Imodium for children - can not be used without prescription

December 30, 2012

 Imodium for children
 Imodium - this is not a safe drug, especially for children. Parents should not be fooled that it is sold over the counter without a prescription in some countries its use is allowed only with twelve years, in our country - with six. This is associated with complications that can give Imodium when treating children.

 Imodium for children - can not be used without prescription

Why Imodium not indicated for children under six years

With this preparation were related scandals, due to its negative impact on the child's body. The manufacturer (Belgian pharmaceutical company Janssen, a member of the current group of companies Johnson & Johnson, the US) do not immediately recognize the fact that Imodium can produce fatal side effects in children, but now the drug in many countries are allowed to take only twelve years.

In Russia, he allowed six years. In addition, despite the known risks of using this drug for diarrhea of ​​unknown origin, Imodium can be purchased over the counter without a prescription, besides it advertised on TV as a safe remedy for diarrhea, which, of course, unacceptable.

Action Imodium Imodium - for the treatment of diarrhea  Imodium - for the treatment of diarrhea
   due to the suppression of transmission of nerve impulses to smooth muscles of intestine in its wall.

In adults, this inhibition occurs temporarily and partially inhibited intestinal motility. The children also, especially in young, Imodium can cause intestinal paresis and intestinal obstruction.

Since simultaneous anal sphincter spasm (circular muscle situated in the anus), stool is not removed from the intestine, toxic products absorbed into the blood, causing a variety of changes in the body of the child, including edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   abdominal tissue. Together with the intestinal obstruction is a condition often caused by the death of a child.

 Imodium for children - can not be used without prescription

Appointment Imodium children over six years

After six years of Imodium prescribed to children in acute and chronic diarrhea (diarrhea) infectious origin.

To distinguish the origin of non-infectious diarrhea from intestinal infection, which is also often accompanied by diarrhea, the doctor can only.

The most common intestinal infection in a child occurs with fever, general signs of intoxication (headache, general malaise and so on), the appearance in the feces of mucus and blood. But sometimes it can be worn over and appointment Imodium may enhance toxicity.

Infection can also be connected to non-infectious diarrhea, as in the intestine contains many microorganisms that can cause disease under certain conditions (conditionally pathogenic).

In this regard, children and after six years of Imodium may appoint a doctor. Sometimes children Imodium prescribed for chronic diarrhea, which in childhood most often develops on the background of congenital enzyme deficiency and certain other digestive problems. In this case, Imodium prescribed by the doctor, he also picks up the dose, which reduces the number of acts of defecation to one or two per day. The doctor should monitor the patient's condition, as in this case, does not exclude the possibility of joining the infection.

 Imodium for children - can not be used without prescription

How children Imodium is contraindicated

Imodium is contraindicated under the age of six years for all children. After six years, it can not be taken in case of hypersensitivity to the body of the child component of this drug, erosive and ulcerative processes in the gut (eg, ulcerative colitis), as well as pseudomembranous enterocolitis, develops with prolonged and unjustified antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   - And in fact, and in another case, an overflow bowel feces may cause perforation (rupture). By punching Imodium may result in the use of a child with a congenital bowel diverticulosis - protrusion in the wall of the intestine while its thinning.

With great care should be prescribed Imodium children with diseases of the liver, which are accompanied by a decrease in the function of the body. As a result of decreased liver function (it is decomposed into non-toxic drug metabolites) in blood can accumulate increased concentration of Imodium, which causes severe disorders of the central nervous system (CNS).

 Imodium for children - can not be used without prescription

Side effects in children Imodium

In children, the most serious side effect is intestinal obstruction caused by constipation, bloating as a result of accumulation of increased amounts of gases, liquids and spastic contractions of the intestine.

Side effects may develop CNS, they are manifested in the form of lethargy and drowsiness. But if there is an overdose of the drug (for example, due to lower liver function), severe disorders of the central nervous system with dizziness and failure of the respiratory center to a stop breathing Stop breathing (apnea) during sleep - upper airway obstruction  Stop breathing (apnea) during sleep - upper airway obstruction

Imodium child may appoint a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Imodium

Impetigo in children: what you need to know

June 10, 2010

 impetigo children
 Impetigo - skin disease accompanied by the appearance on the face of painful red spots gradually become scabs. Although impetigo is not uncommon, it is an unpleasant disease can be prevented and easily cured.

 Impetigo in children: what you need to know

What is impetigo?

Skin disease most commonly affects children, impetigo is accompanied by the formation of surface bubble-pustular rash. Impetigo usually begins with the appearance of painful red spots that become bubbles through a stage full of sores that resemble brown. Particularly susceptible to staining area around the mouth and nose, but often affected areas are the hands, feet, back of the hand. Although most of the children suffer from impetigo, infected with the disease can be people of any age.

There are several types of impetigo:

  • Contagious impetigo, or non-bullous impetigo is a highly contagious form of the disease caused by the bacteria streptococcus. The most common injury areas are areas of the skin around the nose, mouth, forearms and back of the hand. Combing lesions leads to the spread of infection to other parts of the body, due to which contagious impetigo is quite difficult to cure.

The first stage of contagious impetigo - the appearance of itchy red spots, 24 hours turn into bubbles. Within a few days bubble formation dry up or burst, forming a thick brown crust. Although after the treatment the skin remains red spots, impetigo causes scars. Residual stains usually disappear within a few weeks.

  • Bullous impetigo Impetigo - the scourge of kindergartens  Impetigo - the scourge of kindergartens
   caused by staph bacteria. As a rule, bullous impetigo diagnosed in children under the age of two years, accompanied by formation of pus blisters on the skin of the hands, legs, torso. Being extremely unattractive spectacle, arising bullous impetigo blisters are not painful to humans. Bursting, yellowish pustules form a crust that disappear with treatment. Unfortunately, the process of full recovery from bullous impetigo takes much longer than in the contagious impetigo.
  • Ecthyma, the most serious form of the disease, affects the dermis, the deepest layer of the skin. It is deep ulcerative skin disease, ecthyma and painful sensations, and the formation of deep ulcers covered by crust. The most common lesions are the main area of ​​the feet. Since the bacteria reach the dermis after treatment ecthyma high probability of scars.

 Impetigo in children: what you need to know

Causes of impetigo

The causes of impetigo are streptococcus and staphylococcus bacteria that exist on the surface of the skin and enter the body as a result of cuts, insect bites, or other mechanical damage to the skin. Propagation of bacteria occurs in many ways, including:

  • Combing. These skin diseases like eczema Eczema - is difficult to treat  Eczema - is difficult to treat
 , Herpes, dermatitis, chickenpox, scabies Scabies - when overwhelmed by ticks  Scabies - when overwhelmed by ticks
   often accompanied by the development of impetigo as itching of the skin caused by these diseases makes a person combing the affected skin. Mechanical damage to the skin as a result of scratching contribute to the introduction and spread of bacteria. Even the most minor injury to the skin can cause bacterial invasion and the occurrence of impetigo.
  • Contact with patients. Even in the absence of skin lesions of impetigo can be transmitted through direct contact with patients in public places - for example, school or public transport, gym, sauna. To catch impetigo may be using the same items as the patient impetigo - for example, clothing, housewares, toys.

 Impetigo in children: what you need to know

Prevention of impetigo

Thorough hygiene - a key condition for preserving the health of the skin and prevent impetigo. To avoid the disease, you must:

  • Conduct a thorough treatment of wounds, especially in the case of children. Cuts, scratches, insect bites, all types of irritation and rashes on the skin should be thoroughly cleaned and processed as they are a breeding ground for the spread of bacteria that cause impetigo.
  • Regularly wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Regularly take a shower.

 Impetigo in children: what you need to know

Treatment of Impetigo

If you notice red spots, pus bubbles or other symptoms of impetigo should immediately consult a doctor. In the initial stage of impetigo curable without the use of medicines, but more severe cases usually prescribed antibiotics in the form of ointments or tablets.

  • Affected skin should be kept clean by washing with warm water and soap. Before applying the ointment must remove the scab with a clean cloth; otherwise crusts obstruct the penetration of the drug into the skin.
  • Take antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   should be strictly according to the instructions of the doctor even if the symptoms of impetigo began to disappear, you must complete the course receive. Otherwise, the infection can come back and cause deterioration.
  • When applying medical ointment, you must use disposable gloves or wash their hands immediately after applying the ointment to the damaged skin. This will reduce the risk of spread of bacteria to other areas of the body.
  • To reduce itching and irritation, it is necessary to use a softening cream.
  • Damaged skin necessary to cover with a bandage to reduce the risk of spreading the infection to other parts of the body and infecting other people.
  • Do not use shared towels, clothing, bed linens. Personal belongings of the patient impetigo need to wash and washed separately.
  • Prior to the complete cure of impetigo should avoid hot tubs, saunas, swimming pool.

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  • impetigo
