Psychosexual development of the child: forming a sound basis of sexual behavior - How to avoid violence

May 30, 2012

  • Psychosexual development of the child: forming a sound basis of sexual behavior
  • Sexual contact
  • How to avoid violence

 psychosexual development of the child

How to avoid sexual violence

Due to the increased interest of children to have sex at an early age, as well as the increasing incidence of sexual violence, informing about normal sexual behavior and limitations become even more important than before .  Parents should take preventive measures to prevent sexual violence .  Parents should talk to children more than once on the subject of intimacy, explaining that intimately, and that - open to all .  A child from an early age should know that no one but he has no right to touch his private parts .  Just as a child learns to not just cross the street, he gradually learns to apply the knowledge on the prevention of sexual violence in real life situations .  The learning process may take some time .  Therefore, parents should from time to time to discuss strategy for the prevention of sexual violence and in plain language for the child, given his age .  It is important to pay attention not only to adult sexual violence against children, and children to sexual violence against children .  Talking to a child of six, say, "Sometimes the other kids might try to touch your private parts .  Sometimes they do it to get attention or to tease you, but sometimes they just do not realize that it can be frustrating to you " .  Continuing the conversation about violence rebenku- fifth graders can explain the concept of sexual harassment and violence .

Kids in high school are subject to all types of aggression. The boys bully girls, girls bully boys, boys bully boys and girls bully girls. There is also a certain percentage of children with a homosexual or bisexual orientation. Adults should tell the child: "If your behavior, words or actions upset others, it should be stopped. If you're not sure how others will react to your actions, do not do what you want to do. " For example, a ten-year daughter told you that her classmate slapped at her rude comments with sexual overtones. In this case you should say: "I am happy (and) what you told me. We will take steps to make it happen again. I'll talk to the director. This boy has to realize that his words were offensive and wrong. "



Parents of a child - an example to follow. Children learn to respect, trust and emotional attachment in the family. That parents should influence the life of a child more than the others, paying attention to the child's behavior as sexually and socially. Unfortunately, strongly influenced by the media and peers. Just imagine how much information about sex kids get every day. Notice the almost completely naked people on the pages of magazines, pictures of a sexual nature on the internet, and the frames in the movie, talking about sex with their peers and friends, observation of how peers and adults show their sexuality Nine ways to experience their sexuality  Nine ways to experience their sexuality
 Billboard sexual assault on a building wall. Information about sex everywhere, and children receive it daily. Now imagine that the child is sitting at the table. Each new message about sex, he gets - this is a new cube. And such blocks already occupied the entire table. The second row of bricks placed on the first, third - in the second, and so on, as long as the child does not get up to the wall. The child gets more and more attention - and the wall is growing. By the time a child reaches puberty, the wall will be very high. Parents should help the child understand all the "blocks" that make up the wall.

Parents should give children all the information and generate the notion of values ​​that relate to sexual behavior and intimate relationships. In this way children will be better prepared to accept unsolicited information they receive from the media and from their peers.

Even if parents can not constantly monitor what they see, hear and do the children, they can prevent "sexual expansion", regularly and openly talking about it with a child. How to do it? Look into the eyes of a child, tell me that you love him, open his mouth and start talking.

Article Tags:
  • psychosexual development of the child

What to tell your child about sex: how to start - Where are the children

April 9, 2012

  • What to tell your child about sex: how to start
  • Where are the children

 tell your child about sex where babies come from

Where are the children

Children are not only interested than boys differ from girls, and how these differences are called. He is concerned about the question, "Where did I come? ". Questions about childbirth could not be avoided, if your family expected completion. Take this opportunity to tell your child about procreation, from conception to the birth of the child. You should not go into physiological details - younger students (this is the age of the child is particularly concerned with the question of how he was born), they do not need and do not understand.

Here are some typical questions that parents should expect: a child could go through such a small hole? Does it hurt? Does Dad baby be born? Precise and clear answers will help satisfy the curiosity of a child and reduce his anxiety. Say that at the time of the birth mother may feel uncomfortable, but next to it there is a doctor who helps her and can give medicine to my mother feel better. Tell as well as the need to prepare for pregnancy and childbirth: to give up bad habits Bad habits - second nature?  Bad habits - second nature?
 , Exercise and generally lead a healthy lifestyle.

Be prepared for the fact that sooner or later the child will ask the most important question: "When the child begins to grow in my mother's belly and how it gets there? ". Do not hammer the child's head folklore ("Stork", "cabbage" and "shops, which sell children") or psevdoteologiey ("Mom baby gave God"), and avoid euphemisms ("When mom and dad sleep together in my mother's stomach starts to grow a child ") - it just confuse him and cause other issues. Some parents say mom and dad hugging in a special way, why in my mother's belly there is a child, but this explanation lacks clarity. The child may form the impression that conception occurs randomly and independently from the desire to mom and dad.

But it is very important that the baby knew that was the first love, the desire to live and to give life, the desire to grow and care for. Only you can explain to your child that the mystery of the origin of human life - that's fine. If we talk about the physiology of conception, explain that every month in the stomach tiny egg matures mom and dad have sperm that bind with the egg, which leads to conceive Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child  Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child
   child. Sexual contact between men and women often seem absurd and repulsive child, and their movements - funny, so do not worry that talking about procreation can cause a child's abnormal desires. Explain to your child that when a man and a woman love each other, having sex gives them pleasure, but specify that it only happens to adults.

Also, parents need to find a suitable name for this class. Perhaps the best use of a neutral "sex"; "Make love" the child can not understand, because it sounds rather vague and unclear, and "mate" - is too scientific and unpronounceable. Emphasize that sex - a very pleasant experience, but they need to be engaged at the right time and with the right partner.

Sooner or later you have to talk about parents who are bringing up children alone: ​​the child is difficult to understand how this is possible, because he already knows what to conceive need mom and dad. Explain that sometimes people have sex, even if they are not married, and that this, too, there are children. Or that Mom and Dad may leave after giving birth. Will you dive into the details, and to devote the child to the complexity of adult life, or not, it depends on the situation and the child's age. Young children are not interested in the details, they need to know that Mom and Dad love them, regardless of whether the parents are married are made or not. School-age child is likely to want to know more about the relationship: what happens when an unmarried woman becomes pregnant? She, too, there is a child? Why do some mothers and fathers differ?

These issues have less to do with sex, but with emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
   and relations, so to answer them to be careful, especially if your own family relationships gave a crack. Not condemning the choice of others and do not justify the irresponsible attitude towards sex, explain to your child what to intimate relations should be taken seriously, otherwise unpleasant consequences unavoidable. In this conversation, you can touch and topics of contraception, either discussed the issue with the child, or providing it with the printed guide to action.

Article Tags:
  • sex education
