How to pass a stool, so as not to spoil it

July 13, 2014

 how to pass a stool
 Fecal performed to detect various microorganisms that can cause certain infectious diseases. Using fecal analysis can, for example, to find out the cause of severe diarrhea, flatulence, vomiting, nausea, lack of appetite, bloating Bloating - if you are bursting inside  Bloating - if you are bursting inside
 , Abdominal pain, and so forth. The results help to detect a wide range of disorders, from food poisoning to cholera and colitis Cholera: the main thing - to prevent dehydration  Cholera: the main thing - to prevent dehydration
   and fever. Moreover, analysis of stool may identify individuals who are carriers of pathogens certain infections, but they do not have any symptoms of disease. How to pass a stool?



Usually before collecting feces for analysis does not require any training. However, the patient has to say to analyze the doctor if he had recently taken any antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 Going abroad (especially important to report travel to third world countries), as well as diagnostic procedures took place, during which the used contrast agents.


How to pass feces for analysis

Sometimes the patient is asked to pass stool right in the hospital, but most of it is done at home and then bring the sample to the clinic. Most hospitals give patients special containers to collect feces.

In the diagnosis of certain diseases it may take a few samples, but the procedure is always the same for their collection.

  • Before you start collecting samples, empty your bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
 . This must be done in advance, not during a bowel movement, that urine was not included in cal - it can affect the test results.
  • Wear disposable rubber gloves; in the feces can contain pathogens, and gloves to prevent them from entering the skin, under the fingernails, and so on.
  • Cal for the analysis should not come into contact with the walls of the bowl. Before the beginning of defecation place directly beneath the anus rather large plastic container or bag (they must be clean) and then Put one stool in a special container for samples.
  • Suitable for the analysis of both liquid and solid stool.
  • Patients suffering from constipation, sometimes recommended to do an enema before take feces.
  • Put the gloves, bags and any container that you used (except for the container in which you put the sample) in a plastic bag, tie it, and discard. Wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.
  • If there is a sticker on the container to which the patient must record their data, do it.

In young children, stool samples can be collected for analyzes of diapers, but on the condition that the faeces are not mixed urine. Sometimes collecting stool in young patients are thin tubes that are introduced into the anus.


Storage of samples

A tightly closed container in the faeces is necessary as soon as possible to carry the doctor's office or lab. If for some reason this is not possible, it may be stored in a refrigerator, but no more than 48 hours. If retention periods are violated, or if the sample is stored at too high a temperature, it begin to multiply bacteria. Because of this, their level becomes higher than the actual level of bacteria in the patient, and the analysis results will be inaccurate.



In some cases, instead of analyzing the analysis of stool smear from the anus. This analysis is not quite the same as the usual analysis of feces, but it will also help identify many diseases affecting the human intestine. Smear analysis made, for example, pregnant women to identify conditions that may lead to problems during childbirth.

Sample collection is usually carried out using a disposable cotton swab; it is administered by a few centimeters into the anus, so that the procedure may cause some discomfort.

Sometimes the analysis also uses a special adhesive tape. Smear from the anus can make a nurse or doctor. Within a few hours before the patients should not be washed, use lubricants and any toilet facilities for intimate zone as all this may affect the test results.

Samples sent to the laboratory for at least three hours.

The analysis results are usually known within two or three days.

Article Tags:
  • fecal

Explanation coprogram - it should be trusted doctor

December 8, 2014

 decryption coprogram
 Explanation coprogram - a difficult task as you must first evaluate each indicator coprogram, and then all of them in general. Proper decryption coprogram can tell the doctor a lot, including will identify or suspect the presence of a particular disease of the digestive system.


Explanation fecal coprogram

Coprogram implies a certain number of standard tests of feces. Held physical, chemical and microscopic study of the biological material. Key indicators coprogram - the number, consistency, color, odor of feces, the presence of a variety of contaminants, as well as products of food digestion, inflammation, parasites and so on.

Number of faeces per day - can talk about the nature of food, overeating or malnutrition, abuse biliary excretion, the pancreas, digestive disorders with a predominance of fermentation or putrefaction, chronic inflammation in the small intestine, intestinal infections, food poisoning and so on. Not stool stands for constipation, a lot - for diarrhea.

The consistency of the stool - indicates constipation or diarrhea, as well as the absence of receipt of bile into the intestine, pancreatic secretion abuse Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
 , Or putrid fermentation dyspepsia.

Color stool - depends on the nature of food, certain medicines, fast or slow evacuation of fecal colon disorders digestion of food in the intestine, the presence of bleeding from different parts of the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of bilirubin in the feces Bilirubin - a great tool for the diagnosis  Bilirubin - a great tool for the diagnosis
 , Stop the flow of bile into the intestine.

The smell of feces - depends on the number of odorous substances produced during digestion (indole, skatole, phenol). Abnormality can help identify violations of the secretion of the pancreas, biliary excretion, fermentation dyspepsia.

Normally in the stool should not be present pathological impurities - blood, pus, mucus. If they still are, then it indicates the presence in the gastrointestinal tract inflammation - enteritis, colitis Colitis - the danger of colon  Colitis - the danger of colon
 , Proctitis, and so on.

The presence of fecal occult blood indicates bleeding from different parts of the gastrointestinal tract. The presence of occult blood and black stool indicates bleeding in the stomach or duodenum. If blood is detected in the feces with a reddish tinge, it means bleeding from the lower gastrointestinal tract.

The feces should not be too liquid protein, undigested fibers muscle, connective tissue, starch, neutral fats, fatty acids - the presence of these components indicates digestive problems.


Deciphering the child coprogram

Coprogram deciphering a child engaged in a pediatrician or pediatric gastroenterologist. The analysis must take into account coprogram child's age and the nature of its feeding. Thus, when lactase deficiency (absence or reduction of the formation of the enzyme lactase, which breaks down milk sugar) in feces in a child can detect the presence of starch, increasing fiber content, pH reduction of stool less than 5, 5 (acidity characteristic of fermentation dyspepsia).

When dysbacteriosis coprogram is a complementary method of research, the basic method - microbiological (seeding feces on nutrient media). Nevertheless, coprogram reveals the presence of inflammation in the intestine (mucus, fecal leukocytes), disorders of digestion and absorption of fat, protein, carbohydrate (undigested muscle fibers, neutral fats, starch in feces). According coprogram possible to suspect that a child has some kind of latent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which was the cause of dysbiosis.

In hepatitis in children feces becomes grayish white color and resembles putty due to the fact that the intestines are not supplied bile (which stains normal feces brown and digest fats).

If a child suffers from chronic pancreatitis, the daily amount of feces he will have increased, stool color - light gray. The consistency of the feces for pancreatitis will be liquid or pasty, smell - sour. As you can see feces undigested muscle fibers, neutral fat, starch, and high white blood cell count White blood cells as the basis of immunity  White blood cells as the basis of immunity
   - Sign of the inflammatory process.

Black stool in the child and the presence of occult blood in it makes suspect the presence of gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer. The acidity of the stool have often increased.

Explanation coprogram reveals major problems on the part of the digestive system in children and adults.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • fecal

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