Aktovegin during pregnancy: treatment and prevention

December 18, 2011

 aktovegin during pregnancy
 In recent years, health status has deteriorated significantly. This problem is especially touched pregnant women. The weakening of the immune system, the effect of various harmful factors, the rapid pace of life can not affect the course of pregnancy. In this regard, expectant mothers are increasingly prescribed many drugs, both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Pregnant relaxed about receiving vitamin-mineral complexes, preparations of iodine and iron, but the rest of their prescribed drugs are alarming. Is no exception aktovegin, which appeared on the market recently. Aktovegin during pregnancy has established itself as an effective tool and is widely used in obstetric practice in various pathological conditions.

 Aktovegin during pregnancy: treatment and prevention

What is aktovegin?

Actovegin - a drug that is derived from the blood of calves (gemoderivat). Aktovegin Available in tablets, so to intravenous fluids. With its unique mechanism of action, aktovegin applied not only inside and parenterally, but as a topical treatment (gel, ointment, cream). Unfortunately, the price of aktovegin is high enough, but it justifies a significant therapeutic effect.

 Aktovegin during pregnancy: treatment and prevention

The mechanism of action aktovegina

Aktovegin activates metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   cells in tissues by increasing the delivery thereto of glucose and oxygen, and also promotes tissue absorb them. In addition, the drug improves blood flow. Also aktovegin Aktovegin - without fear of negative consequences  Aktovegin - without fear of negative consequences
   participates in all the metabolic processes in the body and has a positive effect on the immune system. Aktovegin improves metabolism and facilitates the delivery of oxygen to the brain, stimulates the healing of the wound surface is effective in diseases of the eye (the cornea and sclera damage). Because of its quality aktovegin loved and obstetricians.

 Aktovegin during pregnancy: treatment and prevention

In some cases, appointed aktovegin pregnant?

Aktovegin appointed during pregnancy and for medicinal purposes and as a preventive. For the treatment of the drug is used in the following cases:

  • preeclampsia (improves the utero-placental blood flow, normalizes the brain, relieves symptoms of retinopathy);
  • fetal hypoxia, or a lack of oxygen (favorable effect on fetoplacental complex, improves the delivery of oxygen to the fetus);
  • intrauterine growth retardation (in addition to oxygen delivery, transports glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
  • the threat of miscarriage or premature birth (again normalizes the placental blood supply);
  • placenta previa;
  • diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   in pregnant women;
  • systemic diseases pregnant women (systemic lupus erythematosus);
  • varicose veins;
  • presence of hemorrhoids.

From prevention to screening reception at aktovegina:

  • burdened obstetrical history (presence of miscarriage, complications of pregnancy and childbirth, uterine scar);
  • partial detachment of the ovum;
  • signs of fetal hypoxia in the US.

 Aktovegin during pregnancy: treatment and prevention

Dosage regimen aktovegina

If aktovegin appointed pregnant as a prophylactic measure, preference is given to tablets. It recommended taking the drug on one or two tablets three times a day before meals. The usual duration of treatment is ten days. A drug treatment to be administered parenterally, intravenously 10-20 mL, followed by reduction of the dose to 5 ml intravenously or intramuscularly. Aktovegina possible appointment as an intravenous infusion (or dvadtsatiprotsentnym ten percent solution of 250 ml). The course of treatment is on average ten to twenty effects, but if necessary it is extended.

 Aktovegin during pregnancy: treatment and prevention

Adverse reactions aktovegina

The drug has almost no side effects, except allergic reactions (rash, feeling a rush of blood, fever, sweating).

 Aktovegin during pregnancy: treatment and prevention

Contra-indications for prescribing

Aktovegin should not be used when oliguria or anuria, pulmonary edema, decompensated heart failure, fluid retention, as well as in the case of individual intolerance.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • aktovegin

Advantan during pregnancy: use with caution

July 15, 2012

 advantan during pregnancy
 Advantan - a drug for external use. It is not contraindicated during pregnancy, as practically not absorbed into the blood and does not have any overall impact on the human body. But the pregnancy - a special state in which advantan only recommended by a physician and with extreme caution.

 Advantan during pregnancy: use with caution

Pregnancy and skin inflammatory diseases

During pregnancy, under the influence of hormones completely rebuilt the whole body of woman. Chronic diseases (including skin) in which a woman suffered before pregnancy, during pregnancy may be more likely to either worsen or protkat as usual. And some women during pregnancy and forget about all that were sick.

A feature of the state of pregnancy is also lowered immunity, which often contributes to the development of infectious and inflammatory processes. Diseases such as atopic dermatitis or eczema (especially microbial) during pregnancy may give frequent exacerbations, and if the inflammatory process is difficult, with severe swelling and itching, sometimes prescribe advantan. But it must always be remembered that advantan - a drug that also helps reduce the immune system, so there is a direct threat to joining bacterial or fungal infection Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat  Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat

 Advantan during pregnancy: use with caution

As advantan acts on the body of a pregnant woman

Advantan incorporates the main active ingredient methylprednisolone, which is a synthetic glyukokortikoiznym means (GCS), and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, decongestant and antipruritic effect. All of these preparations with high efficiency and have many side effects.

Advantan peculiarity is that it when applied to the skin is practically not absorbed into blood and has no impact on the overall organism. But in this case the use of its short courses. Prolonged use may cause local side effects. And as the body of a pregnant woman functions is very individual, it is difficult to predict how he will react to this drug.

The mechanism of action is associated with Advantan that inhibits the formation of prostaglandins - biologically active substances involved in the expansion of blood vessels. At the same time activates the action of adrenaline, which has vasoconstrictor action. It is difficult to predict how such a game with the blood vessels will affect the pregnant woman. That is why the decision on whether or not to apply advantan, in each case must take a doctor.

 Advantan during pregnancy: use with caution

In some cases, a pregnant woman can not be used at all advantan

In no case can not be applied advantan in viral infections of the skin, such as herpes recurrent infection. This will lead to a very rapid spread of the disease. Advantan also contraindicated in tuberculosis skin TB skin - a rare form of the disease  TB skin - a rare form of the disease
 , Syphilitic eruptions on the skin - reduced immunity under its influence will cause aggravation of these diseases.

In severe microbial eczema, when the inflammatory process in the skin occurs with severe swelling and itching, and a pregnant woman carries all this with difficulty, advantan use, but to protect against infection at the same time appoint antibacterial and antiviral drugs.

Do not use if advantan rozeatsea - this will contribute to an aggravation of the disease, as all SCS are provoking factors for rosacea.

Contraindicated applying any dosage forms to the elements Advantan rash appeared on the skin as a reaction to the vaccine, as well as increased sensitivity to components Advantan.

 Advantan during pregnancy: use with caution

What side effects may occur

Usually advantan well tolerated by patients, including during pregnancy. Very rarely, in its application it may cause irritation to the skin and swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
 , Redness and peeling. Basically, all side effects are long-term use of the drug. Therefore, a pregnant woman alone can not use it.

From the local side effects on the skin may appear spider veins Spider veins - a sign of several diseases  Spider veins - a sign of several diseases
 , Depigmented spots, areas of skin atrophy (decrease in volume - the surface of these portions remaining below the surface of the skin), stretch. Stretch marks and skin atrophy - a consequence of the enhanced protein breakdown in collagen fibers under the influence of Advantan (as are all GCS).

Advantan not contraindicated during pregnancy, but it must be used with great caution and only on prescription.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • advantan
