Prednisolone and pregnancy - use only for health

September 9, 2012

 Prednisolone and pregnancy
 Prednisone has many side effects and contraindications, so its use during pregnancy is not desirable. At the same time, and in pregnant women may be indications for use of the drug. In this case, try to prescribe prednisone short course - it causes fewer complications.

 Prednisolone and pregnancy - use only for health

Action prednisolone during pregnancy

Prednisone - is a synthetic analogue of glucocorticoid hormones (GCS), which are produced by the adrenal cortex. All corticosteroids have a multilateral impact on the human body. The first action concerns the SCS metabolic processes. So, prednisolone causes increased protein breakdown and the formation of its breakdown products of glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
 . A large number of glucose stimulates the processes of decomposition and synthesis of (mostly) adipose tissue.

All these processes can not but have an impact on the body of a pregnant woman. Pregnant women need more protein to build tissue growing fetus. Chronic administration of prednisolone amount of protein in the serum is reduced, this results in impaired growth and development of the fetus.

Deposition of increased amounts of fat lead to a significant weight gain, which is further increased by the latent edema prednisolone retards body sodium and water, and outputs the potassium and calcium. Potassium deficiency leads to disturbances from serechno circulatory system, and the lack of calcium - a violation of the formation of bone in a child and tooth decay in the mother.

The negative impact has prednisone and blood vessels, as it stimulates the activity of adrenaline. Adrenaline or stress hormone How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 It contributes to spasm of blood vessels and increase blood pressure, which is absolutely not desirable during pregnancy because it can lead to placental insufficiency, to circulatory problems and growth retardation.

Prednisolone also suppresses the immune system, and it is during pregnancy and so is reduced - it creates a threat of bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

Inhibition of cell proliferation (cell division) tissue may also adversely affect the condition of the fetus, so the use of prednisolone is particularly undesirable in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, when there is the most intense cell division and laid his fetal organs and tissues.

Furthermore, prolonged use of prednisone can rootstock adrenocortical function in women and fetus, which would require later replacement therapy.

 Prednisolone and pregnancy - use only for health

When prednisone may be used during pregnancy

Yet, in some situations, prednisolone used in pregnancy. The fact that all these side-effects of the drug appear mainly against its prolonged use at high doses. Short courses also usually do not cause serious violations on the part of the mother's body and fetus.

In some cases, the use of prednisolone during pregnancy is necessary. For example, in severe rheumatoid arthritis or asthma, glomerulonephritis, systemic connective tissue diseases, and so on.

In rheumatoid arthritis, brief courses of prednisolone are more effective and have fewer side effects than the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as diclofenac. Almost all NSAIDs have teratogenic effects on the fetus, that is causing the anomalies of its development.

In severe asthma, when not helping inhaled corticosteroids form (do not remove an attack of bronchospasm), short-course of prednisolone at an exacerbation of the disease brings significant relief to a pregnant woman.

Finally, there is practically no contraindications to the use of prednisolone in anaphylactic shock, usually occurs in parenteral (injection) administration of drugs that cause allergies. In this case, prednisolone is administered in the form of injections for health. The most dangerous symptom of an anaphylactic shock is a sudden sharp drop in blood pressure, which can lead to cardiac arrest.

Introduction prednisolone stimulates the action of adrenaline, which promotes a spasm of blood vessels and raising blood pressure - it is the action of prednisolone saves patients during anaphylactic shock.

 Prednisolone and pregnancy - use only for health

Are prednisone to maintain the pregnancy?

Previously, such a method of treatment of miscarriage Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?  Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?
   It used widely enough. But experience has shown that long-term use of prednisone does more harm than good. So today prednisolone Prednisolone - against inflammation, allergy and pain, but with complications  Prednisolone - against inflammation, allergy and pain, but with complications
   to this end, it is not widely applied. In some instances, at elevated content in the blood of women of male sex hormones (hyperandrogenism) are assigned to treatment with another SCS - deksometozonom that usually no complications.

Prednisolone is used during pregnancy, but strictly on the testimony.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • prednisolone

Paracetamol in pregnancy: Suppose you receive?

December 2, 2011

 Paracetamol in pregnancy
 We all know that during pregnancy it is advisable not to take the tablets. But what to do at a high temperature, because it is also harmful to the body? It turns out that there is a tool that can be taken in this case - is paracetamol. But it without a doctor's prescription can be taken only once and in extreme cases, at high temperature or severe pain not related to pregnancy.

 Paracetamol in pregnancy: Suppose you receive?

How does acetaminophen?

Paracetamol has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. Its antiinflammatory effect is based on the fact that it helps to reduce the formation of prostaglandins - specific physiologically active substances which are involved in the inflammatory process. Lowering the temperature after ingestion of paracetamol is due to its effects on the thermoregulatory center in the brain.

Paracetamol tablet is rapidly absorbed in the intestine, and the drug enters the bloodstream and then into organs and tissues. It is found that paracetamol easily penetrates through the placenta to the fetus, but it does not have a negative influence (in any case, to date, such data does not exist). After that paracetamol is decomposed in the liver to metabolites and excreted through the kidneys. Some metabolites of paracetamol have toxic properties - which is why pregnant women are still not worth it to apply for a long time without a prescription.

 Paracetamol in pregnancy: Suppose you receive?

What if a pregnant fever or pain?

Certainly, it is difficult to imagine that for all 40 weeks of pregnancy, a woman never gets sick. In most cases, colds do not require medication, warm enough drinking tea with honey and raspberry jam, and bed rest. But during the flu epidemic may well be seriously ill. Flu - this is almost always fever and want - do not want, and has to take medicine. In this case, it is best suited, paracetamol which of all modern antipyretics is thus harmless.

However, if you read the instructions, you can find that during pregnancy, paracetamol is used only on prescription, and only when absolutely necessary, when the use of his admission to the mother outweighs the potential harm to the fetus. That said, it is absolutely harmless drugs for pregnant women is not, which is why they should be used only under a doctor's supervision. One-time as paracetamol will not harm either the woman or the child.

In some cases, a pregnant woman can appear severe pain that is not related to pregnancy, such as toothache Toothache - itself does not take place  Toothache - itself does not take place
   or migraine I have a migraine. What to do?  I have a migraine. What to do?
 . And in this case one tablet of paracetamol can be taken, but then should consult a doctor.

Paracetamol - is today one of the most common drugs. It contains such famous everywhere advertised drugs as kalpol, efferalgan, Panadol. Produced paracetamol tablets (including effervescent, soluble) powder to prepare a solution, in suspension for oral administration in syrup and rectal suppositories. Pregnant women should take soluble forms of paracetamol, as they begin to act more quickly and do not require increased dosage.

 Paracetamol in pregnancy: Suppose you receive?

Overdose and side effects

There's also an overdose of paracetamol. In this case, a woman may be nausea, vomiting, stomach pain. If this occurs and a pregnant woman accidentally took a large dose of paracetamol, it is necessary to wash out the stomach, to take a few tablets of activated charcoal Activated carbon - old but indispensable  Activated carbon - old but indispensable
   (it's safe), and if the condition does not improve, then call an ambulance.

Paracetamol should not be taken if you are hypersensitive to it, the liver and kidney, congenital enzyme disorders (lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, phenylketonuria), and blood diseases.

In therapeutic doses paracetamol is usually normal transport, including pregnant women. However, it has some side effects such as depression of blood (decreases in blood leukocytes White blood cells as the basis of immunity  White blood cells as the basis of immunity
   and platelets) and the formation of methemoglobin which in contrast to the conventional hemoglobin is unable to carry oxygen to the tissues (suffers from lack of oxygen in the first place the fruit). If you take acetaminophen in high doses or for a long time, it can damage organs such as the liver and kidneys. If you are a woman taking paracetamol allergic rash (such as hives), it is no longer possible to take ever.

Paracetamol should not be taken simultaneously with many medicines. Even so it is necessary to agree with the reception of obstetrician-gynecologist of female consultation.

Paracetamol - a drug that is not contraindicated in pregnancy, however, you should always remember that any drug in this state is taken only on prescription.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • paracetamol
