals - deer, giraffes, horses. First ride on the machine to be parents, but after a while the child will do it myself.
Finally, you can buy a real baby tricycle, behind which there is a special pen, for which he will push parents. A baby at this time would be proud to sit in the saddle, hold the steering wheel and look around. This practical thing: a year or two will be possible to remove the handle and ride independently.

What to give a child a year to please their parents
You can give a special album for children. And if this album will photograph the child, the parents will be delighted. The big picture of a child in a beautiful box and everybody will like. Traditionally, the year give gold or silver souvenirs - chain kulonchiki, earrings, spoon and so on.
Finally, the most common gift is considered to be the child's clothing. She certainly never be superfluous - the child is growing rapidly, a lot of plays, including outdoor constantly dirty - it takes a lot of clothes.
Do not be redundant and bedding: linen for cots, beautiful pillows, blankets. Even if all of this is a child, it may subsequently require replacement. Especially needed for the baby towels - large bath (it can be a beautiful cape with hood - red hat, rabbit, wolf) and small face, arms and so on.
You can donate a set of linen embroidered with the initials of each thing a child - if you try, you can get a very nice and original. Suitable and small bright bedside rug, which can easily shake and even washable.

What not to give a year-old child
A young child is not necessary to give:
- small toys or big toys consisting of small parts - it is dangerous to life, a child can choke;
- soft toys - they quickly get dirty, and the child loves a year to take everything in your mouth, so it is more appropriate that the well cleaned;
- toy remote control - they can scare or, on the contrary, will not cause the baby interest;
- any other toys that do not meet the child's age - rattles, games for children
Good game for kids - The Steadfast Tin Soldier
older and so on;
- toys of dubious quality - cheap toys can be made of hazardous materials; playing with such toys can lead to decreased immunity
Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
And the development of allergies and so on.
Galina Romanenko