Symptoms of menopause: forewarned is forearmed

October 29, 2013

 symptoms of menopause
   It called climacteric period during which the function of organs of female reproductive system is extinguished - reduced level of sex hormones. Over time, the ovaries cease to mature eggs and menstruation cease completely, ie, menopause. Symptoms of menopause every woman can manifest themselves in different ways.


When menopause occurs

The average age of menopause in women in Europe - 52 years old, but it may occur and after 30-40 and aged significantly over 52 years. In some cases the menopause occurs quickly, and the woman does not go through normal menopause (however, in some patients abrupt onset of menopause causes more severe symptoms than are those who are going through a normal pre-menopausal).

However, in most cases, monthly terminated immediately, and finally stopped a few years after a woman has symptoms appear typical of the period before the onset of menopause.

On average, the symptoms persist for a period of two to five years; only vaginal dryness Vaginal dryness - hormonal balance  Vaginal dryness - hormonal balance
   with age will become more pronounced.


What could be the symptoms

The first symptom of menopause are usually those or other changes in the menstrual cycle. Some women are more abundant monthly, while others - less, in some they last less than usual, others - long, and so on. The frequency of menstrual bleeding may also vary. Sometimes monthly go every two or three weeks, and occasionally - once every three or four months. All this is normal during menopause, although very heavy menstrual bleeding should seek medical attention - they can point to various diseases of the reproductive system.

The weakening of libido, presumably due to a decrease in estrogen levels during menopause. Many patients in this period admit that they do not get as much pleasure from sex as before.

Headaches - a common complaint of women during menopause. In most cases, they can cope by using OTC analgesics - for example, paracetamol, ibuprofen or aspirin. If these medications do not help, see your doctor and ask him to write you a more potent analgesics.

The sharp increase in heart rate or palpitations of the heart, is not the most common symptom of menopause, but capable of causing arguable concern. When palpitations should first consult a cardiologist or family doctor to make sure that you do not have heart disease, or time to begin treatment if they show up. If palpitations are caused by menopause, they stop soon after menopause.

Depression, anxiety, fatigue, and mood changes. Some experts believe that the cause of these symptoms of menopause is a decrease in estrogen, and, according to others, an important role is played by the ratio of women to a climax.

In Western culture, the climax is often perceived as a disease that robs a woman to become pregnant and have a baby, that is, practically, the most of her feminine nature.

Meanwhile, anthropologists have repeatedly noticed that in cultures where menopause is seen as a natural phenomenon (which it is), the majority of women in this period did not suffer from depression, anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 And changes of mood they are subject to no more than usual. Perhaps to avoid the onset of menopausal depression, many women would have been enough to change their attitude to a climax and realize that after the cessation of menses they do not cease to be women, and not become worse in any whatsoever way. If a woman has already developed depression, it is, of course, need expert help.

Menopausal hot flashes - hot flashes, usually in the upper body, and sweating at night, familiar to most postmenopausal women.

When the tide had read menopause, the skin on the face, neck and torso is red: sometimes - in full, and sometimes - separate spots. At the same time it can increase the heart rate, heart palpitations although often do not occur during the menopausal hot flashes. The duration of the tide can be up to a few minutes; they often occur in the first year after the onset of menopause.

Many women during menopause have trouble sleeping - the reasons for this may be a sweating at night, and increased anxiety. Various relaxation techniques (such as meditation) and regular physical activity, in many cases, help to improve sleep. If these methods are not sufficiently effective, ask your doctor to prescribe sleeping pills; on its own initiative it is better not to take - even those sold without prescription.

Vaginal dryness - a symptom that many women face is the first time during menopause. Because of this intercourse can become painful, and this, together with the weakening of libido, often leads to a decrease in sexual activity. Various ointments and preparations for oral administration may temporarily remove vaginal dryness Vaginal dryness: Causes and Symptoms  Vaginal dryness: Causes and Symptoms
 And let a woman lead a fulfilling sex life.

During menopause, many women develop recurrent urinary tract infections, such as cystitis Cystitis: urgently take action  Cystitis: urgently take action
 . It is believed that this is due to a change in vaginal flora - due to lower estrogen levels it worse protect women from infection.

Osteoporosis, strictly speaking, is not a symptom of menopause, but this disorder can develop as a result of lowering the level of estrogen and, as a consequence, reduce bone density. To reduce the risk of osteoporosis, it is recommended to systematically engage in sports, including, be sure to perform strength exercises, eat foods rich in calcium, to limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages, and stop smoking. When diets lacking calcium take nutritional supplements containing the substance.

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  • symptoms of menopause

Symptoms of menopause - when the desire is weakening in his eyes

October 29, 2013

 Symptoms of menopause
 Many women notice symptoms of menopause long before they really menopause. The main reason is the gradual decrease in the level of estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health


What are the symptoms of menopause

  • Changes in the menstrual cycle are often the first, the earliest sign of menopause that women are often ignored. The cycle may be longer, shorter, and there may be other changes. Until then, for many years, began monthly at regular intervals, like clockwork, from the beginning of hormonal changes during menopause, they can come to the early, then later. Those with the menstrual cycle has always been quite irregular, such changes usually do not notice. Either way, the chance of pregnancy at this time is saved, and if menses are delayed by a long period, it is necessary to do a pregnancy test.
  • Hot flashes - mild and rare - can also be early signs of menopause. At first, women can blame poor ventilation and hot weather, and only when this symptom begins to appear more or less regularly, they realize that in fact it is menopausal hot flushes The treatment of menopausal hot flashes - medication plus a healthy lifestyle  The treatment of menopausal hot flashes - medication plus a healthy lifestyle
  • Changes in mood without objective reasons .  This is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of menopause, which may appear after a slight decline in estrogen levels in the blood .  Many women in the period before the onset of menopause, and often without cause feelings of sadness, irritation, anger, anxiety, .  Even when everything is objectively good, calm mood and even joy can quickly turn negative emotions, unable to restrain that not everyone and not always .  First of all, you need to be aware that this emotional state is not due to external causes, and hormonal fluctuations - only one understanding of this will help much better cope with the situation .  Women who fear that their psychological state can badly affect relations with loved ones can see a doctor, he appointed them to hormone replacement therapy .  Help psychologist too can benefit .
  • Sleep problems. Many women during menopause sleep becomes disturbing, they often wake up in the night, for a long time can not sleep. Because of this in the morning women feel tired; often reduced concentration, which can affect performance. Hormone replacement therapy often helps to bring sleep to normal.
  • Palpitations of the heart - episodes of palpitations, which can last from a few seconds to a couple of minutes. These may be early signs of menopause, but before we draw final conclusions, should be checked by a doctor - not ruled out heart disease (especially if in addition to palpitations symptoms such as shortness of breath and fatigue).
  • The weakening of the sex drive. Against the background of stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 , Quick and chaotic modern life, this feature might initially go unnoticed, but eventually she begins to realize that he no longer felt a strong attraction to his partner (and anyone else at all), and / or that her orgasms become less intense.
  • Many women early signs of menopause are missing or are so mild that they do not notice. However, when the level of female hormones drops significantly below normal for a woman of reproductive age level in the body begins to change, which is already hard to miss.


The main symptoms of menopause

  • Cessation of menstruation. It is believed that the climax and ended with menopause, menstruation if there was at least one year. During the month of menopause may not be available for several months, and then begin again, and again stop for a while. So it can continue for a long time. Unexpected vaginal bleeding sometimes deliver considerable inconvenience to women, although they are rarely very abundant. At this time, a woman still could get pregnant, and to prevent unwanted pregnancies, it is necessary to continue to use contraception. Just in case there was no monthly for over a year, we can assume that contraception is no longer needed, but the onset of menopause, of course, does not negate the need to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases by.
  • Headaches - a common symptom of menopause, presumably related to changes in the level of female hormones.
  • Menopausal hot flashes at significant decrease in estrogen levels become more frequent and intense. They usually stop after menopause.
  • Reduced bone density is one of the most dangerous results lowering estrogen levels in the blood. Over time, this can lead to osteoporosis and fractures as a result of injuries that normally a woman would have suffered no consequences.
  • Increased anxiety - symptom that is associated with an imbalance of hormones, although the exact cause of anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
   during menopause is unclear.
  • Forgetfulness and trouble concentrating - age-related changes that may occur in the first period before the onset of menopause.
  • Vaginal dryness and thinning of the vaginal walls. These symptoms of menopause can lead to discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse, which sometimes has a significant negative impact is not the privacy of patients. The problem can be eliminated by hormonal drugs, but because they can cause serious side effects, their application is justified only if the signs of menopause greatly diminish the quality of life of the patient.

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  • symptoms of menopause
