The need for the appointment of antispasmodics during pregnancy occurs frequently enough, as there are spasms of smooth muscles of the uterus that can spread to the digestive organs. Most often in such cases, obstetricians prescribe Nospanum and papaverine. But when a spasmodic pain in the digestive organs, and can assign Duspatalin.
How does Duspatalin
Duspatalin (active substance - mebeverin) - is an antispasmodic drug myotropic action, meaning it relaxes the smooth muscles of the right internal organs. This product has three features which distinguish it from papaverine
Papaverine - for pain caused by spasms of smooth muscles
and shpy - antispasmodics often used during pregnancy:
- Duspatalin almost no effect on uterine smooth muscle and blood vessels, so it is not used for the removal of the uterus hypertonus;
- Duspatalin removes only increased tone of smooth muscles of the digestive system, the tone remains normal;
- Duspatalin selectively inhibits the spasm of the sphincter of Oddi - muscle that regulates the flow of bile and pancreatic juice into the duodenum.
Duspatalin All these features can be used in the treatment of disorders of the digestive system in pregnant women. Duspatalin manufacturers have been conducted clinical trials of the drug in pregnant women. But laboratory studies on animals displays no adverse effects of the drug on the fetus. However, it is recommended to be used during pregnancy only if prescribed by a doctor and in the presence of clear indications.
Duspatalin produced in two dosage forms for oral administration: Tablets, coated tablets (each tablet contains 135 mg of mebeverine) and long-acting capsules (200 mg per capsule mebeverine). During pregnancy is allowed only accept dyuspatalita capsules, taking pills to pregnant women is not recommended.
Application Duspatalin during pregnancy
Duspatalin sometimes prescribed for spastic pains in the gastrointestinal tract during pregnancy - it does not suppress intestinal motility and, therefore, does not increase the characteristic of pregnancy constipation. This is a very important property Duspatalin as constipation during pregnancy often complicate considerably during pregnancy.
Assign dyuspalalin in case of pregnancy until the woman was found sphincter of Oddi dysfunction (DSO). DSO manifest violation of the outflow of bile and pancreatic juice at the connection level biliary and pancreatic ducts. At the same time there are pains in the abdomen of unknown origin, sometimes with impaired liver function tests (blood laboratory values). Such a condition can occur after the removal of the gallbladder (eg, cholelithiasis), as well as in chronic pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). During pregnancy, all the manifestations of the DSO may be amplified, so such women appointed Duspatalin.
But it must be remembered that Duspatalin almost no effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus and can not be replaced and papaverine Nospanum when hypertonia
Gipertonus: a sign of the disease
Assigns Duspatalin a doctor, use it in conjunction with other antispasmodics pregnant women is not necessary. The preparation is easy to use: to achieve and maintain a therapeutic effect is sufficient to take two capsules daily.
What side effects may occur
When receiving Duspatalin almost no side effects occur, except, of course, allergic reactions, which may develop when receiving any drug. Allergy to Duspatalin often manifests itself in the form of urticaria and angioedema
Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
Which is dangerous because it can capture the vocal cords and cause respiratory disorders. If you suspect an allergy Duspatalin overturned.
Capsules Duspatalin do not have no more side effects. If the pill is not excluded Duspatalin cause nausea, dizziness,
Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
and headaches, so the pill is not recommended during pregnancy.
Possible overdose Duspatalin, which manifests itself mainly overexcitation of the central nervous system.
Every pregnant woman should be well aware that any drug during pregnancy, it may appoint a doctor, as the doge most harmless medicine during pregnancy may cause unpredictable effects as the body of the woman and the body of the fetus.
Galina Romanenko