Pregnancy and diet - it does not harm your baby

February 24, 2014

  • Pregnancy and diet - it does not harm your baby
  • Food

 Pregnancy Diet
 Pregnancy and diet - whether to stick to any rules in the diet? Obstetricians believe that not only necessary, but also necessary. But dieting, a woman should receive a complete set of nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals that are essential for the growth and development of the child.


Why limit the salt?

Healthy pregnant woman can afford to eat whatever she wants, but while adhering to certain restrictions. During pregnancy it is necessary to limit the consumption of foods, promoting fluid retention. It's salty - water retention will contribute to circulatory problems and create the risk of preeclampsia - toxicosis second half of pregnancy.

But many pregnant women like salty, what do you do? Healthy pregnant women is not necessary to completely abandon these useful products such as herring, sauerkraut and pickles, but to use them better in limited quantities. But if there is a threat to the development of preeclampsia (the first signs of a delay in the body fluid, tell your doctor after the next weighing), all salt should be deleted.


If you like sweet and fat

In fact, during pregnancy many women feel like something sweet, even if they have not had a sweet tooth. Tastes change against the background of hormonal changes the body.

Yet the pregnant woman should know that too much weight gain at the expense of adipose tissue is also undesirable. This is a high load on the cardiovascular system, which also can lead to gestosis and circulatory disorders of the fetus. And it is fraught with placental insufficiency Placental insufficiency - deviation from the norm  Placental insufficiency - deviation from the norm
   - State, when the child does not receive oxygen and nutrients due to impaired circulation in the placenta. Such fruit poorly developed, lagging behind in weight often suffer from disorders of the central nervous system.

But fetoplacental insufficiency develops not always, and may increase the weight of the fruit with her mother. This will create problems during childbirth. A very large baby more often injured during childbirth, it is less adapted to life vneutrbnoy and prone to various infections.

Weight gain can provide not only sweet, but also animal fats - they also should be limited. In addition, fatty food - it is also a high load on the liver and pancreas Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
 That during pregnancy and so operate at full capacity.

Therefore, in the daily diet of a pregnant woman is too much to put on weight should be limited to sweets, pastries, sodas, fatty meat, fish and dairy products. If a woman gains weight normally, it can sometimes afford to eat these foods, but with significant weight gain, their use should be restricted.

They say the beer during pregnancy is useful and how to give up cigarettes, strong coffee?

All types of alcohol during pregnancy is strictly contraindicated. Alcohol - is poison to neuro- and hepatotoxic effects, that is, he is able to kill cells of the brain and liver, including the fetus. Some women consume beer during pregnancy seems to be no apparent adverse effects. But the body of the pregnant woman is different and there is no guarantee that if the child during pregnancy is not affected by the beer to a woman, it will not have negative effects on the fetus of another woman. In addition, the effects of alcohol consumption during pregnancy may affect later, when the child starts school.

No less detrimental effect on the fetus of smoking. That maternal smoking can be, for example, the cause of the child's hydrocephalus - water on the brain.

Strong tea and coffee contain caffeine, as it contributes to a narrowing of blood vessels, which can lead to circulatory problems in the mother and fetus.


Constipation and hemorrhoids - how to win?

Constipation are almost all pregnant women. They arise due to the large amount of blood in the female sex hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 That inhibits intestinal peristalsis, as well as due to a fact that the growing uterus backs intestines and prevents the passage of feces on it. And if you have constipation, sooner or later, and hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease  Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease
 Because during pregnancy there is always a certain stagnation of venous blood.

To win constipation should eat often, 5-6 times a day, while eating small amounts of food. Overcome constipation help dairy products, cooked beets, boiled and steamed vegetables, fresh fruits and vegetables.


What is useful to a pregnant woman

The daily diet of the pregnant woman should have all the necessary for the growth and development of the fruit ingredients. First of all, it is a protein - lean meat, fish, dairy products (especially dairy and low-fat cottage cheese), nuts, seeds. Because carbohydrates - cereals, vegetables, fruits, they are a source of energy and also contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Better to use vegetable fats, because animals will have enough to do with meat, fish and milk.

Complete diet with very few restrictions, will facilitate the normal course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

Placental insufficiency - deviation from the norm

November 16, 2014

  • Placental insufficiency - deviation from the norm
  • Dangers

 fetoplacental insufficiency
 Placental insufficiency - a band name complications of pregnancy, in which the body of the child through the placenta to an inadequate amount of oxygen and nutrients.

Placenta - this, in some way, the life support system of the fetus. It consists of a tissue obtained from both the mother (by about 4/5), and from the fetus. By the beginning of the normal delivery placenta is the organ of a reddish blue color with a diameter of 15 to 22 cm and a thickness of 2 to 4 cm. Its weight is 400-600 g (about 15% by weight of the newborn). Prior to the birth, she regularly performs its functions, providing the child with everything necessary. In some cases, however, the placenta is not quite cope with their tasks.


Causes of placental insufficiency

The main reason for failure is a violation of fetoplatsentaranoy blood flow through the placenta. This, in turn, can be very diverse causes. Sometimes a disruption of blood flow causes damage to the placental tissue (caused, for example, placental infarction - the withering away of her tissues), placental abruption, vasospasm, or blood clots that disrupt blood flow.

In addition, placental insufficiency may lead:

  • Diabetes;
  • High blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
   (especially if the patient does not take steps to control it);
  • Anemia;
  • Acceptance of some drugs (particularly, anticoagulants such as warfarin Warfarin - indirect anticoagulants  Warfarin - indirect anticoagulants
   and heparin);
  • Smoking;
  • Acceptance of illicit drugs (in this respect, the most dangerous are cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine).


The symptoms of placental insufficiency

Usually fetoplacental insufficiency long cause any symptoms, but there are several factors that can influence it. These include:

  • Weight gain during pregnancy;
  • The increase in size of the uterus;
  • The growth of the fetus;
  • The activity of the fetus.

Weight mother. Normally, the weight of pregnant women after the first trimester increased to 400-500 g per week (in the first trimester, it can not be changed, and sometimes even a little weight is reduced). Weight increases the expense of the fetus, placenta, increasing the volume of fluid in the body, and the body fat, the volume of which during the childbearing also increases slightly. All of these factors are somehow associated with hormonal women, as well as the functioning of the placenta. If a woman gains weight too slow, it may be grounds for suspicion that she developed fetoplacental insufficiency.

The increase in size of the uterus. If the pregnancy is normal, since the sixteenth week of uterine fundus height should be increased by about a centimeter per week. With an average size of the fetus and multiple pregnancies, the height of the uterine fundus is usually equal to the number of weeks of gestation plus / minuts two centimeters.

Measurement of abdominal girth is not sufficiently accurate method to estimate the increase in the size of the uterus of a pregnant woman.

If the uterus is growing too slowly, it is the basis for the survey, in which the doctor can determine how well the placenta.

The growth of the fetus. In order to monitor the growth of the fetus, pregnant women should have regular ultrasonography (US). One of the best ways to assess properly whether the child grows, is as follows: doctor measures the girth of the fetal abdomen at the level of his liver (using an image on the screen), and compares it to the girth of the head. If ultrasound results show that the baby is growing too slowly can be assigned to other diagnostic procedures.

The activity of the fetus. One of the most important indicators of the normal functioning of the placenta is the high activity of the fetus. At a certain stage of pregnancy, the mother can evaluate it yourself, watching how often she feels the movement of the child. Another indicator is the fetal heart rate, which the doctor can measure for suspected placental insufficiency.

The severity of signs of placental insufficiency is closely related to its stage. So, fetoplacental insufficiency 1 degree is weak, and does not pose a serious threat to the child and the mother. 2 degree of the violation can lead to various health problems in the fetus (including a delay in development), and fetoplacental insufficiency of 3 degrees, which, fortunately, is rare, is potentially dangerous to his life.

In addition, there are the following forms of violations:

  • Chronic fetoplacental insufficiency. This form progresses slowly violations, so that the patient herself and even her doctor may notice signs of trouble later. In some cases, this is the reason that the body of the fetus for a long time has not been sufficient oxygen;
  • Acute fetoplacental failure develops rapidly, it can cause placental abruption, severe vaginal bleeding Vaginal bleeding - if monthly return when they were not expecting  Vaginal bleeding - if monthly return when they were not expecting
   and a number of other complications.
