Vaginitis in pregnancy - a consequence of hormonal changes

April 10, 2013

  • Vaginitis in pregnancy - a consequence of hormonal changes
  • Treatment

 vaginitis during pregnancy
 Any infection during pregnancy can "raise their heads" and activated. Not an exception and vaginitis. The reason for this phenomenon - hormonal changes, which suppress the immune system. This physiological response that is needed to ensure that the immune system does not remove the body of a woman growing fetus.

 Vaginitis in pregnancy - a consequence of hormonal changes

What is the cause of vaginitis during pregnancy

As during pregnancy the immune system is reduced and thus the entire body of women as if stirred up, it activates an infection that leaked earlier hidden, asymptomatic. Women often observed asymptomatic vaginitis, including those caused by sexually transmitted infections (STIs) - gonococci, trichomonas, chlamydia, and so on.

A woman may feel healthy, but during pregnancy it shows signs of vaginitis Symptoms of vaginitis: How does inflammation of the vaginal area  Symptoms of vaginitis: How does inflammation of the vaginal area
 Caused by sexually transmitted infections - such vaginitis called specific and require careful treatment. If left untreated, they can cause a variety of complications of pregnancy and childbirth. Infectious agents can also penetrate through the membranes in the body of the fetus and cause fetal infection or infect the baby during delivery.

A common cause of vaginitis are vaginal and dysbacterioses - bacterial vaginosis. Bacterial vaginosis occur in violation of the relationship between the normal (useful mainly lactobacilli) and conditionally pathogenic microflora of the vagina, but inflammation in the vagina is not the case (that confirms the absence of leukocytes in the smears from the vagina). Normally, the lactobacillus secrete lactic acid and some substances that suppress the vital activity of pathogenic microflora. It helps cleanse the vagina. In women of childbearing age livelihoods normal microflora is maintained female sex hormone estrogen. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can disrupt the relationship between the normal and the pathogenic microflora, which will lead to the development of bacterial vaginosis.

Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy may at any time move to vaginitis - inflammation of the vagina caused by pathogenic microflora. These are called nonspecific vaginitis and in most cases are mixed. For example, nonspecific vaginitis mixed Non-specific vaginitis - can occur at any age  Non-specific vaginitis - can occur at any age
   It can be caused by certain types of staphylococci, E. coli and the yeast genus Candida.

 Vaginitis in pregnancy - a consequence of hormonal changes

What are the symptoms of vaginitis during pregnancy

Specific vaginitis manifests itself in the form of symptoms characteristic of an STI. For example, gonococcal vaginitis is characterized by the appearance of thick muco-purulent discharge, combined with severe itching, burning, pain in the abdomen and frequent painful urination. For Trichomonas vaginitis Trichomonas vaginitis - a common form of the disease  Trichomonas vaginitis - a common form of the disease
   characterized by abundant dirty yellow foam (with gas bubbles) liquid malodorous discharge.

Less flow characteristic chlamydial, mycoplasma and ureaplasma vaginitis - usually with the release appear uncertain, a little itchy and some discomfort.

Nonspecific vaginitis may also take place in different ways, depending on whether the microflora thus prevails. Thus, when bacterial-fungal (the most common pathology) vaginitis discharge from the genital tract may wear off-white character, they may be present white curdled clots. Also, there may be pain and discomfort in the abdomen. For bacterial vaginosis is characterized abundant liquid discharge with an unpleasant "fishy" odor.

 Vaginitis in pregnancy - a consequence of hormonal changes


During pregnancy it is dangerous not only vaginitis, but vaginosis, because the infection can penetrate through the cervical canal into the uterine cavity. In most cases, infectious agents do not penetrate through the membranes to the body of the fetus, however, exclude the possibility can not - so fetal intrauterine infection may develop. In addition, infection of the child can occur during childbirth, as it passes through the birth canal.

Severe complications may arise from the mother's body. This miscarriage Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?  Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?
   and a variety of infectious and inflammatory processes during childbirth. For example, postpartum endometritis (inflammation of the uterus). The presence of long flowing infection of the vagina can become resistant to further the cause of infertility.

Vaginitis during pregnancy are common. That's why obstetricians recommend that women planning a pregnancy with preliminary inspection in case of detection of infection treatment of both spouses.

Pregnancy and Vermoxum not worth the risk

November 9, 2011

 Pregnancy and Vermoxum
 Vermoxum - a drug that actively removes from the body of worms. But like any other effective means, it has a number of contraindications and side effects. Contraindications for receiving Vermoxum true state of pregnancy.

 Pregnancy and Vermoxum not worth the risk

Contraindications for use by the child Vermoxum

During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is desired does not receive any medications, since this tab is between organs and tissues of the fetus, and even most harmless drugs may exert a negative influence. In the future, it will manifest itself in the form of congenital malformations of various organs - the organs affected, while bookmarks that take medication.

Some medications do not overcome the placenta (placenta is fully formed by 16 weeks), and therefore can be administered during pregnancy. Vermoxum basically acts locally in the gut, and immediately displayed with feces. However, about 10% of the dose absorbed in the blood and enters through the placenta to the fetus. Recorded and teratogenic (capable of causing fetal abnormalities) or embryogenic (have toxic effects on the fetus), the impact on the fetus is not, however, such effects can not be excluded, so Vermoxum during pregnancy is not assigned.

 Pregnancy and Vermoxum not worth the risk

Contraindications for use by the mother Vermoxum

For the body of the pregnant women are also not shown Vermoxum treatment due to a number of side effects which can cause complications of pregnancy. First of all, it is dangerous accumulation of a large number of dead helminths large size (for example, ascarids) in the intestine of a pregnant woman, because during pregnancy impaired motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract (it inhibits the female sex hormone progesterone), which will lead to the accumulation of worms in the form of coils overlying the intestinal lumen. Such a condition could cause a bowel obstruction in which women need surgical care.

Admission Vermoxum and can cause such unpleasant phenomenon of the gastrointestinal tract, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation (or alternation), bloating, pain during bowel. And since the majority of pregnant women throughout all nine months of pregnancy experienced any discomfort related to the work of the gastrointestinal tract, their state of health after taking Vermoxum deteriorate further.

Those 10% Vermoxum that are absorbed into the blood, can have a negative impact on the body of a pregnant woman. First of all affected liver cells - in them decomposes Vermoxum on metabolites (products of metabolism). Even in healthy non-pregnant women (and men too) after a sufficiently long reception Vermoxum (for example, in the treatment of echinococcosis) may appear abnormal liver function.

During pregnancy, the liver is experiencing a double burden women, cleansing her blood and the blood of the fetus, therefore it is not known how it will affect also the reception Vermoxum. It is possible abnormal liver function - in this case, the toxic products of metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   organisms of mother and fetus will accumulate in the blood, causing a variety of disturbances. People taking Vermoxum met even isolated cases of hepatitis (inflammation of the liver).

Side effects when receiving Vermoxum possible from the blood. So, can dramatically decrease the number of white blood cells in the blood, mainly by neutrophils, which serve a protective function - to protect the body from invading pathogens. And as during pregnancy decreased immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   is also a physiological nature (it is necessary to ensure that the mother is not torn the cells of the fetus), the overall decline in the body's defenses can take unpredictable, especially if the woman already has any infectious-inflammatory processes (eg, pyelonephritis Pyelonephritis - kidney disease  Pyelonephritis - kidney disease
   pregnant women).

Simultaneously with the decrease in the number of neutrophils Neutrophils - protect against infection  Neutrophils - protect against infection
   increases the number of another type of white blood cells - eosinophils, which suggests an increased willingness allergic organism. Such reactions during pregnancy are not needed, as they can complicate any disease, as well as during pregnancy.

But the most dangerous for the woman and the child is under the influence of a decrease Vermoxum number of red blood cells and hemoglobin. Anaemia - a great danger during pregnancy, as with hemoglobin contained in red blood cells, organs and tissues to the woman and the fetus is delivered oxygen. Oxygen starvation is particularly dangerous for the baby's brain - the body can not fully develop without oxygen, its deficiency causes various violations - from minor disturbances of the nervous system to heavy losses, leading to the child's disability.

Vermoxum - an effective anthelmintic drug during pregnancy, but it can not be used.

Galina Romanenko

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  • Vermoxum
