Bowel obstruction in infants causes - congenital anomalies

February 26, 2012

 causes of neonatal intestinal obstruction
 In newborn infants, usually found congenital bowel obstruction, which is about 25% of the intestinal obstruction in children. With this type of congenital anomalies importantly - timely detection and timely surgery.

 Bowel obstruction in infants causes - congenital anomalies

Causes of intestinal obstruction in neonates

Congenital intestinal obstruction develops, usually with congenital malformation of the intestine. It can be congenital absence or abnormal narrowing of any holes or channels in the human body (atresia), stenosis (narrowing of the bowel), a high location of the cecum in conjunction with volvulus another department colon syndrome (Ladd), impairment of bowel loops in defects mesentery and so on. Bowel obstruction in infants may also be caused by abnormalities of adjacent organs such as the pancreas Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know

Intestinal obstruction in infants can be acute, chronic and recurrent.

 Bowel obstruction in infants causes - congenital anomalies

Acute intestinal obstruction in neonates

Acute intestinal obstruction newborn is separated into high and low. High acute intestinal obstruction is characterized by the presence of obstacles to the passage of the stool at the level of the duodenum or jejunum entry. It manifested such ileus with vomiting bile and swollen upper abdomen of a newborn baby.

With a sharp narrowing of the lumen of the duodenum or the absence or jejunum in addition to the above signs appear allocation rectal mucous clumps in which no cells of the surface layers of the skin, always present in the amniotic fluid and the fetus swallows. Such cells in normal intestinal obstruction must be present in meconium (first stool) newborn.

Low acute intestinal obstruction caused by an obstacle at the level of the final parts of the small and large intestines.

Thus a child may receive vomiting smell of feces, no stool, bloating due to the presence in the intestine of a large amount of gases, increased motor activity of the intestine, visible to the eye.

One form of acute intestinal obstruction Acute intestinal obstruction: the main thing - time to ask for help  Acute intestinal obstruction: the main thing - time to ask for help
 It is meconium ileus - obstruction caused by increased viscosity of feces of the newborn. In this form of ileus missing child chair upper abdomen swells from the large amounts of gases in the intestine, vomiting occurs, often mixed with bile.

 Bowel obstruction in infants causes - congenital anomalies

Chronic and recurrent intestinal obstruction

Chronic neonatal ileus occurs if malformation emphasized too strongly. For example, stenosis of the gut is not fully closes its clearance and so on. The child is almost not gaining weight, he expressed exhaustion occurs from time to time there is vomiting (sometimes with bile). Such a child has a permanent bloating Bloating - if you are bursting inside  Bloating - if you are bursting inside
 Especially at the top. The chair can be independent, but very small portions. You can also call a chair with the help of an enema.

Recurrent intestinal obstruction in newborns occurs because of partial volvulus some sections of the large intestine, infringement of internal hernias, and so on. This is manifested in the form of attacks of cramping pain, vomiting, constipation and gas. Seizures may subside on their own.

 Bowel obstruction in infants causes - congenital anomalies

How to diagnose

It is difficult enough. If you suspect a congenital obstruction of the newborn child is bowel radiography, where you can see signs of intestinal obstruction. If you suspect a low intestinal obstruction performed irrigoscopy - X-rays of the lower intestine.

Even though the data of radiographic studies ileus can be confused with various functional disorders of gastrointestinal tract, which are particularly frequently occur in premature infants.

 Bowel obstruction in infants causes - congenital anomalies


Treatment of congenital bowel obstruction Ileus - the reasons may be different  Ileus - the reasons may be different
   operative. Method of operation depends on the characteristics of malformation of the intestine. Thus, when duodenal atresia is the method of choice duodenoeyunostomiya - surgery anastomosis (communication) between the duodenum and jejunum.

If the cause of intestinal obstruction in the newborn child became functional disorders, then it is assigned to conservative treatment.

Bowel obstruction in infants - is usually severe congenital pathology. The most important thing in this case - time to make the correct diagnosis and to operate on the baby.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • intestines

Lactase Baby - compensation for lactose intolerance

December 23, 2013

 Lactase intolerance baby
 Lactase Baby - lactose intolerance (congenital or acquired reduction in the activity of the enzyme lactase) can be compensated by means of biologically active food supplements. But children, including up to a year, especially newborns (up to a month), this dietary supplement should be used only on prescription.


What is lactose intolerance

Lactase - an enzyme membrane digestion that breaks down milk sugar - lactose. Lactose is a carbohydrate, is always contained in the milk, which is composed of two simple sugars (monosaccharides) - glucose and galactose.

Cleavage of lactose to monosaccharides occurs near the wall of the small intestine by the enzyme lactase into glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
   and galactose. Lactase is produced in the surface layers of the intestinal wall, which makes it more vulnerable enzyme digestion of all enzymes.

Lactose intolerance (NL) may be hidden, but can occur with severe symptoms. Under lactose intolerance (NL) usually refers to the inability of clinically enzymatic systems of the intestine to break down lactose. That is a symptom of lactose intolerance lactase deficiency - lowering activity of lactase in the intestine.

NL is very common, but this is not always regarded as a disease that requires treatment. Adults are often lactose intolerant and do not even know about it, just to avoid eating dairy products. But for children under one year, for which dairy foods is vital, NL can be a serious problem.

Reduced activity of lactase may be congenital or hereditary (family) - in this case we speak of primary lactase deficiency. Normally, lactase begins to form in the intestines of the fetus in the third month of fetal development, the second trimester of pregnancy significantly increased its activity and becomes the maximum at the time of birth. This gradual increase in the activity of lactase explains why IL symptoms present in all premature infants.

In the transition to the adult type of food and reducing the consumption of dairy products in the normal amount of lactase is reduced, but also increases the formation of other enzymes that contribute to digestion of carbohydrates - sucrase and maltase. Most often, the process of reducing production of lactase can be extended to 3-5 years, but sometimes this process continues in the future. That is why many older children and adults can not tolerate dairy products.

Interestingly, the rate of decline in the secretion of lactase largely depend on nationality. The highest percentage of LN found in Asia and Africa, which have not traditionally bred dairy cattle. In some countries in the region LN reaches 100%. In our country, this percentage is about 15.

There is also a secondary lactase deficiency - reduced lactase activity associated with damage to the intestinal cells that produce it (enterocytes), acute or chronic disease - an intestinal infection, intolerance to cow's milk protein, chronic enterocolitis, congenital disorders of the structure and functioning of the intestines, and so on.


Symptoms of lactose intolerance

NL associated with primary lactase deficiency manifests itself as follows:

  • the advent of the child in the neonatal period foamy liquid stool sour odor frequency of more than 10 times a day; maybe vice versa - NL manifested as chronic constipation;
  • anxiety baby a few minutes after applying to Goody and after feeding;
  • bloating - baby cries and Sucitu legs - a sign of intestinal colic;
  • underweight and physical development - the primary lactase deficiency symptoms increase with the increase in milk consumption; in the first weeks of life IO may not manifest itself, but gradually appears flatulence, later - abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 And only then - loose stools.

More often develops in children NL associated with secondary lactase deficiency. At the same time the child comes first, and the green slime, and then lumps of undigested food.


What if the child found lactose intolerance

If you suspect that NL should consult a doctor. A child under one year of lactase deficiency can be detected by determining the amount of undigested carbohydrates in the feces. This analysis is done quickly and allows you to understand whether there is any violation of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. And as the children of the first months of life receive only breast milk or infant formula Dairy mixture - selection of useful power  Dairy mixture - selection of useful power
 Containing lactose, this analysis is sufficient for diagnosis.

For the treatment of HL child or transferred to lactose-free milk mixtures, or introduce additional lactase, appointing a biologically active food supplements, such as lactase Baby.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Lactase baby
