Clotrimazole used during pregnancy only on prescription. In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy clotrimazole can not be applied, then it is sometimes, for health reasons, is prescribed, but with great caution and in view of the general state of the pregnant woman.
Dosage and side effects of clotrimazole
Clotrimazole - is an antifungal drug that is only available in dosage forms for topical and local application. After contact with the skin or mucous membranes, it creates high concentrations in their surface layers - where is the site of infection. Clotrimazole inhibits formation in fungal cells required for their membrane materials. What causes destruction of cells.
Side effects of clotrimazole are manifested as local irritation and allergic reactions - urticaria and allergic contact dermatitis
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Does clotrimazole general (systemic) effect on the body?
It is believed that clotrimazole enters the blood in small amounts and general (systemic) action on an organism has not. However, some part of clotrimazole into the blood still flows, it proved that clotrimazole can also overcome the placental barrier and get to the fetus.
In the application of external medicinal forms clotrimazole in a cream, ointment and gel, which is applied to the skin, the blood is sucked clotrimazole small amount, but when used in vaginal tablets blood gets about 3% of active principle. Usually these doses did not have any significant impact on the human body. Fear should only pregnant women, nursing mothers and patients with impaired liver function.
Why clotrimazole can not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy
In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy (first trimester) is laying organs and tissues of the fetus. At this time, the woman should not take any drugs - they may disturb this process, leading to the development of various anomalies in children. Including such effects can lead even a slight hit in the blood of pregnant women clotrimazole
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Sometimes, however a situation where drugs are required for health reasons, then they appoint a doctor, after weighing all the pros and cons. However, clotrimazole, which is available only in dosage forms for external and topical use can not be vital to drug, however, if necessary its application treatment is postponed to the second trimester of pregnancy.
Why clotrimazole in other periods of pregnancy should be used only on prescription
As the body of a pregnant woman will react to a particular drug is often impossible to predict. Hormonal changes and increased load on the internal organs leads to the fact that sometimes there is a heightened sensitivity to even small doses of drugs that pregnant women take up without any consequences.
Most of the load during pregnancy are the liver and kidneys. The liver eliminates all toxic metabolic products coming from the mother and the child, and their kidneys conclusions. Therefore, additional, even a small load as clotrimazole (as this drug has toxic effects on the liver if ingested blood) can lead to dysfunction of the body. And since the kidneys are working and "wear" in the blood can accumulate toxic substances, negative effects on the body of mother and fetus.
That's why before assigning clotrimazole pregnant doctor weighs the pros and cons: how the risk of fungal infection
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for the body of the mother than the potential risk of toxic effects on the fetus clotrimazole.
Side effects and allergic reactions
Clotrimazole during pregnancy is most often used to treat thrush
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. Thrush can threaten the fetus, so it is treated in the second trimester of pregnancy. Thus in addition to the threat of a general effect on the body there is a risk of local irritation and allergies. The local inflammatory and allergic reactions may also adversely affect the condition of the pregnant woman. Sometimes they require additional treatment with new drugs, which is also undesirable during pregnancy.
Clotrimazole during pregnancy may appoint a doctor with all the indications and contraindications. Independently applied clotrimazole pregnant woman can not, especially dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Galina Romanenko