Steatosis pregnant - what is the danger?

October 11, 2014

  • Steatosis pregnant - what is the danger?
  • Treatment

 steatosis pregnant
 Steatosis pregnant commonly called acute fatty liver - a disorder that develops in some women during childbearing. This is a rare and potentially fatal disease, which usually manifests itself in the third trimester of pregnancy or shortly after birth. Steatosis of pregnant women seen in one of 10000-15000 pregnant women.

Thanks to modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, mortality from this disorder in recent years has decreased significantly. In 1980, according to experts, it died about 75% of women who have been diagnosed with steatosis of pregnant women and up to 85% of their children. Today, the death rate among women with this diagnosis is 18%, among them children - about 23%. Surviving women sometimes develop liver failure because of what they, in the end, you may need a liver transplant.



Acute fatty liver of pregnant women is usually detected between 28 and 40 weeks of pregnancy, most often - at 35 and 36 weeks. There are some cases where the disease is manifested in the 26 week and soon after birth, as well as one case in which acute fatty liver was diagnosed at 22 weeks.

Just set a few early starts to develop this disease is very difficult because the other symptoms that appear in the majority of women in the third trimester, considerably complicate diagnosis.

For many patients this disturbance causes nonspecific symptoms such as anorexia Anorexia nervosa - symptoms and effects on the body  Anorexia nervosa - symptoms and effects on the body
 , Nausea, vomiting, lethargy and general malaise, fatigue, headache Headache: Causes and Complications  Headache: Causes and Complications
   and abdominal pain. All these symptoms may occasionally occur during a normal pregnancy, so many patients long enough to ignore them, expecting improvement will come by itself. In 70% of patients over time develop jaundice, but it is rarely one of the early symptoms of the disease.

In the survey, the patient may show increased sensitivity or soreness upper right side of the epigastric region (the area between the diaphragm and tenth ribs). The liver is usually small and palpable. In the most severe cases of both acute FH Steatosis - obesity liver cells  Steatosis - obesity liver cells
   can be observed violations such as acute renal failure Acute renal failure - causes and consequences  Acute renal failure - causes and consequences
 , Encephalopathy, gastrointestinal bleeding, pancreatitis, and coagulopathy (blood clotting). Some women with acute FH also developing pre-eclampsia.


Causes and risk factors

During pregnancy, the mother's blood increases the level of free fatty acids - it is the result of hormonal changes. As a result, transport these acids into cells and their oxidation produces the energy required for the growth of the fetus. Defects in the genes responsible for these processes, can be transmitted from parents to children; they are known as fatty acid oxidation disorders. These defects are associated with a number of complications of pregnancy, affecting the health of the mother and fetus, as well as the functioning of the placenta.

During the last trimester of pregnancy the fetus in need of energy and nutrients is increasing, and women with a defective gene, the child also transferred this gene can develop acute fatty liver of pregnant women because the mother will not be able to process the free fatty acids in sufficient quantities. As a result, the fatty acids begin to deposit in the liver. Average fat content in the liver is about 5%, and in women with acute hepatosis pregnancy, this figure ranges from 13% to 19%. After birth, the level of free fatty acids is reduced, and in most cases, the patient recovers quickly.

The presence of defective genes only means that a woman has a predisposition to fatty liver pregnant women; in fact, it may never have become ill.

Factors allegedly associated with increased risk of fatty liver in pregnancy: the first birth (especially aged 30 years and older), pre-eclampsia, pregnancy boy and multiple pregnancy. In addition, recent studies have provided evidence that the intake of aspirin and possibly other NSAIDs may increase the chance of developing fatty liver of pregnancy.

Cough during pregnancy: how dangerous it is and how to treat it

January 29, 2012

 cough pregnancy
 Everyone knows about all the coughing. Well, who among us has not suffered from a cough once in your life? We know how to treat it, what drugs to take, and so on home remedies and can not speak. But a cough during pregnancy - is a separate article. Pregnant women because of their position, many drugs are contraindicated, especially since they already take a large number of essential drugs (vitamins, minerals, soothing, etc.). Expectant mother is very easy to catch colds, the result of which is often a cough. And the treatment of cough women who are "in position" should be approached carefully and cautiously. Because cough during pregnancy adversely affects not only the condition of the pregnant woman, but also on the health of the fetus.

 Cough during pregnancy: how dangerous it is and how to treat it

Cough and its species

Cough is a defensive reaction of the body and is caused by irritation of cough receptors. It is necessary to evacuate sputum from the respiratory tract. The sputum contains pathological bacteria and its stagnation in the bronchial tree is an infection of the lungs (pneumonia).

There are two kinds of cough: wet and dry. Dry cough may develop not only on a background of inflammation, but also be the result of chemical, physical or traumatic impact. Dry cough is characterized by sore throat, phlegm cough is not in the lungs auscultated dry wheezing. Cough more productive, there is expectoration and lung wet listened (gurgling wheeze).

 Cough during pregnancy: how dangerous it is and how to treat it

What is the danger of coughing during pregnancy

The long, exhausting dry cough Dry cough - whether to worry about it?  Dry cough - whether to worry about it?
   It may lead to spontaneous rupture of pneumothorax and lung. This state is fraught with surgery. In addition, dry or wet cough causes tension of the abdominal muscles, so that the tone of the uterus. Uterine hypertonus dangerous threat not only abortion, but also to the development of fetal hypoxia (the result of uterine spasm of blood vessels).

 Cough during pregnancy: how dangerous it is and how to treat it


Many drugs used in the treatment of cough, are contraindicated for pregnant women. Therefore, in no case should not self-medicate, going to the doctor is necessary. Pregnant women can not:

  • soar feet and take hot baths;
  • mustard, banks;
  • take medications for cough containing alcohol;
  • conduct intensive fortification;
  • undergo physiotherapy (UHF);
  • take chemical drugs cough (bronholitin, Codelac, ACC, Pertussin and many others).

In the treatment of cough in pregnant women is desirable to use traditional medicines. Allowed and taking certain medications (such as those used in the treatment of children under three years old). Basic rules of treatment of cough:

  • Regime and diet

It is necessary to limit any physical activity, regularly ventilate the room and make it wet cleaning. The diet should be preferred dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruit (persimmon, rose hips, apples, carrots, citrus fruits) juices. Useful when you cough mashed potatoes with lots of milk (removes spasm of the airways), grated radish, dressed with sour cream, oat meal with vegetable oil.

  • Heavy drinking

Drink when you cough need a lot and often. These can be herbal teas, fruit drinks (cranberry, cranberry), warm milk with honey and butter. You can prepare a drink of figs and milk (a few figs pour three cups of milk and cook until the milk is not painted in brown color). Equally useful to take birch sap and milk (in the ratio 1: 1).

  • Inhalation

The main rule for inhalation - is the lack of high temperature. Inhalation should be three to five times a day for seven or ten minutes. Breathing can be over boiled potatoes, broth of herbs (St. John's wort, plantain Psyllium - helps the kidneys and stomach  Psyllium - helps the kidneys and stomach
 Sage Sage - cvyaschennaya grass  Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
   when dry cough and mother-and-stepmother, yarrow, cranberry leaf in wet cough). As an alternative herbs for inhalation is permitted the use of aromatic oils Essential Oils - whether they will help in a difficult moment?  Essential Oils - whether they will help in a difficult moment?
   (eucalyptus, lavender, pine).

  • Gargling

The easiest solution to rinse recipe: in a glass of warm water add a few drops of iodine and a teaspoon of baking soda. Gargle should be several times a day before meals.

Anna Sozinova

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  • cough
