Swelling of feet during pregnancy: to help the expectant mother

April 25, 2013

 swelling of the legs during pregnancy
 Due to the fact that during pregnancy liquid longer than usual stagnate in the body tissues, many expectant mothers swell calves, feet and even toes. By the end of the day, especially in hot weather, or if you had to spend a lot of time on their feet, in the lower part of the body accumulate a lot of fluids. The gradual formation of leg edema in pregnancy during the day does not cause serious damage, but causes some discomfort, since shoes tend to get too close.

 Swelling of feet during pregnancy: to help the expectant mother

How to avoid swelling of feet during pregnancy

These simple steps will help both prevent the occurrence of edema and alleviate the discomfort, if the feet had swollen:

  • Try not to carry on their feet for several hours. If you work from time to time sit down and pull the legs to give them rest;
  • Wear comfortable shoes; Avoid sandals with thin straps and any other shoe that compresses the legs when formed swelling;
  • When you are relaxing at home, raise your feet up - they should be above the level of your heart. Lie down on the couch, put his feet on his back, and try to hold in this position for at least one hour per day.

It is effective against edema are the exercises for the legs. They improve blood circulation, reduce swelling and prevent seizures. You can carry them when you are standing or sitting.

  • 30 times in a row as much as possible pull the toe of the foot, and then pull it toward you, feeling the stretch leg muscles. Repeat the exercise for 30 times the other leg;
  • Follow rotation foot eight times one way, another eight - to another;
  • Several consecutive rises on tiptoe, feeling the tension in the muscles of the legs.

 Swelling of feet during pregnancy: to help the expectant mother

When the swelling of the feet should cause concern

Seek medical help if the legs, arms or face swell suddenly. The reason for this can be a dangerous condition that occurs in some pregnant women - pre-eclampsia. This abuse need immediate help of experts, because it can be dangerous for both mother and child.

In addition to edema, signs of pre-eclampsia can be severe headaches, vision problems (eg, blurred vision, or flickering before the eyes), severe pain under the ribs and vomiting.

Factors that increase the risk of pre-eclampsia:

  • Age older than 40 years;
  • The lack of parity;
  • After the last pregnancy took place more than ten years;
  • Preeclampsia is a family history;
  • The body mass index of 30 or more;
  • Cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure, a history of the patient;
  • Kidney disease;
  • Multiple pregnancy.

Patients, which include one or more of these risk factors, with the appearance of leg edema Swelling of the legs - do not leave without attention  Swelling of the legs - do not leave without attention
 Causing significant discomfort should undergo additional medical examination, without waiting for the occurrence of more serious symptoms.

Article Tags:
  • swelling of the feet

Select with early pregnancy: how to know your rate?

March 10, 2012

 selection of early pregnancy
 With the advent of such a joyful event in the life of a woman, as pregnancy with her body begin to occur various changes. Due to hormonal changes in a pregnant woman is changing not only its emotional but also physical condition. Since the beginning of pregnancy, a woman begins to kind to their health and is closely following the appearance of new symptoms. One of them is the allocation of that change their character after conception. What are the selection at early pregnancy are normal and which are abnormal? This question expectant mothers often ask your doctor.

 Select with early pregnancy: how to know your rate?

Normal allocation at early pregnancy

With the onset of pregnancy in a woman's body begins to vigorously synthesize progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 . First, education is responsible for its yellow body of pregnancy, in the future - the placenta. Progesterone (pregnancy hormone) provides implantation (attachment to the uterine wall) of a fertilized egg, the placenta formation, development and maintenance of pregnancy. Under the influence of progesterone changes and character selections. They become sticky, viscous and opaque, and their number is somewhat reduced. Such allocation of appropriate belyam Beli: abnormal discharge  Beli: abnormal discharge
   in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Thick allocation necessary for the formation of mucus plug in the cervix which protects the fetus from external influences (infection).

Minor bleeding (brown) discharge often occur in women after 7-10 days after conception, which coincides with the day of expected menstruation. This is due to the implantation of the egg in the uterus. The mucous membrane of the uterus under the influence of progesterone is loosened, it is well-developed network of blood vessels and may cause the attachment of the embryo small spotting. This is called implantation bleeding, it is painless and lasts a maximum of two days.

 Select with early pregnancy: how to know your rate?

Abnormal discharge in early pregnancy

Any deviation from the norm (change in the number, color or odor secretions) indicates the presence of disease and requires medical advice. Types of abnormal discharge:

  • Bloody issues

Spotting continues for more than three days should alert a woman, in which case you should immediately consult a doctor. Typically, spotting Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
   They are one of the signs of threatened abortion. Their intensity may vary from smearing and scarce to plentiful. Often spotting accompanied by the threat of interruption of pulling or aching pain in the abdomen, the fall of basal body temperature, diarrhea, loss of appetite and nausea.

Also spotting may occur during cervical erosion. In some cases, cervical erosion occurs during pregnancy and about her presence woman may not know. Spotting at the cervical erosion are in the nature of contact. Such separation occur after sexual intercourse, douching, or pelvic examination. Spotting on the background of cervical erosion painless and stop on their own within a few hours.

  • Yellow allocation

The appearance of yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor indicates the beginning or aggravation of the inflammatory process in the uterus and appendages. Inflammation of the internal reproductive organs is a threat to pregnancy and may result in an interruption. In this case, prescribe anti-inflammatory therapy and save.

  • Cheesy discharge

Selections milky with grains similar to cottage cheese are a sign of genital candidiasis or thrush. Thrush - a frequent companion of pregnant women. Expectant mothers concerned the burning and itching of the external genitalia and vagina, which intensified during sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 After intercourse, water treatment, and after exercise. In the case of genital candidiasis appointed antifungal therapy.

  • Abundant mucus

Increasing the number of allotments in early pregnancy may be the result of irritation panty liners or soap. They are not accompanied by itching and unpleasant odor and does not pose a threat to pregnancy. In the case of such discharges should be replaced by less allergenic pads (not containing fragrances), and change the soap.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • separation during pregnancy
