Nausea during pregnancy - is it ok?

September 17, 2009

 Pregnancy and nausea
   The feeling of nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting, most often seen in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is often called morning sickness, but in fact nausea can begin at any time of day or night and regardless of the meal.

 Nausea during pregnancy - is it ok?


Increased hormone levels, increased stress and other changes that occur in the body (such as the exacerbation of the sense of smell, or a metallic taste in the mouth) can cause a deterioration of the general state of health of pregnant women, especially in the first months after conception. Nausea in pregnant women may be due to increased levels of the pregnancy hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and estrogen circulating in the body, or the relaxation of muscles of the digestive tract (which also slows down digestion) by increasing the levels of progesterone and the rapid stretching of the muscles of the uterus. Skipping meals and aversion to certain foods during pregnancy may also contribute to the emergence of nausea.

 Nausea during pregnancy - is it ok?

What else you need to know

The majority of pregnant women in early pregnancy nausea can last all day; often it is saved weeks or even months .  The good news is that for the vast majority of pregnant women getting worse between 12 and 14 weeks, and then fizzles, or becomes much weaker .  Furthermore, nausea, usually causing very big trouble during the first pregnancy; if you are planning a second pregnancy, it is likely that it will pass with little or no nausea .  Finally, nausea during pregnancy does not harm the unborn child .  In fact, women who during pregnancy in one way or another suffered from bouts of nausea were significantly less likely miscarriage than women who have never experienced such a sign of pregnancy like nausea (though the majority of women give birth to healthy babies, regardless on visit them nausea or less) .

 Nausea during pregnancy - is it ok?

How to cope with nausea during pregnancy

Although completely get rid of it will not work, it can be greatly facilitated by the following measures:

Include in your diet proteins and complex carbohydrates - a combination can significantly relieve nausea.

Eat foods which have a particularly strong appetite, even if it means you'll constantly have virtually the same products. Do not eat (and, if possible, does not smell or look) any food that cause you a feeling of nausea (often pregnant women can not tolerate spicy, fatty and acidic foods). Try to eat healthy foods that do not cause you disgust and always take prenatal vitamins (although this should be done regardless of the way you have nausea, or not).

Eat small meals five or six, or even eight times throughout the day, instead of three large meals to eat in the morning, afternoon, and evening. The stomach is easier to digest small portions of food and thus, the risk of nausea is reduced.

Eat at night - yes, now you can. If you are running late or just wake up in the night and feel the urge to snack - do not resist. Nausea in the morning does not occur on the last night because during sleep the stomach emptied almost completely. Thus, night snacking can help cope with nausea in the morning. Prefer light and liquid dish - soup, yogurt or kefir perfectly satisfy hunger and do not burden the body an excessive amount of calories.

Add ginger Ginger and the most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties  Ginger and the most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties
   tea and other beverages. Ginger, both in fresh and in dried form is effective against nausea.

If nausea is very strong and frequent, talk to your doctor - you may want to take vitamin B6, which helps to reduce stress and alleviate nausea.

Try acupressure and / or meditation and yoga. They effectively weaken the unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy in some women.

 Nausea during pregnancy - is it ok?

First half of pregnancy toxemia

Besides the main cause of the toxicity of the first half of pregnancy there is another cause of nausea, emerging from the first days of pregnancy. This hormonal changes, which literally "flips" the entire body of women. It becomes highly sensitive to psychic influences, smells, can not accept this or that food, etc. Nausea can occur even just looking at the once favorite dish.

It is believed that a predisposition to toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy is inherited: if the mother he was, most likely, will have a daughter.

Nausea and vomiting first half of pregnancy can be easy to endure. But if the vomiting becomes constant and indomitable, that is life threatening condition, both women and children. In such cases, a woman is sent to the department of pathology of pregnancy maternity hospital, where she carried out the treatment, reducing toxicity.

If concerned about persistent nausea and vomiting is rare, you should try to reduce it with juices, fruit drinks, tea with lemon, mint Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness  Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
   etc. Fasting (eg in the morning) nausea intensifies, so to reduce it, you need to eat, it is better if it's milk products, cheese, low-fat and not too salty cheese. It happens that the nausea caused by low blood sugar Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
 Then will something sweet. Over time, a woman may develop their own methods of struggle with nausea. To reduce nausea, you can take herbal medicinal products, but only on prescription.

 Nausea during pregnancy - is it ok?

Toxicosis second half of pregnancy (preeclampsia)

Preeclampsia is associated with the fact that disrupted the smallest blood vessels - capillaries therein begins to stagnate blood and appear first swelling (edema of pregnancy), then increased blood pressure and protein in the urine The protein in the urine - a sign of danger, which should not be underestimated  The protein in the urine - a sign of danger, which should not be underestimated
   (kidneys fail - nephropathy pregnant). But things can result in very bad: the appearance of seizures, impaired consciousness and coma (preeclampsia and eclampsia).

At any of these stages may be nausea and vomiting as a result of circulatory disorders. But at the same time, and nausea can be the result of crushing growing gastric cancer. To understand what's going on in the body of a pregnant woman, she should be under constant supervision of your obstetrician-gynecologist.

Treatment of preeclampsia, except for mild swelling, conducted at the hospital. Appointed by the soothing, diuretic, lowers blood pressure and improves blood flow agents. ALWAYS prevention and treatment of intrauterine fetal hypoxia and delay its development. For a woman creates health-protective mode, according to testimony carried out delivery.

Indications for early delivery is nephropathy moderate in the absence of the effect of treatment within seven to ten days, severe preeclampsia, which can not be eliminated in two to three hours, growth retardation and lack of growth during the treatment gestosis, pre-eclampsia, eclampsia and its complications.

Prevention toxicosis second half of pregnancy - rational mode of rest and food, reception soothing, regenerating liver, kidneys and metabolism products.

Remember: nausea during pregnancy may have different origins and different degrees of danger, to understand this can only obstetrician-gynecologist.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • toxemia
