You gained weight during menopause? - It's time to reset it

June 13, 2012

 weight during menopause
 When a woman begins menopause, you lose weight How to lose weight - basic principles  How to lose weight - basic principles
   it is very hard. Weight gained during menopause - one of the many symptoms that plague women during this period of transition in their lives, as the years assigned to them in the childbirth, coming to an end with the cessation of the menstrual cycle. Still, for women who are on a diet, will be small consolation to say that the weight gained during menopause - a normal part of the aging process.

 You gained weight during menopause? - It's time to reset it

What happens to the body during menopause

When a woman's body begins to produce less and less estrogen and reproductive function gradually fades away, the body is experiencing a transitional period during which the changing hormone levels make themselves felt a mass of features. These include hot flushes (sudden sharp rise in temperature), heart palpitations, depression, feelings of anxiety, irritability, mood swings, poor concentration, vaginal dryness Vaginal dryness - hormonal balance  Vaginal dryness - hormonal balance
 , Urgent urination, irregular menstrual cycles and weight gain.

On average, the symptoms of menopause appear to fifty and a half years, this period is called perimenopause, although some women already in the forties begin to notice changes in their body, which is also the norm. Although in theory the transition to the cessation of monthly can take from one to five years, some women within 10-11 years of experience these signs of change in their lives.

While conventional medical knowledge rank menopause to a violation being treated more and more women are to him as a natural process - part of what it means to be a woman - and overcome this transition often with natural resources than gormonalnozamestitelnoy therapy, which leads to cancer, and stroke. Good support from the woman who has gone through this process, or even overcome it, is a necessary aspect to overcome all the components of such a transition.

 You gained weight during menopause? - It's time to reset it

How to stop the addition of kilograms of menopause

After the entry into menopause, weight loss should be achieved not through a strict diet. If you deprive yourself of too many calories, your body will undergo depletion. Choose a varied diet low in fat but rich in fiber, available in fruits and vegetables. Paying attention to the fact that the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   have slowed as a result of the natural aging process, you have to be reduced from 200 to 400 calories a day How many calories a day you need to lose weight - everyone has their own rate  How many calories a day you need to lose weight - everyone has their own rate
   during the daily meals.

Dropping weight during menopause - a rather tricky topic, since it is related to psychological factors. Make sure that you eat only when hungry. Do not resort to food to "seize" depression, anxiety and frustration, which are typical companions of menopause. Contrary to these problems blow off steam and calories with aerobic exercise program.

Article Tags:
  • weight

Herbs used in menopause

March 29, 2012

 herbs menopause
 For centuries, women are turning to herbs to relieve symptoms of menopause. Herbs that are available today, are often based on real and proven methods of treatment, taken from the ancient philosophies of treatment. For example, the Chinese herbal medicine menopause treated with Dyagel drug, while black cohosh kistenosny - National American agent.

 Herbs used in menopause

Do the herbs relieve symptoms of menopause

Tools such as black cohosh kistenosny, chaste tree and evening primrose oil, physicians in Europe are prescribed for menopausal symptoms are more likely than hormone replacement therapy. While American scientists complain that the effectiveness of such treatments is not proven, thousands of women are ready to offer incredible evidence of their benefits.

Although all the grass can not help all women are the same, a woman should try different funds before turning to traditional drugs, replacement hormones, which increase the risk of cancer and have other side effects. In addition, although not free, but the grass is much cheaper than traditional prescribe medication.

 Herbs used in menopause

Herbs for menopause relief

With the growing concern about the risk of cancer as a result of the use of hormone replacement therapy, more women are turning to natural remedies to reduce the symptoms of menopause and to ride out the climax without the use of hazardous chemicals.

Most successfully relieve the symptoms of menopause following herbs:

  • Black cohosh kistenosny

Kistenosny Black cohosh, a perennial buttercup family, native to North America, considered one of the top aides in menopause. He eases hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings are easy. Although its mechanism of action is not fully understood, it does not cause increased bleeding and does not affect the activity of estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
 As previously thought. Although the dosage may vary depending on the composition, average preim. It should be 20 mg twice a day. Some women suffer gastric distress, though, in general, side effects of this plant are rare. If you have high blood pressure, consult your doctor before taking the drug.

  • Soybeans

In studies conducted among Asian women, whose diet includes 40-80 mg of soy isoflavones per day, and compared them with only three American women, Asian women showed fewer symptoms of menopause. Inclusion of more soy in the diet for 4-12 weeks may ameliorate hot flashes. No specific dosage and you should be guided only by the capabilities of your stomach. It will take time before you feel relief from the reduction of symptoms.

  • Dyagel drug

The Chinese medicinal plant Dyagel been used for thousands of years to reduce the cramps during menstruation and to treat symptoms of menopause Symptoms of menopause: forewarned is forearmed  Symptoms of menopause: forewarned is forearmed
 . He is well regulate themselves monthly, which becomes chaotic with the beginning of perimenopause. Usually the grass taken between 300-500 mg twice or three times per day. In the case of hypersensitivity to it may increase menstrual bleeding, and fever may occur. If you have these symptoms, stop taking the drug. If you are taking blood thinning medication, do not start receiving angelica without consulting your doctor.

  • Wild yam

Wild yam - this plant is applied topically as a natural form of progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 . It not only facilitates hormonal abnormalities that plague women during menopause, but also reduces the pain associated with endometriosis Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences  Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
   and fibrous tumor cells decreases, which often appear in women at this stage of life. It is not known about its interactions with other drugs or side effects, and the ointment is applied to the lower abdomen or hips. Make sure that the product you are using contains 400 mg of American pharmaceutical system per ounce. Many manufacturers produce ointment dimensional tool for the application of the dose, eg dispenser for distributing the correct amount of ointment.

Article Tags:
  • Menopause and traditional medicine
