- Bloating during pregnancy - the main causes of flatulence
- What can be done
Causes of bloating during pregnancy
Bloating or flatulence occurs when a large amount of gas in the intestine due to the decomposition of food there. Normally, it is released in small quantities and not being penalized. If it stands out a lot, then it causes discomfort, distention of the abdomen, sometimes - pain. Flatulence is often associated with constipation. All this is very concerned about pregnant women. The reasons of occurrence of flatulence in pregnant women may be several.
The pregnant woman's blood contains large amounts of the female hormone progesterone, which causes relaxation of smooth muscles of internal organs. This property progesterone during pregnancy is necessary to remove the spasm of muscles of the uterus - they can cause a reduction in premature miscarriage
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. Relaxation of smooth muscles of the intestine contributes to stagnation of food in it, and flatulence.
Another equally common cause of bloating in pregnancy is poor diet. This may be eating large amounts of food during the decomposition of which is allocated a lot of gas (beans, peas, raw vegetables, plenty of fruits, sodas), concomitant use of a large amount of food with long breaks or too fast food, during which, together with the food ingested a large amount of air.
During pregnancy can worsen chronic gastrointestinal disease, which afflict women before pregnancy. Congenital enzymatic deficiency may also be a cause of pregnancy flatulence - not completely digested in the stomach and small intestine the food passes into the colon where decomposes with the evolution of large amounts of gases. All these factors can lead to dysbacteriosis - a reduction in the volume of the intestine of normal intestinal microflora, which is involved in digestion and increase in conditionally pathogenic microflora which breaks down food to produce large amounts of gases.
On the big stages of pregnancy the uterus backs the intestines, leading to constipation and flatulence
Flatulence - when too much gas
Bloating during pregnancy may be associated with an unstable condition of the nervous system of women: all the stress and anxiety (including about flatulence) only reinforce this unpleasant phenomenon.
What can help a pregnant woman
Help is possible and necessary. First you need to find out why a pregnant woman is constantly worried about bloating. Therefore, an issue has to find an obstetrician-gynecologist of female consultation, which organizes the necessary examination. In the women's clinic also is receiving a therapist specially trained in diseases of the internal organs of pregnant women. After the examination, women are given advice on nutrition and daily routine, treatment is prescribed.
If bloating is due to poor diet, it is recommended to split meals in small portions five to six times a day and the exclusion of a large number of eating raw fruits and vegetables, beans, fried, fatty and spicy foods, coffee and strong tea. Be sure to follow the recommended order to every day was a chair. For loose stools need daily consume dairy products (yogurt, fermented baked milk, and so on, but it should be remembered that, for example, yogurt has a laxative properties only in the first days after manufacture, older yogurt fixes, and hence the phenomenon of flatulence effort) Dried prunes, salads, dressed with vegetable oil.
Since progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
violates the motor activity of the intestine, a woman, even when heavily pregnant you must move, otherwise immobile gut lead to chronic constipation and bloating
Bloating - if you are bursting inside
. The antenatal clinic will choose an individual set of exercises that will help deal with the problem.
When aggravation of gastrointestinal diseases prenatal therapist can choose the treatment that will reduce the symptoms of the disease and not have a negative impact on the child. When dysbacteriosis prescribe medications that contain beneficial bacteria that live in the large intestine (probiotics, for example, bifiduibakterin) and substances that contribute to the reproduction of their own beneficial microflora (probiotics). Assign herbal sedatives.
To reduce bloating and sometimes assigned medication. But it must be prescribed by a doctor, since most seemingly innocuous drug may cause irreversible changes in the fetus.
Pregnancy - is a big responsibility for the health of the unborn child and every woman should understand it clearly.
Galina Romanenko