Reglan in pregnancy: save from toxemia?

April 14th, 2011

 Reglan during pregnancy
 Pregnancy is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, especially in the first 12 weeks (first trimester). Some women barely tolerate these early months. Possible to use with any medicaments which reduce nausea and vomiting, such as Reglan?

 Reglan in pregnancy: save from toxemia?

Why are there early toxicosis of pregnancy

Early pregnancy toxicosis occurs in the first 12 weeks and is manifested by nausea, vomiting, drooling and some other features. Partly nausea in early pregnancy worries nearly all women, but for some it becomes unbearable and accompanied by vomiting. Frequent vomiting leading to dehydration and this state already requires emergency care: Women are usually hospitalized and restore the condition of the body using an intravenous drip transfusion of various medicinal solutions.

There is an early pregnancy toxemia due to the fact that pregnancy hormones change dramatically, which affects the nervous system. In addition, the growing fetus in the mother's body comes metabolic products, which adversely affect its overall condition. After 12 weeks of pregnancy in a woman's body starts functioning placenta, which neutralises the metabolic products of the fetus, and the phenomenon of early toxicity are usually held.

 Reglan in pregnancy: save from toxemia?

What is Reglan and how it works

Reglan - is an antiemetic drug mechanism of action is based on blocking the receptors that transmit impulses from the lower part of the stomach and duodenum to the vomiting center located in the brain. As a result of the fact that the brain does not receive information about the stimulation of these receptors, the gastrointestinal tract is working normally, physical activity did not slow down, the contents of the stomach in a timely manner, without stopping, moves into the duodenum and continue to actively move on the small and large intestines .

Active movements stomach muscles to prevent food from entering the esophagus and stomach from the duodenum into the stomach, and after application Cerucalum are nausea, vomiting, hiccup Hiccups - and if this is something serious?  Hiccups - and if this is something serious?

Indications for use Cerucalum are nausea, vomiting and hiccups of various origin (except for violations of the vestibular system), violation (weakening) of the motor activity of the stomach, intestines and bile duct, inflammation of the esophagus accompanied by the constant regurgitation of food (reflux esophagitis), stomach cramps in place of its transition into the duodenum and so on.

Reglan is contraindicated in bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract and its obstruction, perforation of the stomach wall or bowel, adrenal tumors, seizures, certain types of hormonal tumors (dependent on the development of the pituitary hormone prolactin), increased intraocular pressure, pregnancy (I term can not be applied, II and III Plus - only in agreement with your doctor), breastfeeding Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
   baby and children up to two years.

 Reglan in pregnancy: save from toxemia?

Is it possible to assign tserukal during pregnancy

Reglan is not recommended during pregnancy, because it helps to activate the smooth muscles of internal organs. Causing an increased muscle tone of the gastrointestinal tract, it can simultaneously increase the muscle tone of the uterus, which would result in a spontaneous miscarriage. This is especially dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy. But then, in the second and third trimester of this threat also remains. In addition, Reglan stimulates the pituitary hormone prolactin, which promotes the development of human milk, while muscle contractions of the uterus.

Despite the fact that the instructions for use are clearly indicated Cerucalum contraindications in pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, many gynecologists prescribe it, even at the beginning of pregnancy. But at the same gynecologist estimates the overall status of women and the muscle tone of the uterus. If vomiting and nausea are so pronounced that the general state of suffering, but the tone of the muscles of the uterus is not elevated, then Reglan Reglan: help against nausea  Reglan: help against nausea
   it is possible to assign. That's just the woman to do it themselves can not - it is not able to estimate this figure.

In the second and third trimester of pregnancy risk of miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
   decreases, so the application instructions stipulated that it can be administered in the presence of strict indications. But there may be another danger: a side effect Cerucalum is to stimulate the secretion of aldosterone (a hormone of the adrenal glands) helps delay the body's salt and fluid), which can enhance the symptoms of toxicosis second half of pregnancy - preeclampsia, a much more severe complications than toxemia first half of pregnancy.

Reglan - a drug that can be used during pregnancy only if prescribed by and under the constant supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Reglan

The tone of the uterus during pregnancy: requires consultation gynecologist

October 31, 2011

 The tone of the uterus during pregnancy
 Increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy is not desirable - it poses a threat to its premature interruption. In addition, constantly tight muscles of the uterus compress the blood vessels that carry to the fetus the nutrients and oxygen, so long hypertonicity of the uterus necessarily reflected on the state of the fetus.

 The tone of the uterus during pregnancy: requires consultation gynecologist

The mechanisms that regulate the tone of the uterus during pregnancy

A week after conception, the embryo is embedded in the uterine lining, and its shell villi begin to secrete a new hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), whose main task - to stimulate additional production of the female hormone progesterone. Progesterone is produced in the second half of the menstrual cycle temporary endocrine gland corpus luteum, located in the ovary. Under the influence of hCG corpus luteum of menstruation grows and becomes a corpus luteum of pregnancy, which produces a lot more progesterone.

The main task of progesterone - suppress locomotor activity and increased excitability of the muscles of the uterus, ie saline hypertonicity (increased tone), and to prevent spontaneous abortion. If progesterone is produced is not enough, the tone of the uterus increases, it creates a risk of miscarriage.

Physiological uterine hypertonus is provided so that it increases the number of muscle fibers and a content of substances which ensure its contraction (calcium actomyosin protein and other biologically active substances). It is preparing the body for childbirth. But this mechanism need not be soon, so progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   It does not prevent the accumulation of these substances, but inhibits its activity.

The risk of uterine hypertonus in the fact that the muscle contraction squeezes blood vessels of the uterus, so the fetus disturbed nutrition. This is very dangerous, especially dangerous lack of oxygen to the brain of the fetus - it can lead to severe injuries and his lag child in psychological development.

 The tone of the uterus during pregnancy: requires consultation gynecologist

Causes of the tone of the uterus during pregnancy

The most common cause of increased tone of the uterus during early pregnancy is insufficient production of progesterone. Progesterone in the first twelve - sixteen weeks of pregnancy is produced in the corpus luteum of pregnancy, and then, when the placenta is formed, it takes over the function.

In addition, the cause may be hyper stress, high neuro-psychological and physical stress, lack of sleep, nervous disorders, inflammation of the female genital organs, tumors of the uterus (such as fibroids), endometriosis Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences  Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
   (overgrowth of tissue similar to the mucosal tissue of the uterine cavity in the muscle layer of the uterus), acute and chronic diseases of internal organs (the cardiovascular system, kidney, liver), bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse).

 The tone of the uterus during pregnancy: requires consultation gynecologist

Signs of increasing the tone of the uterus

Signs of increased tone of the uterus are often nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lumbosacral region. After the twentieth week of pregnancy, a uterine tonic may appear sharp pains like contractions of the uterus and a sense of fossils. The peculiarity of pain is that they can be removed by taking antispasmodic (eg, no-silos).

But sometimes a woman can not feel the increased uterine tone. It can reveal, putting a hand on the woman's abdomen, it becomes hard, a feeling of fossils. For all the changes in a woman's body had been seen and treated in a timely manner, it should be on a monthly basis to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist of female consultation. If you suspect a uterine tonic woman sent for ultrasound (US), which are clearly visible place increased muscle contractions of the uterus. Gipertonus is especially dangerous in the area of ​​attachment of the placenta - it can cause her premature detachment.

 The tone of the uterus during pregnancy: requires consultation gynecologist

How to help a woman with a uterine tonic

In the first and second trimester of pregnancy to suppress hyper prescribe hormones Hormonal treatments - not only contraceptives  Hormonal treatments - not only contraceptives
   - Synthetic versions of progesterone (djufaston, utrozhestan), which corresponds to the chemical composition of natural progesterone, but can be used orally or in the form of vaginal suppositories, while progesterone is used only in the form of injections.

If symptoms are severe hyper and pain appear, the pregnant women are advised to comply with bed rest, sedatives (eg, infusion Leonurus) and antispasmodics (eg, vaginal suppositories Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation  Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation
   with papaverine).

If improvement does not occur, continue to carry out the treatment in the hospital, in the department of conservation of pregnancy, as conducted in this case, treatment should be under constant medical supervision. Assign resources relaxes the muscles of the uterus.

If a woman regularly attend antenatal clinics, the change in tone of the uterus to be seen in a timely manner and the woman will receive all necessary assistance.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • uterine tone
