Detraleks during pregnancy: only on prescription

September 21, 2011

 When pregnancy is no medicine without a prescription should not be taken, especially in the first 12 weeks. Ideal does not take any medications at this time, but, unfortunately, not always obtained. Sometimes during pregnancy without drugs can not do.

 Detraleks during pregnancy: only on prescription

What happens to the veins during pregnancy

During pregnancy, hormonal changes. The main female sex hormone, in this period is progesterone which inhibits smooth muscle tone. Smooth muscle - the muscle is the internal organs and blood vessel walls. Inhibition of smooth muscle tone is necessary during pregnancy in order to prevent uterine contractions. If these cuts are not suppressed, can occur spontaneous miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
 Ie miscarriage Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?  Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?

But progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   It suppresses the reduction is not only muscles of the uterus, but also all other smooth muscles. Suffers from the gastrointestinal tract - a violation of the motor activity of the intestine leads to chronic constipation, bloating that contributes to the formation of hemorrhoids in pregnant women. With increasing pressure from the uterus grow and hemorrhoids. Perhaps their denial, which is called acute hemorrhoids. This is a dangerous condition for pregnant women, since it is possible bleeding and infection accession. The risk of bleeding increases many times during labor when contractions begin, and especially attempts.

The same negative effect progesterone has on the smooth muscles of the walls of the veins. Vienna relaxed, lengthened and expanded by the blood accumulated in them. As a result, increasing edema of the lower extremities, a pregnant woman becomes difficult to walk. But the main danger is that the stagnation of blood in the veins leading to the formation of blood clots and inflammation of the walls of the veins (thrombophlebitis), which is very dangerous during pregnancy.

Treatment of venous insufficiency may be surgically, injected, sclerosing (with the introduction of substances promoting zapustevaniyu veins) and conservative. The first two methods during pregnancy are not commonly used. It remains to conservative treatment, during which a woman is appointed medication.

 Detraleks during pregnancy: only on prescription

Can I use detraleks during pregnancy

The manufacturer detraleks "Laboratory Servier" (France) in the manual indicates that only detraleks passed laboratory tests on animals, during which did not reveal any adverse effects on the fetus. Clinical studies in pregnant women have been conducted. Therefore, the absolute harmlessness detraleks for pregnant women is unproven.

However, detraleks used during pregnancy, moreover, there is enough experience of its use in pregnant women. But the appointment of the drug obstetrician or prenatal physician must weigh the pros and cons of such an appointment. For drugs prescribed to pregnant women, there is even a special formulation: the appointment shows that if the anticipated benefits to the female organism potential risk to the fetus.

Detraleks is a herbal preparation, but it is quite effective drug, and is not always possible to calculate exactly how it will work during pregnancy. But sometimes the risk of bleeding and infection in the anus is so big that detraleks Detraleks - improves the function of blood vessels  Detraleks - improves the function of blood vessels
   appoint, and still there were no complications in the mother and fetus during its reception.

Assign it and chronic venous insufficiency with the threat of clot formation - a condition in itself is dangerous for women and children, and so the appointment detraleks is justified.

Influenced detraleks improves the tone of veins, strengthens their walls, improves the circulation of blood through small blood vessels - capillaries. All this contributes to the improvement of a venous insufficiency. Absolutely it, of course, take place only after birth, but the treatment detraleks significantly reduce the possibility of complications.

 Detraleks during pregnancy: only on prescription

How to take detraleks during pregnancy

The most important thing - is to take detraleks strictly on prescription. The number of tablets and the duration of the course during pregnancy may be administered only by a physician. A pregnant woman can not afford to take detraleks own.

Of course, detraleks not be taken if you are hypersensitive its components. Nor can we accept detraleks after delivery if the baby immediately put to the breast - this can not be done due to lack of data on the allocation of detraleks breast milk.

Detraleks - a herbal medicinal products, but in pregnancy, even these drugs can not be taken alone.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • detraleks

Vaginal discharge in early pregnancy: what do they mean?

May 16, 2012

 vaginal discharge early gestation
 There are several types of vaginal discharge in early pregnancy, which needs to know every pregnant woman. Of course, in some cases, isolation (especially yellowish cheesy discharge with an unpleasant odor) are indeed cause for concern, as evidenced by an infection or complications, but most of the separation during pregnancy Discharges during pregnancy - should not be afraid  Discharges during pregnancy - should not be afraid
   it is normal and natural.


Implantation bleeding

Color selections in early pregnancy can range from yellow to brown, and the woman may perceive them as premature menstruation. But in fact it is implantation bleeding, indicating that the fertilized egg (embryo) is attached to the wall of the uterus that occurs at six to twelve days after conception (just as the days of the expected cycle or directly in front of them). Such allocation may periodically appear again when the activity of the ovum increases. Thus possible pain and cramping. In most cases, implantation bleeding is manifested as precipitates creamy yellow or pink. However, the same color have the isolation caused by the erosion of the cervix, which increases with the onset of pregnancy.

Despite the fact that in the selection period of embryo implantation practically coincide with the expected time periods, necessary to distinguish these phenomena.

Unlike menstrual copious precipitates having a less pronounced at the beginning and end and voluminous in the middle of the flow implantation bleeding occurs still before the intended menstruation, usually in the form of several pink (but not dark red) drops or spots and without speakers.

If you do the test, and it showed a positive result, and highlight reminiscent of menstruation - an urgent need to address to the gynecologist. This can cause improper attachment of the embryo, which threatens complications.

The absence of any discharge into the implantation period is also considered to be completely normal. Moreover, it is observed in most cases. But if the selection appear after the delay, should see a doctor to rule out the threat of miscarriage. Anyway, any spotting Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
   at an early stage of pregnancy, especially accompanied by pain and spasms, as soon as possible to inform the doctor to avoid complications.


White selection or leykoreya (whites)

Because of increased blood flow to the internal organs of the pelvis during pregnancy and an increased level of hormones increases the number of white vaginal discharge. These secretions are known as leykoreya or bleach. It is quite normal that facilitates cleaning and moistening the vagina. Moreover, such selection is considered one of the earliest signs of the ensuing pregnancy, and the allocation of more abundant, the more time passed from the moment of conception. This suggests whites normal physiological phenomenon and not take any action against them if they are not accompanied by painful sensations and have no odor. Beli may be present during the whole period of pregnancy, and in the last month of their shade can darken to brown.

If used during pregnancy whites cause irritation, burning or itching, and accompanied by an unpleasant smell, it indicates the beginning of the disease.

In this case, you should contact your gynecologist. To reduce discomfort, wear only natural cotton underwear, since it is not only perfectly absorbs moisture and evaporates it, but does not irritate the skin. Do not use tampons - along with them in the vagina are often caught bacteria and germs. Instead of tampons How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
   use pads, especially in late pregnancy, when whites become more abundant.

Do not use tools for personal hygiene, such as vaginal sprays, - they break the acid balance of vaginal flora. After washing the vagina, wipe it with a towel to remove moisture as moist environment promotes the development of fungal infection.

But wearing tight clothing (tights, athletic tights, pants and jeans) and underwear - it prevents proper ventilation and air circulation. Do not use the funds, irritating to the skin. During pregnancy refuse scented soaps, deodorants and fragrances, as well as bubble bath. Unfortunately, part of these funds could go pretty strong stimuli. If possible, reduce the number of sexual contacts.


Abnormal discharge

Abnormal vaginal discharge may be due to various reasons, but most often they are connected with gynecological diseases, mainly infectious nature. Any abnormal vaginal discharge (yellow or green foam texture and unpleasant smell) may be a sign of genital infections and requires immediate medical examination.


Watery discharge

Clear or cloudy watery discharge Watery discharge: Signs rules and conditions  Watery discharge: Signs rules and conditions
   vaginal discharge may be a sign of leakage of amniotic fluid (usually in the third trimester). This situation requires urgent medical attention. Leakage of amniotic fluid may indicate an infection, because of which the wall membranes to become thin. Violation of the integrity of the bladder can lead to the ingress of infection in the fetus.

Article Tags:
  • separation during pregnancy
