Body Rejuvenation: aging - no!
June 4, 2013
Thinking about the rejuvenation of the body? Did you know that your body is only 15, 5 years? Chances are you have already gone through much more birthdays, but scientists say that such is the average age of the adult body - at least, his muscles and internal organs. You can argue that the muscles and organs existed from the time of your birth - and even before - and rightly so. But ...
The fact is that every day your body's 432 billion cells die and are replaced by new ones. For example, if you cut a week ago when cut vegetables, to date, the cut may already almost completely healed, and this means that several millions of old, damaged cells were replaced. However, cell renewal no restrictions as this; this process takes time - otherwise the tissues of the body to wear out much faster. Updated cells that make up your skin, gums, blood - almost everything. Regeneration is happening right now, as you read, and when you sleep, when to work and rest. So it turns out that the age of your constantly updated organs and muscles - about 15, 5 years.
Here are some amazing facts about the regeneration of the body:
- The cells forming the digestive system, from the stomach to the colon are replaced every five minutes;
- Cells gums are updated every two weeks;
- The outer layer of skin is updated every four weeks;
- Red blood cells are living, on average, 120 days, after which they are replaced by new blood cells;
- The cardiac muscle cells are replaced every 6-9 months;
- The liver is able to recover, if healthy, only 25% of the fabric;
- Recent research suggests that even the brain cells are able to regenerate.
It's a miracle that your body is doing on a daily basis - the miracle of renewal. You do not notice the changes because replacing the tiny particles are not discernible to the human eye, and in addition to the normal new cells identical to the old one. But if it looks optimistic, why do we age?
Upgrading or destruction?
Indeed, every day the old cells of the body are replaced by new ones, but the question is whether these cells as healthy as the previous. The quality of new cells is dependent on the raw materials available to the body at the time of their formation - that is, from the food a person consumes. If you eat healthy, fresh cells can be as healthy as the ones they replace, and maybe - even more healthy. In this case it will be present update. If you eat junk food, the quality of new cells is low, and the result is a gradual destruction of the body.
Of course, not all depends on the power and other external factors. Approximately 30% of health depends on genetics. However, you can achieve a lot with the remaining 70%.
What contributes to the destruction of the body
- Semi-finished - it is mainly "dead" food, which a lot of calories and nutrients are virtually absent. Such products contain very little necessary for normal digestion enzymes. They fill the body, and especially - the liver, the substance used to increase the shelf life of products. A diet rich in semi-finished goods, contributes to aging and increases the risk of depression
Depression - a little more than a bad mood
- Sugar is not just known as white and sweet death, he has the ability to suppress the immune system. Just one spoonful of sugar into two very weakens the immune system. Excessive sugar intake depletes calcium in the body. The fact that the sweet lovers often develop osteoporosis - not a mere coincidence. Abuse of sugar can lead to insulin resistance
Insulin resistance - as it is dangerous for the body?
and even diabetes. Finally, in sugar contains no vitamins or minerals, the only thing he gives you - is the set calories, and, as a bonus, a short pleasure.
- Alcohol is toxic to the liver depletes B vitamins, inhibit the nervous system, and adversely affect the ability of bone marrow to regenerate blood cells. Alcohol also affects the neural connections between brain cells - it blocks signals and slows mental processes. In two trials involving women and men suffering from alcoholism, it was found that the alcoholics of both sexes is a marked decrease in brain volume. In addition, it was found that alcoholics, regardless of gender, there are problems with memory and learning. When you consider that people who abuse alcohol, the body as a whole is aging faster than those that do not drink or drink moderately, it is easy to conclude that it is better to learn to have fun without alcohol than face a premature deterioration of the entire organism - how muscle and brain.
- Caffeine is not only addictive; it also increases the load on the adrenal glands, and has a negative impact on the nervous system, causing emotional fatigue. Being a strong diuretic, caffeine causes dehydration and robs the body of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. In some people it can lead to high blood pressure. Remember that caffeine is contained not only in coffee. He is in the tea, and some carbonated drinks - for example, 0, 5 Coke contains about 35 mg of caffeine, and in addition - a large portion of sugar.
- Rancid fats and oils. As a rule, they are in fast food for cooking is the same oil or fat can be used multiple times. They contain free radicals, damage cell membranes, as well as enzymes and DNA. Consumption of products such fats significantly increases the burden on the digestive system and liver, and increases the cholesterol level. Furthermore, in one tablespoon butter or oil can contain up to 120 kcal.
What helps restore the body
- Fresh vegetables contain many minerals and vitamins, and phytochemicals that protect the body from disease and aging. Furthermore, in vegetables containing substances contribute to maintaining a healthy acid-base balance. Eat as many vegetables - they should be the basis for a healthy diet.
- Fresh fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and essential for normal metabolism
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
- Whole grains (brown rice, oats, buckwheat, barley, millet) are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and protein.
- Water is necessary for digestion, elimination of toxins, and the normal operation of all body systems. Drink at least 1, 5 liters of water a day - or more, if you feel that this amount is insufficient to you.
- Sports. Friendship. Staying in nature. Sleep. All these factors are no less important for the normal regeneration of the body than healthy food
Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating
. So be sure to go in for sports that you like the most, more often in nature, maintain relationships with friends, and get enough sleep - all of this can not be compensated by any medications. If you do it right, your body will recover and renew itself - and 30, and 50 and 70 years old.