- Ureaplasma men - can cause inflammation
- Symptoms
- Treatment
Ureaplasma may cause inflammation of the men in the field of internal and external urinary organs. Typically, this is a long low-symptom occurring processes, which will eventually lead to significant violations of the sexual function of men and reduce sperm fertilizing capacity.

How a man can become infected with ureaplasma
For men, the only real way ureaplasma infection is sexual contact. Some researchers do not rule out that if immediately wipe with a towel, dried himself before that which the patient or carrier ureaplasmas ureaplasmosis, you can also get infected. But this is a dubious way of infection.
Nevertheless, sexual contact with a partner ureaplazmozom patients does not always lead to the disease. Why is that? The fact that a ureaplasma are pathogenic microflora, and may be present on the male genital organs without causing disease. Ureaplasmas penetration into the cells of the epithelium of genitals prevents the immune system. But reduction of immunity, e.g., against high loads, stresses, transferred diseases, colds, and so on Ureaplasma can penetrate protective barrier and cause disease.
It is of great importance and local immunity, which prevents infectious agents not only to penetrate the epithelium of the external genitalia, but also to spread further in the internal genital organs. In maintaining the local immune cells are involved, infectious agents and exciting rastvolyayuschie them in their cells (macrophages), local antibodies (immunoglobulin A) and anti-microbial factors contained in the prostate. The latter can be significantly affected by the transferred previous genital infections.
Reducing the overall immunity as a result of disease and stress loads combined with reduced local immunity are a major cause of disease in men ureaplazmozom. Ureaplasmosis - a code name, usually the diagnosis sounds like an inflammation of the body (such as the testis and epididymis it) caused by ureaplasma infection.

The first manifestations of ureaplasmosis men
Ureaplasmosis - a disease that is prone to prolonged course with minimal symptoms. Most often the disease begins in three weeks after the dubious sexual contact, but can begin in a few days or a few months.
The man appeared slight discharge from the urethra, accompanied by a slight itching and burning. Sometimes there are frequent painful urination - symptoms of NGU
Urethritis - a very male disease
. If the disease on untreated, after a few days it will pass on their own, but then appears again. So the process can proceed for a long time, going all the new organs and tissues. Typically, the infection spreads upward into internal genitals.
Sometimes the onset of the disease is acute. With the rise of temperature, general malaise, weakness, significant secretions and urinary disorders.

Manifestations of chronic ureaplasmosis
Since the disease is typically slowly and imperceptibly, many men do not pay attention to him and start to worry only after the appearance of symptoms of chronic: inflammation of the testicle and its appendages (orchiepididymitis), sexual dysfunction. There may be common disorders in the body: sometimes there are inflammation of the joints (arthritis) and urolithiasis
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The main manifestations of acute and chronic infraspinatus ureaplasmosis NGU is a periodic appearance of urethral discharge
Discharge from the urethra - common nuisance among women
. In the long process of opening of the urethra changes its color and shape. From discharge develops irritation of the glans penis and foreskin. Concerned about the pain and itching in the area, which intensified during intercourse and when urinating. Urge to urinate can be frequent.
With the urethral infection can spread to the testicles and their appendages (orchiepididymitis) and the prostate gland (prostatitis).
A sign of epididymitis is almost painless enlargement and seal the epididymis. Over time, affected and testicles, there is a dull ache in the scrotum. The affected testicle and appendage increased in size, painful scrotal skin over them flushed and slightly swollen. Over time, the process is becoming increasingly blurred, and in some cases, quite painless.

Complications of chronic ureaplasmosis
Also, sometimes (much less than in gonorrhea) can develop stricture (persistent narrowing) of the urethra.
Epididymitis can be complicated by abscess (abscess) testicular vas deferens inflammation with swelling and compression of the surrounding tissue of the blood vessels. This can lead to insufficient blood supply to tissues that begin to die (necrosis of the testis).
The result of a long course of ureaplasmosis can be sterility, which is caused by the death of cells involved in the synthesis of sperm or due to blockage of vas deferens. In addition, impaired sperm quality (reduced number and motility) and its ability to fertilize.
Stagnation of urine combined with chronic infection contribute to the formation of stones in the urinary tract (urolithiasis). In addition, quite a common complication of arthritis can be ureaplasmosis
Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
- Inflammation of the joints associated with allergies to their own joint tissue, which is formed under the influence of a chronic infection.